27 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 27 ACT Score
The ACT is an entrance exam that many colleges use as part of their application process. The ACT is made up of four sections, Mathematics, Science, English, and Reading, and is graded on a scale from 1 to 36.
The 2 hour and 55 minute minute test is taken by nearly 2 million students each year with an average composite score of 20.8. The exam also features an option Writing portion that takes 40 minutes and is graded separately from the other four portions.
Is a 27 ACT Score (85th Percentile) Good?
A 27 ACT score puts you a good deal about the national average (20.8) and makes you eligible for acceptance at a vast majority of schools. It also makes you competitive at some selective institutions, as well as eligible for merit aid! Considering those things, it’s easy to say that a 27 ACT score is good.
Looking at this from another angle, earning a score of 27 lands you in the 85th percentile, meaning that you’ve scored higher than 85% of all test takers. Give yourself a round of applause!
What Colleges Can I Get Into with an ACT Score of 27?
Because an ACT score of 27 demonstrates ample academic skills, it’s good for competitive admission to many colleges and universities. We’ve compiled a representative list of them below. Keep in mind that an ACT score by itself is not a guarantee of acceptance but all of these schools have established a precedent of admitting students with a 27.
Should I Retake the ACT with a 27 Score?
Since your ACT score is in tip-top shape to be competitive at most colleges you’d apply to, it may be more beneficial to focus on the other aspects of your college application, such as your GPA, extracurriculars, and personal statement, rather than retaking the ACT. You should definitely do some research on the types of ACT scores the institutions you’re interested in commonly accept, though. They’ll often give a breakdown in 25th and 75th percentiles—if your ACT score lands in or near the 75th percentile, it indicates that you’re a good candidate. More likely than not, with a score of 27, you’ll often be in or near the commonly accepted range.
The only exception may be the most selective colleges, or those within the Ivy League, which are seeking closer to a 30 to 32 ACT score for consideration. If that’s your goal and you’re in your junior year, it’s certainly attainable prior to application season. Before you retake the test, analyze the section breakdown provided with your score to see which section of the ACT to focus study time on. Brush up on standardized testing strategies, such as making educated guesses and strategic question skipping to deal with time constraints. Once you’ve reached this level of performance, it gets more and more difficult to improve your score, so it may be beneficial to hire a tutor if it’s financially possible.
If you’re a senior, the best route is to concentrate on strengthening all the other parts of your application. If you’re gung-ho on retaking the test to earn a better score, it’s possible to have test results back in time, but double-check the deadlines on your list.
Make sure you allocate enough time to have your college counselor read through your essay and make suggestions for improvement. Contact a favorite teacher or mentor and ask them to compose a letter of recommendation—the better they know you, the more illuminating their letter will be. You’re so close to the finish line, so stay dedicated to doing well in all classes and end your high school career with your best foot forward.
27 ACT to SAT Equivalent
A 27 ACT score is equivalent to a 1280 to 1300 score on the SAT. While there are some key differences between these two standardized tests, this is a good way to understand how the scores compare.
The ACT and SAT differ in time management, tools used, and even content, so the score you earn on one test may not directly correlate to the other. In fact, you may excel more at one test versus the other.
Scholarships for a 27 ACT Score
A 27 ACT score makes you eligible for a good amount of merit aid, likely both from your potential institution and third-party scholarship providers. Be sure to apply for scholarships outside of merit, though, including ones for life circumstances, passions, location, and more!
Use our extensive scholarship database to get started on your college nest egg today.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 27 a good ACT score?
A good ACT score is one that does three things: one, it makes you eligible to apply to many schools, two, makes you a competitive candidate, and three, gets you merit aid. A score of 27 on the ACT does all three, making it a good score!
What colleges can I get into with a 27 ACT score?
You’re eligible to apply to a vast majority of schools, including some selective ones. Among your Target institutions, you can include University of California-Davis, Temple University, and Louisiana State University.
What percentile is a 27 ACT score?
A 27 ACT score puts you at the 85th percentile, meaning you scored higher than 85% of test takers.
What is the SAT equivalent of a 27 ACT score?
A 27 ACT score is equivalent to earning a 1280 to 1300 on the SAT. There are some key differences between the two tests, but this is a good way to compare the tests.
What scholarships can you get with a 27 ACT score?
An ACT score of 27 makes you eligible for merit aid from both your potential institution and third-party scholarship providers. Start applying today for scholarships of all types using our extensive scholarship database!