24 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 24 ACT Score
The ACT is one of the main standardized tests that most colleges require as part of their admissions process and an examination that tests your knowledge in Science, English, Math, and Reading. Scored on a scale of 1 to 36, there are 215 questions that need to be answered in the 2 hour and 55 minute time window. There’s also an optional Writing portion that adds 40 minutes to the test.
Is a 24 ACT Score (73rd Percentile) Good?
The goal of taking the ACT or SAT is earning a score that makes you eligible at a vast majority of schools, while hopefully also making you a competitive candidate. A score of 24 on the ACT certainly makes you an eligible candidate, as well as competitive!
To put this another way, a 24 ACT score puts you at the 73rd percentile, meaning you scored higher than 73% of all test takers — which is definitely something to be proud of! Give yourself a pat on the back and make sure the rest of your application shows you off just as well!
What Colleges Can I Get Into with an ACT Score of 24?
You’ll find that a variety of colleges accept students who score 24 on their ACT and we’ve listed a sample of them below. While a standardized test score by itself won’t guarantee admission, a score of 24 combined with complementary grades and a good essay will go a long way toward earning acceptance.
Should I Retake the ACT with a 24 Score?
A 24 is considered competitive at many schools, so retaking the test isn’t necessary unless a school you’re interested in typically likes to see higher scores. If you’re set in that department, focus on keeping your GPA up and even start working on a personal statement for your applications.
If your goal is to get into a more selective school, a 24 is still a few points shy of the typical benchmark. During your junior year, finding time to retake the ACT before college application season isn’t too difficult, it’s more a matter of studying hard to improve. Take a look at the detailed score results to determine if any section was particularly difficult for you. Devote more study time to any subject with a lower score. Pick up a book of practice ACTs or download a practice test to work on until you’re more comfortable with the subject matter. Be sure to use a stopwatch to simulate all test day conditions.
In addition, remember test taking strategies such as how to budget time properly, the art of making an educated guess, and keep in mind that it generally isn’t beneficial to spend too long on any one question. Go through the exam and answer all the questions that are easier to handle before devoting more time to tackling the harder ones.
If you’re a senior, it’s possible to retake the test in time for later application dates but, depending on your goals, it may be better to concentrate on making the rest of your application as strong as your ACT score. Continue maintaining a good GPA by devoting enough study time to all classes and refusing to give in to senioritis. Take some additional time to put together a well-crafted personal essay that best represents your voice and accomplishments. Have your college counselor give it a read and critique to make sure that it’s as marketable as possible. Be sure to reach out to valued teachers and mentors to ask for letters of recommendation.
24 ACT to SAT Equivalent
A 24 SAT score is equivalent to earning an 1160 to 1190 on the SAT. There are some key differences between these two tests, including in time management skills, tools, and even content, so the score you earn on one may not be the score you earn on the other. However, this can be used as a good comparison tool.
Scholarships for a 24 ACT Score
When it comes to earning merit for academics, things like your SAT and ACT score, or for your GPA, it’s typically referred to as merit aid. An ACT score of 24 may earn you some merit aid, but typically you need at least a 25 to be eligible for the majority of merit aid scholarships. However, there are so many other types of scholarships you can apply for outside of merit, including based on your location, passions, and life circumstances! Start applying for scholarships today so you can offset the cost of tuition.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 24 a good ACT score?
“Good” ACT scores are ones that make you eligible and competitive at a wide variety of colleges and universities. An 24 ACT provides both at all but the selective institutions and up, making it a great score for students interested in moving onto higher education!
What colleges can I get into with a 24 ACT score?
There are a number of colleges you can apply to as a competitive candidate, among which you can include the University of Arizona, Ohio University - Main Campus, and Pace University as Target institutions.
What percentile is a 24 ACT score?
A 24 ACT score puts you at the 73rd percentile, meaning you scored higher than 73% of all test takers.
What is the SAT equivalent of a 24 ACT score?
A 24 ACT score is equivalent to earning a 1160 to 1190 on the SAT.
What scholarships can you get with a 24 ACT score?
With a 24 ACT score, you’re likely eligible for some merit aid. To be eligible for more, you’d likely need a 25. There are plenty of other types of scholarships to apply for, though, including ones for location, passions, extracurriculars, and life circumstances. Start applying today to build up your nest egg!