1250 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1250 SAT Score
The SAT is a standardized test taken by upwards of 2 million students each year that colleges and universities utilize as part of the admissions process. The SAT is scored on a scale of 400-1600, with 1600 as the best possible result. A score of 1250 is considered a good performance and demonstrates that you answered a majority of questions on the exam correctly.
Is A 1250 SAT Score (81st Percentile) Good?
A 1250 SAT score is generally considered a good score — it makes you an eligible and competitive candidate at a majority of schools. It also has the added perk of putting you in the merit aid range, meaning that you’ll likely earn some cash for college just for your score!
Another thing to note about a 1250 score is that it ranks approximately at the 81st percentile, meaning that you scored higher than 81% of students nationwide. With a score of 1250, you’ll be able to apply to just about every college or university and this score will be competitive for admission to the vast majority of them. In addition, a 1250 is on the borderline for acceptance at a number of selective schools. Since one of the goals of taking the SAT is to complement your academic record and make you eligible for competitive acceptance into as many institutions as possible, a score of 1250 is very useful for this purpose.
What Colleges Can I Get Into With an SAT Score of 1250?
A score of 1250 makes it possible to apply to a very large number of schools, including some selective institutions. We’ve put together a sample list of these colleges and universities below. Be advised that an SAT score by itself is not a guarantee of admission, but every one of these schools has demonstrated a history of admitting students with a 1250.
Should I Retake the SAT with a 1250 Score?
There’s not any pressing reason to retake the SAT. You can retake it if you’re looking to become a more competitive candidate or are hoping to earn more merit aid. On average, students earn an extra 60 to 70 points when they retake the SAT.
You’re in a prime position to get accepted to college—your focus can safely switch to creating a well-rounded college list. Schedule an appointment with your college counselor and ask for their recommendations and attend a few sessions with visiting college admissions officers to get to know their institutions better. Check the commonly accepted SAT scores for all of the institutions that you’re interested in. They’ll typically provide 25th and 75 percentile scores. If yours is closer or exceeds the 75th percentile, you’re in excellent shape for being admitted. Concentrate on your classroom performance for the rest of your high school career.
If your score falls in the 25th percentile or below, consider retaking the SAT to see if you can improve upon the score. You’ll likely only encounter this at the most selective and elite-level institutions, such as those in the Ivy League who boast a 25th percentile nearing 1390 on average.
If you decide to retake for any reason, junior year is a great time to do it. Schedule it for at least 4 to 6 weeks out to give yourself adequate time to prepare. Utilize free SAT prep resources online or look into test prep books, consider taking an SAT prep course if you haven’t already or tender the idea of a tutor to help you achieve those extra few hundred points.
If you’re heading into your senior year, it may be difficult to retake the SAT with time to study, receive your results, and still meet the deadline for college applications. If that turns out to be the case, a 1250 is competitive at a number of institutions, so focus on making sure that the rest of your application presents you in as good a light as your SAT score. One of the most important ways to stand out is by composing a well-crafted personal essay. Be sure to devote enough time to the essay and have your college counselor review it to offer suggestions for improvement.
1250 SAT to ACT Equivalent
A 1250 SAT score is equivalent to a 26 on the ACT. This isn’t entirely a 1:1 comparison since there are some key differences between the two standardized tests, including time management and content.
Scholarships for a 1250 SAT Score
With a 1250 SAT score, you’re eligible for merit aid and will likely find a good number of scholarships to apply for. Don’t limit yourself, though. Make sure you also search for scholarships based on extracurriculars, life circumstances, future major, and more! Use our extensive database to get started today.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 1250 a good SAT score?
With a 1250 SAT score, you can apply to a majority of colleges as a competitive candidate, making it a good score!
What colleges can I get into with a 1250 SAT score?
You can apply as a competitive candidate at a majority of colleges, including Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, University of Iowa, and Texas A&M University-College Station as Target institutions.
What percentile is a 1250 SAT score?
A 1250 SAT score puts you at the 81st percentile, meaning you scored higher than 81% of all other test takers.
What is the ACT equivalent of a 1250 SAT score?
Earning a 1250 SAT score is equivalent to earning a 26 on the ACT. While there are some differences to these standardized tests, this is a score equivalent.
What scholarships can you get with a 1250 SAT score?
With a 1250 SAT score, you’re eligible for merit aid as well as other types of scholarships, including ones for extracurricular activities, life circumstances, and more. Make sure to start applying to scholarships as early as possible so you can build a nest egg and offset the cost of tuition. You can start by using our extensive scholarship database!