26 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 26 ACT Score
The ACT is a standardized test that measures proficiency in four subject areas: Math, Reading, Science, and English. Colleges and universities use standardized tests, like the ACT, during the admission process and are always looking for competitive scores. Composed of 215 questions over 2 hours and 55 minutes, the ACT is scored between 1 and 36, with the national average score for two million-odd test takers falling at 20.8.
Is a 26 ACT Score (83rd Percentile) Good?
When we analyze ACT score, a “good” score is one that makes you eligible and competitive for your ideal college — does a 26 do that for you? A 26 makes you eligible to apply at a majority of colleges, and competitive to apply at some competitive institutions!
Understanding your score from a different angle, a 26 ACT score puts you at the 83rd percentile — meaning you scored higher than 83% of all test takers. Give yourself a pat on the back and make sure the rest of your college application complements your amazing ACT score!
What Colleges Can I Get Into with an ACT Score of 26?
A score of 26 means that your application will be competitive at a significant number of colleges and universities. We’ve assembled a sample list below. While a standardized test score does not guarantee admission in and of itself, these schools have a history of accepting applicants with a 26 on the ACT.
Should I Retake the ACT with a 26 Score?
A 26 ACT score is a great score and, unless your ideal school is seeking a higher one, there’s no particular reason to retake it.
Make sure you have a good college list of between 7 and 10 schools to apply to and see where your ACT score falls on their commonly accepted scale. Most schools will offer a 25th and 75th percentile when it comes to ACT scores, and if you’re at or closer to their 75th percentile, it means that you’re a good candidate for them. Keep up with your classes and get a head start on your personal statement or recommendations—college application season will come up quick!
If your ACT score falls in a 25th percentile range or below, it would make the college or university a “Reach” school for you. If you want to improve your odds of getting accepted at the institution (or increase the likelihood for merit aid), you can consider retaking the test, especially if you’re a junior.
While it will take some concerted effort, it’s possible to become a candidate for even selective schools, who look for applicants boasting at least a 30 ACT. To prepare for a retake, look at the score breakdown for each subject area of the exam and concentrate on the topics that need the most improvement. Pick up a book of ACT practice tests or download a practice test and time yourself during each simulated exam in order to get more comfortable with the test’s format. If it’s affordable, consult a tutoring service for assistance on increasing your score to an elite level.
For seniors, it would be a bit of a time crunch to retake the test unless the deadlines for applications are in the latter half of the season. Depending on your situation, since a 26 is already a great ACT score, it might be more beneficial to concentrate on ensuring the rest of your application is as marketable as possible. There are a number of aspects to every application, all of which typically include a personal statement, recommendations, and official transcripts. Keep putting in the effort in all classes to ensure a strong and consistent academic track record. If there’s enough time after school, consider joining any extracurricular activities that might help your application look even more impressive. Consult with a college counselor or academic advisor while composing your personal essay to ensure that it best represents your voice and achievements.
26 ACT to SAT Equivalent
A 26 SAT score is equivalent to earning a 1240 to 1270 on the SAT. There are some differences between these two tests, including in time management skills and content, but this is a good way to compare the scores from the two tests!
Scholarships for a 26 ACT Score
A 26 ACT score makes you eligible for merit aid, both from your potential institution and third-party scholarships. Start applying today, but not only for merit options. Apply for scholarships based on your location, life circumstances, passions, and extracurriculars, too!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 26 a good ACT score?
A 26 ACT score makes you eligible to apply for a vast majority of colleges, as well as competitive at some selective institutions. Give yourself a round of applause because you’ve earned a good ACT score!
What colleges can I get into with a 26 ACT score?
There are tons of colleges you can apply to as a competitive candidate, including Arizona State University-Tempe, Michigan State University, and Howard University.
What percentile is a 26 ACT score?
A 26 ACT score puts you at the 83rd percentile, which means you scored higher than 83% of all test takers!
What is the SAT equivalent of a 26 ACT score?
A 26 ACT score is equivalent to earning a 1240 to 1270 SAT score.
What scholarships can you get with a 26 ACT score?
You’re eligible to earn merit aid with a 26 ACT score, from both your potential institution and third-party scholarship providers. Start applying for scholarships today!