Westminster University
Salt Lake City, UT, USA


Westminster University

Karen from West Jordan, UT

a current student here
Am learning a lot
Westminster College is a very challenging school. I feel like I am learning so much more than I would be in a larger school because I am able to interact with other students and professors both during and after classes. All of the professors have office hours where they dedicate time to help their students with homework and difficult course objectives. I have found this to be so helpful because, as a student, you feel like you are getting a one-on-one lesson with the expert!
Am enjoying being here
I love being a student at Westminster. The campus is beautiful and quaint, and I especially love how anywhere you go, someone will always be smiling and ready to say hello. Everyone at Westminster is very friendly, not only the students, but all of the staff, as well! It's never awkward seeing a professor on campus because they go out of their way to call you out (by name) and ask how you're doing. It's great! It definitely makes you feel at home and a part of the Westminster community.
Bang for the buck
The school is definitely on the far end when it comes to costs, but I think every cent is worth it. They are also really great at helping you apply for financial aid and scholarships, which is something I wouldn't be able to do without! My first year of college, I had no idea how or what to do to fill out the FAFSA. The Financial Aid office told my mom to bring in the application and they would help us fill it out. How amazing is that? The professors are great and dedicated to helping us students learn the most we can, which pays off when it comes to post-graduation.
Tips for prospective students
Apply for as many scholarships as you can! I wasn't lucky enough to have my parents help with my educational costs because of difficulties we as a family have been having with finances. Fortunately, I have had zero worries when it comes to paying tuition, etc. because of the many scholarships I received!
Great for these types of students
If you like the extra help of being able to go to tutors, other students, and professors, this is the school for you! Another huge factor in my decision to attend this school was that the campus is small and classes contain an average of 17 students. This makes hearing and seeing during class a breeze!

Elizabeth from Riverton, UT

a current student here
In three sentences
Westminster College is the best college I have attended! They have small class sizes and great professors. The college has a great reputation in Salt Lake City
Tips for prospective students
Be very diligent when applying for scholarships within the college. Live in the dorms your freshman year. Have fun and explore the Sugar House area off campus!
Academic Rigor
The academic rigor depends on your major, but overall the classes are demanding. The professors are very helpful and there are many other resources available for everyone. The classes are challenging but do not be intimidated.
Dorm Life
Dorm life is great! Freshman year, you get to meet basically everyone between your classes and your Residence Hall. They have great freshman activities. Most of the R.A's are awesome
Food and Dining
The food is alright. The college is working on getting a new food program that will promote more local and organic food. The coffee is great though!
What to do for fun
There are so many things to do in the Sugar House area and downtown Salt Lake. Sugarhouse Park is a great place to run, hang out, or study. City Creek Mall is Downtown and it is beautiful with great stores and restaurants.
Bang for the buck
Westminster College looks expensive at first, but the longer you attend, the most scholarships you qualify for. The college is very reputable with AMAZING professors. The quality of education is very high.
Campus Safety
Campus safety is very high! I've never felt unsafe on campus. The college is right next to a major road but it is hidden by trees all around the college. The town of Sugar House is very safe as well.

Ashley from Pocatello, ID

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I am in love with Westminster College. It turned out to be the perfect college for me, the size, student to professor ratio was just what I wanted and needed. Also it is a liberal arts school which really expanded my views on learning not only academically but also politically. I am also able to do extracurricular activities I love while still being able to focus on my education. For example I was the lead in the school play but am not a theater major, it really gives everyone the equal opportunity to participate in what ever they love. If you are looking for a small, one on one school, Westminster College is perfect for you.
Am enjoying being here
I love living on campus, I met the most awesome people, and now they are my friends for life.
Bang for the buck
Westminster is very expensive, and they keep raising the tuition cost every year. It was a very difficult choice to come here and spend triple then what I would at my state colleges. Yet, I still think it's worth it, I have been presented with more opportunities then I ever would have the chance to do at the state level. Also Westminster has provided me with plenty of scholarships to help make the tuition costs more reasonable. It is worth it for the private education that Westminster College provides.
Tips for prospective students
If you are a student who needs more one on one attention from a teacher, and works well in smaller settings then Westminster is perfect for you. I suggest living on campus if you do decide to make Westminster your college of choice. It allowed me to meet new friends and have opportunities to just chill when I'm not studying. If you want a bigger school with frats and sororities then I suggest maybe the University of Utah but just know they will have very large class settings, and won't have the intimate feeling Westminster provides.
Great for these types of students
This school is perfect for students who prefer small class room settings, one on one interaction, and a great sense of community wellness. There are so many clubs that there is always a group for someone.

mckenzie from spanish fork, ut

a current student here
In three sentences
westminster offers individualized teaching and maintains an excellent national reputation to prepare all students for their careers. a school where the class sizes allow for professors to know students by name and where one-on-one meetings and collaborations with them are commonplace.
Tips for prospective students
get involved and make friends. westminster offers a lot of great opportunities for students to be involved. also because of the small student population, it enables students to interact and know one another on a more personal level.
Academic Rigor
the course load a westminster is tough but because of the small class sizes westminster offers, it allows one-on-one collaborations with professors. westminster's smaller campus and class sizes grant its students opportunities to create these relationships and foster a richer learning environment.
Dorm Life
i do not life on campus. however the student housing is right on campus.
Food and Dining
the food westminster serves on campus is delicious and fresh. with lots of options, and daily specials everything is made fresh with ingredients brought in locally.
What to do for fun
westminster hosts multiple campus events throughout the year, including: casino night, movies, concerts and much more. aside from what westminster offers salt lake city is a great place to have fun because you can easily be downtown and within 15 minutes escape to the mountains.
Bang for the buck
i believe the preparation and experiences westminster offers its students with is an outstanding experience and well worth the cost.

Mystery from Clinton, UT

a current student here
In three sentences
Westminster College in Utah is a private college. It includes a unique and close knit community made up of a unique blend of cultures, religions, and backgrounds. It provides a distinct and rich learning environment where students can feel comfortable asking questions and getting one on one time with there professors.
Tips for prospective students
Apply early and make sure you have everything figured out a.k.a. what books and supplies you need and how much they are going to cost, what academic programs if any you are interested in, and the cost of tuition with and without financial aid.
Food and Dining
Large, indoor cafeteria that includes a deli, a grill station, and a pizza caf�© and on campus coffee shop.
What to do for fun
Westminster lies just on the edge of Salt Lake City's Sugarhouse district with easy access to downtown Salt Lake as well as the mountains. Skiing, snowboarding, hiking, rock climbing, concerts, coffee shops, comedy shows, dances, capture the flag, block parties, barbeques. There's always something going on at Westminster.
Great for these types of students
Westminster is great for students who love getting outdoors, meeting new people, and being involved in fun, challenging classes.
Clubs and Activities
Westminster has clubs for everything from hiking and the outdoors to slam poetry. Everything students need to get involved.
Campus Safety
We have a bike theft problem

Cassidy from Bountiful, UT

a current student here
In three sentences
This school is so helpful and open to doing anything they can to help the students to succeed. The classes are small so the professors can interact with each student more. And the social scene is great!
Tips for prospective students
Get involved. Be friendly and approachable. Maybe take up skiing or snowboarding, because that is what everyone does.
Academic Rigor
The academics are great. They are challenging but there are many opportunities to get help if you need it.
Dorm Life
The dorms are nice, especially if you are willing to spend more money for them. And if you have issues with your room mates than they will work with you to move you to a different dorm room.
Food and Dining
The food places on campus are good, but tend to serve the same things a lot.
What to do for fun
There are ski resorts only 30 minutes away, there is an indoor climbing wall. and There are nice indoor pools and hot tubs.

Daniel from Littlerock, CA

accepted here and planning to attend soon
In three sentences
Westminster is a great small liberal arts school. The campus is small, well manicured and classes are easily accesible. Great option if the U and BYU are not in your consideration.
Tips for prospective students
Take a campus visit! make sure you know what the school looks like, it may be too small for your liking. Get to know the staff! The admissions recruiters and fin aid people are very helpful and willing to assist you with what ever you need.
Bang for the buck
Westminster is quite pricey but with the education that you are going to receive, it is well worth it. They also are very generous with financial aid!

Megan from Salt Lake City, UT

a current student here
In three sentences
westminster college is a fantastic learning environment for all students. the small size of the school allows for one-on-one interactions with professors and other members of the faculty. the school is a close-knit community where anyone can find a niche where they belong.
Tips for prospective students
the greatest tip i can give is attend all of your classes. the class sizes are small enough that it will be noticed if you are not there. also, you are paying for these classes, so why not attend them? another tip i can give is participate in as many on campus activities as you possible can. aswc, the people who plan events, come up with so many fun activities and events that are great ways to meet people and generally just have fun.
Academic Rigor
the school does expect a lot from you academically. in general, they just want you to be a well rounded student. the learning requirements cover topics from your typical school subjects to personal wellness, such as physical fitness. there's also a huge emphasis in learning about diversity, shown in the many diversity lectures we receive at this college from a multitude of guest speakers. this year the e-portfolio was made a graduation requirement, as these portfolios would show just how we grow as students and display how well-rounded we have become as a result of attending this school.
Dorm Life
the dorms are fairly nice. some of the bathrooms need to have some work done, but overall the living conditions are good. people can be really rowdy, especially at night and during the weekends, but that is probably something that will occur at any college, not just this one. there are kitchens on each floor of the freshmen dorms, so if you like to cook you will have a place to do so. heating and air conditioning are both fully functional, and the lounges are great places to just hang out in. overall, i have rather enjoyed my stay at the dorms.
Food and Dining
the food that the shaw center has is good, but there is little variety. i find myself going through a cycle of the same sort of foods every week. they also have few healthier snacking options, as they offer mostly chips and sweets, little in the way of crackers. the food does seem a little overpriced as well. their hours of operation are also a little inconvenient, as they close relatively earlier, around 7 or 8 pm. overall, the food they have is decent and i don't mind eating it, though i think there is room for improvement.
What to do for fun
there is a lot to do here in sugar house, where the school is located. there is a shopping area within walking distance, which has several clothing stores, a barnes and nobles, several restaurants, etc. there is also a second-run theatre where you can see movies for around $2, which can make for a fun friday night. outside of sugar house, there is even more to do. there are multiple shopping centers, including the gateway, and many restaurants, bowling alleys, arcades, etc. if you are outdoorsy, there are many places to hike, camp, rock climb, ski, snowboard, and any other outdoors activity you can think of, that are available to students. in my opinion, it would be very hard to be bored living in this area.
Bang for the buck
you definitely get your money's worth at this school. part of your tuition pays for a uta bus pass and on-campus events. so far this year we have had popular comedians perform, multiple guest speakers, the dollar-theatre buy out (free movies for a day), bowling nights, and many more. the quality of the education i have been receiving from this school also is definitely worth the money i pay to receive it. the money you pay for tuition definitely is put to good use, both in extracurricular activities and academics.
Clubs and Activities
there are so many clubs and activities available to students attending westminster. i myself am a member of three clubs: westminster asl, westminster players, and catholics on the rocks. aswc puts on a lot of activities throughout the year, such as mr. westminster, glow-in-the-dark capture the flag, and several dances. we also have a variety of sports teams, including soccer, lacrosse, and basketball. there is also a variety of inter mural sports available throughout the year.
Greek Life
there is no greek life at this school.
Campus Safety
this is a very safe campus to live on. i have never felt threatened while here, nor while walking around in the surrounding areas. overall sugar house and westminster are safe places for all to live. campus patrol is always out there, and are more than willing to escort you if you feel uncomfortable at night.

Stephanie from West Valley, UT

accepted here and planning to attend soon
In three sentences
great advancement opportunities for students after college.
great internship opportunities and helpful placement in them.
great helpful and encouraging staff.
Tips for prospective students
great business program.
wonderful networking around the school and helpful professors
Food and Dining
great restaurants around downtown
What to do for fun
snowboard, ski, hike, fish, hunt, rock climb, all outdoor sports are amazing here in salt lake city
Bang for the buck
so far to me for the opportunities and helpful professors it is defiantly worth it.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
the founder of the wax for snowboard helped create this school. featured on school of rock.
Great for these types of students
networking and determined students.
Clubs and Activities
volleyball, snowboarding, skiing, lacrosse
Campus Safety

Tequina from West Jordan, UT

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The learning environment it's absolutely incredible. The class sizes are small to insure that your teachers have time to dedicate to you and your education as well as improvement. The advantages to this are the great experience that come from it. Having the ability to connect and have your professors actually know you means more motivation for class, someone to assist you in apply for future schools and provide resources for a future profession. My professors have been able to take time out of their day and assist me in classes and in my future en devours. I couldn't ask for a better environment with more knowledgeable people as each professor here has their PHD in the area they are teaching.
Am enjoying being here
The people are fantastic. Student Council has a great involvement with the students and what changes they are wanting to see be made. There are constant events occurring on and off of campus all of which can allow you to get to know others. Education wise you always have free tutors, class assistants, and other resources. You can become involved in extracurricular activities, theater activities, etc that don't require you being involved within that major.
Bang for the buck
The information i have learned here is incredible. This school hasn't only changed my cognitive knowledge and abilities but taught me about the world, changed my outlook and political views, and taught me ways to benefit and improve myself just within my own life.
Tips for prospective students
Westmisnter is a complicated school to get into but it is fabulous. Be sure to get involved as there are always ways to meet others, get help in school, and make the best of your learning experience. There is always something going on in and out of school and it can be an incredible environment to grow.
Great for these types of students
Students who are willing to put in work, want to have a good time, love recreational activities, aspiring for a profitable future, wish to have resources and connection outside of college life, and just want to have incredible life changing experience overall.