Illinois State University Normal, IL, USA Save to list Majors and Degrees Majors InformationMajors92 Degrees and Majors Offered A B M D A B M DAGRICULTURAL/ANIMAL/PLANT/VETERINARY SCIENCE AND RELATED FIELDSAgriculture, General ✓ ✓AREA, ETHNIC, CULTURAL, GENDER, AND GROUP STUDIESEuropean Studies/Civilization ✓BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCESBiochemistry ✓Biology/Biological Sciences, General ✓ ✓ ✓Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology ✓BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, AND RELATED SUPPORT SERVICESAccounting ✓ ✓Business Administration and Management, General ✓ ✓Construction Management, General ✓Finance, General ✓Insurance ✓International Business/Trade/Commerce ✓Management Information Systems, General ✓Management Science ✓Marketing/Marketing Management, General ✓COMMUNICATION, JOURNALISM, AND RELATED PROGRAMSJournalism ✓Mass Communication/Media Studies ✓Public Relations/Image Management ✓Speech Communication and Rhetoric ✓ ✓COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES/TECHNICIANS AND SUPPORT SERVICESGraphic Communications, General ✓COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SUPPORT SERVICESComputer Science ✓Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications ✓Computer and Information Systems Security/Auditing/Information Assurance ✓Information Technology ✓ ✓EDUCATIONBiology Teacher Education ✓Business and Innovation/Entrepreneurship Teacher Education ✓Chemistry Teacher Education ✓College Student Counseling and Personnel Services ✓Curriculum and Instruction ✓ ✓Early Childhood Education and Teaching ✓Educational Leadership and Administration, General ✓ ✓Elementary Education and Teaching ✓Health Teacher Education ✓Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching ✓Mathematics Teacher Education ✓Music Teacher Education ✓ ✓Physical Education Teaching and Coaching ✓Reading Teacher Education ✓Special Education and Teaching, General ✓ ✓ ✓Technology Teacher Education/Industrial Arts Teacher Education ✓ENGINEERING/ENGINEERING-RELATED TECHNOLOGIES/TECHNICIANSEnergy Systems Technology/Technician ✓Engineering Technologies/Technicians, General ✓Industrial Technology/Technician ✓ ✓ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE/LETTERSEnglish Language and Literature, General ✓ ✓ ✓FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES/HUMAN SCIENCESApparel and Textiles, General ✓Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General ✓ ✓Human Development and Family Studies, General ✓FOREIGN LANGUAGES, LITERATURES, AND LINGUISTICSForeign Languages and Literatures, General ✓French Language and Literature ✓German Language and Literature ✓Spanish Language and Literature ✓HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMSAthletic Training/Trainer ✓Audiology/Audiologist and Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist ✓ ✓ ✓Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist ✓Dietetics/Dietitian ✓Environmental Health ✓Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator ✓Nursing Practice ✓Nursing Science ✓Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene ✓Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse ✓ ✓HISTORYHistory, General ✓ ✓HOMELAND SECURITY, LAW ENFORCEMENT, FIREFIGHTING AND RELATED PROTECTIVE SERVICESCriminal Justice/Safety Studies ✓ ✓LEGAL PROFESSIONS AND STUDIESLegal Assistant/Paralegal ✓LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES, GENERAL STUDIES AND HUMANITIESGeneral Studies ✓Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies ✓MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICSMathematics, General ✓ ✓PARKS, RECREATION, LEISURE, FITNESS, AND KINESIOLOGYExercise Science and Kinesiology ✓Parks, Recreation, and Leisure Facilities Management, General ✓Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness, General ✓PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIESPhilosophy ✓PHYSICAL SCIENCESChemistry, General ✓ ✓Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Other ✓Geology/Earth Science, General ✓Physics, General ✓PSYCHOLOGYCounseling Psychology ✓Psychology, General ✓ ✓School Psychology ✓PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND SOCIAL SERVICE PROFESSIONSSocial Work ✓ ✓SOCIAL SCIENCESAnthropology, General ✓ ✓Archeology ✓Econometrics and Quantitative Economics ✓Economics, General ✓Geography ✓Political Science and Government, General ✓ ✓Sociology, General ✓ ✓VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTSArt/Art Studies, General ✓ ✓Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General ✓ ✓Fine/Studio Arts, General ✓ ✓Interior Design ✓Music Performance, General ✓Music, General ✓ ✓Visual and Performing Arts, Other ✓ ✓ Similar Colleges Bradley UniversityPeoria, IL DePaul UniversityChicago, IL Eastern Illinois UniversityCharleston, IL University of Illinois ChicagoChicago, IL University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignChampaign, IL Loyola University ChicagoChicago, IL Northern Illinois UniversityDekalb, IL Southern Illinois University-CarbondaleCarbondale, IL Southern Illinois University-EdwardsvilleEdwardsville, IL Western Illinois UniversityMacomb, IL University of IowaIowa City, IA Michigan State UniversityEast Lansing, MIPreviousNextSee AllColleges in Illinois 3.5 GPA Colleges: See Colleges That Accept a 3.5 GPA 3.6 GPA Colleges: See Schools That Accept a 3.6 GPA 3.7 GPA Colleges: See Schools That Accept a 3.7 GPA 23 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 23 ACT Score 24 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 24 ACT Score 25 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 25 ACT Score 26 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 26 ACT Score 27 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 27 ACT Score 28 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 28 ACT Score 29 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 29 ACT Score 1100 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept an 1100 SAT Score 1150 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1150 SAT Score 1200 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1200 SAT Score 1250 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1250 SAT Score 1300 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1300 SAT Score 1350 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1350 SAT Score