University of Washington-Bothell Campus
Bothell, WA, USA


University of Washington-Bothell Campus

Maggie from Ridgefield, WA

accepted here and planning to attend soon
Will learn a lot
University of Washington (Seattle) has an excellent reputation of education, so I am very pleased to know that many of the same professors also teach at the Bothell Campus. I feel like it will be a more personal experience.
Will enjoy being here
To me the idea of living in Seattle itself is overwhelming, but Seattle has a lot to offer. Bothell is 15-20 minutes north of Seattle, so I will still have access to the big city without constantly being in it. I think the location will make it more enjoyable for people who like the city, but don't necessarily want to live in it.
Bang for the buck
Again, the UW is often known for providing near Ivy-league educations for a public school price. How can you argue with that?
Tips for prospective students
Here are some pros:
-No dorms! All housing is fully furnished on-campus apartments for about the same price as a dorm would cost
-Close to Seattle
-You can minor at the main campus
-Private school feel (less than 3,000 people)
-Same professors as the main campus
-Small class sizes (Max. of about 60 for general studies)
-Simple campus (only 2 UW buildings--hard to get lost!)
-Campus is kind of set up on a hill so it's rather private (but only a short walk from downtown Bothell)
-Extremely earth conscience!!! UWB is VERY eco-friendly! They use solar panels, are big on recycling, have a special plastic on the windows to help regulate temperature), and even let the grassy lawns die in the summer.
Great for these types of students
Perfect if you want the benefits of a big school while attending a small school. UWB has many of the same professors as the Seattle Campus so the level of education is the same, and you can minor in any of the programs UW Seattle offers. You're still a full-on Husky but can have a more personal connection to professors because it's smaller. I come from a relatively minute area so the idea of 600 person lecture halls freak me out! UWB classes are at max. 60.

Vanessa from Kenmore, WA

a current student here
In three sentences
I really enjoy having small class sizes at UW Bothell. It allows me to learn so much better and have a connection with students. I also like that most every student here is so driven to succeed.
Tips for prospective students
I really wish that the school would invest in a lab. We just got a whole new building for science and math but I think it would be great to actually have a lab.
Academic Rigor
The teachers do their absolute best to teach everything they can while you are in class with them.
Dorm Life
The apartment is more spacey than a dorm, so that is nice.
Food and Dining
We actually don't have a whole lot to offer. I believe it would be a huge benefit for the school to have some sort of market where they sold organic food such as fruits and vegetables.
What to do for fun
You can walk right into Bothell and get some coffee (or go to the Lyon's Den on Beardslee). As well as that, if you are living in a dorm there are tons of activities planned at the main place. You can also go to lectures or get involved in sports and other clubs offered.
Bang for the buck
There is a gym and classes that come free when you are a UW student. Also, we have a very nice field and we are right next to the wetlands which makes for a nice walk.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
There are these three carved wooden statues on campus and legend has it that if you sleep in the middle of them before finals, you will pass with an A.
Great for these types of students
If you are going into business, I would recommend this school. Also, if you are even going into engineering or science, it's still very good and you get that professor to student interaction you need in order to learn the hard stuff.
Clubs and Activities
There are TONS of clubs and probably about 3 activities planned a week to go to. Very fun.
Campus Safety
You get an email notification if anything has happened and I've only ever gotten one from Bothell campus. I have gotten like 20 in the last year from the Seattle campus though (it's a lot bigger over there so more things to happen I guess)

Laura from Mukilteo, WA

a current student here
In three sentences
Due to the usage of small class sizes ranging from 6-48 students, the University of Washington Bothell provides a higher chance of interaction not only with the professor but also with other students. The better the connection a student has a with a professor the better his or her grade will be since there're more chances for understanding the material to the best of his or her abilities. Apart from being the fastest growing campus in the state of Washington, UWB, offers new and different courses every year, updating things and keeping prospective students interested; with this evidence the UWB clearly deserves a solid A+ as they have everything you need and more, to succeed in life.
Tips for prospective students
Use all the resources available in school, they are there to help you! Take advantage of UWB biggest attraction; the fact that you can communicate with your professors and they are willing to help - should definitely increase your chances for success. Never be shy to ask questions, they like it. Just because it's a smaller than usual University it doesn't mean you shouldn't treat it with the same respect you would treat a bigger school, be proud- husky pride to the max!
Academic Rigor
Since we have a quarter based year- classes go by quick with a lot of material
Being implanted into our brains, which is always good, who doesn't like a challenge ;)
Dorm Life
Well, i don't live in a dorm but i have seen them and they are amazing! They used to be apartments and the University bought them, so you can only imagine how roomy they are, they have a kitchen, washing and drying machines! :) and every week there's an activity going on for all the students occupying the dorms- free food! Oh yeaahh!!
Food and Dining
We have a subway on campus, a cafeteria with a Starbucks, a cafe from by the students for the students, and a different food truck comes every day! We have quality selections at affordable and reasonable prices :)
What to do for fun
What not to do! With other 90 clubs, UWB makes sure you never run out of things to do! There's always an activity- community service-dance-kareoke night-free massages- going on!! There's nothing that the UWB doesn't do! :)
Bang for the buck
I would recommend not buying any new books, just because used ones are much cheaper and also take advantage of the free food! They always have activities with free food! But not as expensive as it would be in a private university :)
Great for these types of students
If you feel Bothell is great but want to experience being part of a class with over 200 students then you are welcomed to take a class at our sister campus in Seattle- which is huge and full of beautiful buildings :)
Clubs and Activities
There's always something happening-some of then have bad timing though, so if you work you have to pick your clubs well :)
Greek Life
No fraternities or sororities at this campus
Campus Safety
Security everywhere and a security report is sent to your phone every time theres an issue or at the end / beginning of every quarter.

Bernadette from Mill Creek, WA

a current student here
In three sentences
I never knew I could learn so much!! In the interdisciplinary studies program all the professors have enthusiasm to question the burning questions of society. Students are encouraged to think critically and become global citizens.
Tips for prospective students
UWB prides itself on diversity. Having an open mind, but taking a position is important, especially if you enter any of the interdisciplinary studies programs.
Academic Rigor
For my degree, Society, Ethics, and Human Behavior, there is a lot of reading and writing. As long as you complete the readings you will be fine. Time management is key!!
Food and Dining
There is a subway on campus which is great. Other than that there is the cafeteria and another small cafe to get food. The options are not the best, but there are frequent visits from local food trucks that are great!
What to do for fun
Bothell can be a little boring, but with the great public transit system you can get to downtown Seattle for things. UWB also plans snowboarding, kayaking, concert, and other fun trips.
Bang for the buck
College is expensive, but I really feel like I am getting my money's worth. I was EXTREMELY hesitant to go to school just because I have to do it completely on loans. UWB is a great value and I feel like with this education I can take my future careers further.
Great for these types of students
UWB is great for diversity. As a LGBT student I have never felt a bit of discrimination and most teachers would not tolarate it anyway. This is a great school for people who want to become more outspoken.
Campus Safety
One of the greatest benefits of UWB is its location. It is in a very safe location and you dont have to worry much. You get the quality of the University of Washington, but do not have to worry about being downtown late at night.

Lisa from Kirkland, WA

a current student here
In three sentences
Beautiful campus, caring and accessible faculty, resources available from the entire UW network of campuses. UW Bothell is a big university with a community college feel. Small class sizes make for a better learning environment.
Tips for prospective students
Wear you walking shoes and come prepared to learn. Learn what your resources are so you can best use them to help you achieve your scholarship goals.
Academic Rigor
High standards but with an accessible faculty you are almost guaranteed to succeed. You always get out what you put into it: if you work hard, you will learn the material and learn to become a leader in the community.
Dorm Life
Unknown. There are college campus accommodations, I commute from off campus.
Food and Dining
Mom's Home Cooking, coffee stands, Subway on campus, bookstore has a grab-and-go selection. Cascadia Community College is starting a Bastyr culinary school, supposed to start seeing some good food from there too.
What to do for fun
Many activities are organized through the UWAA. A new football/sports field was just completed and a team is being formed for fun play. More sport fields are coming. Beautiful campus is easy to walk around, provides for a variety of terrain to challenge even the most athletic, while keeping is reasonable between campus buildings.
Bang for the buck
You are getting a great deal for the money here. This is a big university (part of the University of Washington, Seattle) but it feels like a community college.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Amazing library reading room view of the Woodinville valley.
Great for these types of students
Non-traditional, undecided, advancing from Associates to Bachelors' or higher.
Clubs and Activities
Many and varied.
Greek Life
Honor societies are present and do quarterly community activities.
Campus Safety
Campus security is knowledgeable, friendly and accessible. Don't mess with the parking monitors though. Make sure you park using consideration and pay for you parking! You don't want to make the parking monitors unhappy.

Elizabeth from Kenmore, WA

a current student here
In three sentences
I absolutely love The University of Washington- Bothell Campus! The class sizes are small which allows students to be able to better understand the material. Everything is easy to find and everyone is so helpful!
Tips for prospective students
Don't be afraid to talk to a counselor at UWB!
I also suggest talk to any current or former students of UWB that you can find, they are full of knowledge and are willing to help!
Academic Rigor
The academics at UWB are amazing. The academics are challenging but there are lots of programs like the writing centers and the math help groups that are provided to make sure that you achieve great grades!
Dorm Life
I don't actually live in the dorms but I have heard nothing but great reviews about them! Students who dorm together always get along and have fun! The dorms at UWB are very safe!
Food and Dining
Since UWB is a small campus there is not much selection of food. However there is a Subway and two other student/school run areas where you can get great food!
What to do for fun
There are a huge amount of clubs and actives that you can join at UWB. There are also job fairs and carnivals that you can attend. UWB is also right next to downtown Bothell which is currently being renovated and will soon get a shopping mall!
Bang for the buck
UWB is very affordable and has many ways to make paying for school not so hard.
Clubs and Activities
There are tons and tons of clubs and activities to join including student government!
Campus Safety
There are always campus security patrols and Bothell Police Department patrols at UWB making it so that the campus is incredibly safe!

Avalon from Bothell, WA

a current student here
In three sentences
UWB is a public university with a private school feel--small class sizes and a warm, tight-knit campus community. Here, there is a heavy focus on interdisciplinary studies, critical thinking, and getting students prepared for life after undergraduate education. In my time here, I have learned so much that I will take with me for the rest of my life.
Tips for prospective students
Go into UW Bothell with an open mind- I came to the school dead-set on transferring and becoming a linguistics major. After my first year, I found that I was much more interested in two majors from the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences: Global Studies and Media & Communication Studies. Also, I loved my professors and fellow students too much to leave. UW Bothell offers many things that large universities can't. The school is heavily invested in one-on-one student tutoring (writing center, math and science center, digital media tutoring) and on-campus jobs where students can learn from experience. Socially, UWB wouldn't be the top choice for a typical college experience, if that's what you're looking for (and you could be looking for the opposite!). There's no Greek system, limited dorms, and no party scene. As the school grows, however, more students are living on campus and developing a more social feel. Get in while you still can, it gets more competitive every year!
Academic Rigor
UW Bothell presents the same level of academic rigor as the other UW campuses. However, the support and small class sizes make it a bit easier to learn and focus on your studies. The only thing notably different from other campuses is that some classes seem to have more relaxed midterms and finals. Relaxed meaning they aren't always a huge deal and usually consist of a paper or presentation (sometimes a quiz, too).
Dorm Life
Personally, I've never lived in the dorms. However, they are not your typical student housing. The dorms at UW Bothell are relatively new: I believe they first made them available to students during the 2009-2010 school year. I've heard great things about them, and they seem to be a great place for students to spend their first year. They're all converted apartments, so as far as I know there are private bathrooms and kitchens. This is quite a step up from traditional dorms, but is in turn a bit more expensive.
Food and Dining
There are two cafes on campus: Food For Thought, the cafe and student center in the U Bookstore, and Common Grounds, the cafe and common area in the UW2 building. They are good for a quick snack or coffee, but it's hard to get a full meal here on the cheap. There's also a Subway in the library building, but eating from there gets old quite fast. Because the school is so small and so many students are commuter students, there's really no cafeteria or dining hall. Sometimes it's better just to walk 8 minutes to Bothell's Main Street and get some Thai food.
What to do for fun
There's always events going on on-campus: holiday celebrations, movie nights, open mics, intercultural night, Bollywood night...and many more, with new events added every year. There's also becoming more and more clubs on campus--it's likely you'll find one that matches your interest.
Bang for the buck
At UW Bothell, you're paying a public school price for a private school education. Of course it's a deal! However, tuition costs keep rising at a ridiculous rate. Sooner or later, we could be paying as much as these private schools.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
UWB is a very green campus. Just down the hill from the main part of campus we have a huge wetlands restoration project...great for science and environmental majors! If you go the opposite direction, there's a trail running through the forested area of campus, where you can see The Ancestors Sculpture and a few original houses still standing from when the entire campus was a farm.
Great for these types of students
Students who commute, students who prefer individualized attention, students who aren't looking for the typical college experience, academically and socially open-minded students.
Clubs and Activities
There are always new clubs and activities being set up at UWB. We have a great Student Life department, and many students with diverse interests. There are also activity fairs a few times a year, so you can always know what's happening around campus.
Greek Life
There currently is no Greek system at UW Bothell. Some students have suggested it, but nothing has been formally established.
Campus Safety
UW Bothell is a VERY safe campus. I've always felt safe there. They'll send out the crime statistics report at the end of every school year, and for the occurrences of each type of offense, you'll be pleasantly surprised to find 0's, 1's, and rarely 2's. Even out of those offenses, I've never seen incidents of violence.

Alan from Tulalip, WA

a current student here
In three sentences
The atmospheres of the students and professors are very positive. The school welcomes diversity with a strong, focused passion. Everyone is dedicated to help the students to be successful.
Tips for prospective students
Be prepared to expand your mind of the program choices that are available. Be sure to lose that idea of procrastination, assignments become difficult after the second quarter. If you are dedicated to the readings and other assignments, you will have a fun and enjoyable time. If you are a freshman, take classes that interest you the most. Do not worry about determining your major right away, there will be time for that later on to decide. Do talk with your advisors in the office for it is their duty to help you succeed. Use the resources from the school to help you, programs available are the Quantitative Skill Center and the Writing Center. Of course, more programs are Careers finding, Finances, and Travel abroad. The library of the University is very helpful to you as a student. If you need a book or information but cannot find it, just ask the workers inside. Remember that these programs are for your usage, and you will enjoy the school's education and resources.
Academic Rigor
Those employed at the University of Washington Bothell Campus want to make you succeed. You will be given material that you will construct your understanding. In any given topic enrolled into, you will learn and retain at least a few ideas or concepts. The classes at the UWB are not to be skimmed, they contain information that can be vital to life around you. There are a numerous classes to choose. There is no reason to fall behind in your grades, this school is designed to educate you, not to get-by.
Dorm Life
Life in the dorm could not be any more fun. You have the options to choose either your own private dorm or share with other students. The types of room options available are single bedroom shared with two others, share a room with one other, or share a room with one other and two others in another room. Student placed together by the results of a quick poll that is taken prior to housing assignments. You are then best placed with another with similar options that you chose. This is to make the chances of you and your roommate get along with one another.

-See more of special programs in Clubs and Activities section-
Food and Dining
There are a few choices for food on Campus. A Subway is located within the same building as the library. If you want to have a social gathering of friends, there is both Food for Thought and the small cafeteria in the UW2 Building. These are great choices to pick from if you are hungry and on break from a class. If you want to explore the area of Bothell, it is about a mile walk to get to the mini mall of Bothell. This area consists of small businesses, most of which are dinning places, some of which even accept Student discount.
What to do for fun
Whether it is playing outside in a friendly game of Frisbee or visiting a friend within the dorms, there is so much to do. If interested in the clubs, you help plan and coordinate events with fellow peers. There is also a local trail for joggers and bicyclists by a local park for those enjoy the outdoor activities.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
On the campus grounds, there is a group of interesting wooden figures. These monuments are known as the Guardians that watch over the campus. It goes along with the local lore that the guardians protect the local wetlands. The campus location is by wetlands to observe the local wildlife. Agricultural programs will be developed in the near future for interactions to learn about the life within Washington.
Great for these types of students
If you are interested in dance, agricultural, psychology, law, and programming, this school has a variety for you. These are some of the programs available at UWB; anything else is available to see on their main webpage If you like a smaller class environment, then this is perhaps one of the smaller sizes of student population at a university.
Clubs and Activities
On campus grounds, there are many clubs and programs to choose. There is of course UWSB, the University of Washington Student Body (similar to ASB). This organization is dedicated to provide the best time you can have within the University. They take suggestions to what you would like to see, whether that is a program or an event. They listen to the opinions of students to construct the productivity of the school.
Some clubs are available to those in housing. There is the Residential Housing Association (RHA) and the subcommittee of it; Housing Sustainability Committee (HSC). These organizations are there to plan and coordinate events. Whether you are interested in being a part of being Green within the community or simply want to help put together a celebration.
Campus Safety
The University of Washington provides a safe and welcoming atmosphere. The school's main drive is to be welcoming to those of diverse cultures. Diversity is carried on a high level within the campus and housing grounds. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated to students. The school also has a local security office which has security officers on duty, which are also on call whenever. They patrol the area to enforce that problems or conflicts will not occur to the student body or the school.

Blaine from Mercer Island, WA

a current student here
In three sentences
The teachers actually care for their students, mostly due to the much more intimate class sizes. The staff is always friendly and willing to help. Parking is plentiful and close to campus.
Tips for prospective students
Sit in the front. You can measure a students grade in these classes by how close they sit to the front and center. Always participate, the teachers just want to make the learning experience more enjoyable.
Academic Rigor
The classes are hard if you make them hard. Do the work when it is due and you should be just fine. Make a little extra effort after that and you will excel.
Dorm Life
I do not stay in on campus housing, but I would like to not have to commute everyday.
Food and Dining
The Food for Though Cafe is delicious. For a more normal meal there is a Subway on campus. The Commons is good for small snacks, but meals are so-so.
What to do for fun
Billiards in the basement. Lounging in the Cafe. Hanging out in the center for serious play.

Sarah from Seattle, WA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The classes are taught by professors from all over the world who are exceptional in knowledge. My peers are intelligent and competitive yet accepting and eager to share their learning experience.
Am enjoying being here
The classes at nights after work are interesting enough to keep me awake even after my eight to ten hour day at work beforehand.
Bang for the buck
College tuition was increased 20% yet our campus is much smaller than the Main Seattle location. A letter was sent to each student saying the Bothell branch was better off financially than its counterparts yet needed to go with the increase regardless.
Tips for prospective students
Be prepared to study and open to others. Ask as many questions as you can. Do not take on too much or it may become overwhelming.
Great for these types of students
Competitive and unique.