University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS, USA


University of Southern Mississippi

Janna from Slidell, LA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The Professors here are really dedicated to making sure the students understand the material. The classes are fun and easy to get to.
Am enjoying being here
One of the best things about this school is the students. There is always something going on, especially around game time. Friday Night At the Fountain (FNATF) is one of the best. Golden Eagle Welcome Week (GEWW) is another that is focused on freshmen and transfer students to help the transition to Southern Miss great; you also get to paint the Eagle Walk. But other than that, the students are nice and someone is always willing to help if you need it.
Bang for the buck
It's a tad expensive if you're not a Mississippi resident or didn't get the out of state fee wavered. But it's worth it no matter how expensive it can be.
Tips for prospective students
Buy your books after classes start if you can; some classes use different books than listed, or just wont use them. Attend the football games, FNATF, and Eagle Walk before the game starts. You don't want to miss out on the excitement.
Great for these types of students
Those who want to pursue a career in music, who love small campuses, and those who want to be part of a crazy fan base.

Scarlett from Raleigh, MS

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The classes offered at USM have provided me with everything I hoped to expect when I went to college. I have found most classes to be interesting, and they hold my attention in a way classes in high school never could. I am thrilled by the right amount of challenging material and the opportunities to learn more from experiencing the lesson instead of just sitting in class taking notes. We are urged to be creative, not just studious. Also, the professors at USM go out of their way to provide each student with the assistance they need. My professors have helped me achieve my academic goals with their dedication to my education.
Am enjoying being here
The campus community is really amazing, and there is an event almost every night of the week. Music lovers will enjoy the FREE weekly performances of the music department, which are a variety of orchestra, choir, and guest performers. There are bi-weekly productions from the theater department who perform everything from Shakespeare to Moulin Rouge. FREE Forums are held frequently to discuss major topics from around the world, such as immigration and the revolution in Egypt. FREE Science Cafes are held in the campus Starbucks and feature speakers on topics in the scientific community, including the social sciences (Starbucks specialty drinks are 1/2 off during these lectures!). During football season, Friday Night at the Fountain is the pep rally for the campus. It provides FREE live entertainment to help pump up the fans for the big game. Football enthusiasts, games are THE place to be on Saturdays. The great thing about USM is that there are always incredible new people to meet, whether at one of the events listed previously or walking back from the library at midnight and stumbling upon a salsa group practicing in the middle of campus (oh, yeah, it happened to me). The campus community really has made my college experience the best I could have ever hoped to enjoy.
Bang for the buck
Tuition for USM is one of the highest in the state for a public university. Combined with on-campus residency, which means housing and meal plan costs, it can become expensive. This said, it is totally worth the money. Tuition covers a variety of things, including admission to sporting events and access to the campus gym. The number of activities provided for free on campus help ease the strain of college living expenses. The cost is basically an investment in education, and, as the old saying goes, you get that for which you have paid.
Tips for prospective students
If you are bringing a car on campus, weekends are the time to nab the best parking spots because a lot of people leave to go home. If you become tired of eating in the cafeteria, try going to an event on campus because they usually provide food. Rent your books from the bookstore. You won't spend as much money, and it's less hassle than when you try to return books in exchange for a low buy-back cost. Also, if you are considering living in a residence hall, I urge you to do so at least one year of your college life. The people you will live with will become close friends and will help make your college experience more enjoyable. There is nothing as fun as an impromptu get-together at 2:00 am in the morning for a Just Dance competition or a little Mario Kart.
Great for these types of students
All. USM has the academics and the activites to appeal to everyone.

Angela from Hattiesburg, MS

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I am a student majoring in history with a focus on European History. I find my professors to be well prepared and able and willing to help students to do their very best. The History Department has a good group of people that are fantastic professors.
Am enjoying being here
I am really enjoying the univeristy and the city. The campus at univeristy is easily accessable and and the departments are very helpful. There's much to do in Hattiesburg for a variety of tastes.
Bang for the buck
For what the university charges for tuition, the students receive the maximum benefit. Just wished the books were not so expensive.
Tips for prospective students
Find an advisor early. They will be able to direct you to the path that is best for you and want the best for you. Also, make sure to take Research Methods as most students go into university without proper writing skills.
Great for these types of students
Great for all types of students.

Gabriella from Madison, MS

researching this school
Will learn a lot
I will definitely learn a lot on this campus. I have many friends that have attended or are attending this college. One is a dental student, another is in speech pathology, I know many people in nursing and doctorate degrees, and most of all Hattiesburg is a very musical and artistic city, therefore its student are abundant in musical and arts degrees. I have learned a lot from my talking to my friends and faculty at USM and I'm not even a student yet! There is definitely something for everyone at Southern MS and many people I know have succeeded and been very well off after graduating form Southern MS.
Will enjoy being here
Like I've said before, I am not even a student at USM but I am there almost as if I were a resident. I love it on campus even though technically I am not suppose to be there without an ID. There is always something to do on campus even if your not a student, so just imagine if you were a student! Intramural sports, all access gym classes, clubs, sororities, fraternities, work study, restaurants on campus for socializing, and of course the cafeteria has very good food and is all you can eat! I know I would enjoy being on campus. I would be having fun and at the same time I know I would be getting a good education from the reviews I've heard and read about the teachers and faculty.
Bang for the buck
This is probably one of the best financial deal in a four year college you will find in Mississippi and even the nation. USM has a very financially acceptable price. The admission, tuition, and total cost of being admitted into Southern is a great deal. All the student activities, services, education, and living are more than you could ask for in the amount you pay to attend this college. Some people pay twice triple and even ten times more the amount of USM tuition and get the same student education and services. I would say you definitely get the most of what you pay and maybe even more.
Great for these types of students
Many students who are looking to get ahead and achieve success in future careers will find it at Southern MS. College is a pivotal stage in life that determines future living. This school is also great for minorities of any race and gender. It is also very good for musical and artistic type students. University of Southern MS is a great school to begin your future career life and have a blast doing it.


a current student here
In three sentences
The school offers a wide range of majors and classes. Most the teachers are interesting and want to see you succeed. The school spirit for sports could use a little work, but then again, so could the sports departments.
Tips for prospective students
Don't be too stressed. It's actually quite fun once you're here. Live up GEWW because it doesn't happen twice and it's really a lot of fun if you just let yourself enjoy it. Other than that, be open to diversity and willing to work hard and you'll succeed. Note: the diversity is more than just skin tone and race, it's also the many different personalities and beliefs.
Academic Rigor
I have been academically challenged without drowning and that was the goal. I have been pushed to the brink, but there are always people and resources to help bring you back. It's like Hogwarts in the sense that help is always given to those who ask for it.
Dorm Life
Dorm life can be kind of strict but in the long run the rules do make it safer for you. Just make sure you check out the dorms ahead of time to decide which one works best for you because they are all quite different.
Food and Dining
The Fresh is a no. The food is not good at all. Your best bet is to max out on bonus bucks and spend your life in Seymours and A Stone's Throw. Good luck.
What to do for fun
There are a couple bars in Hattiesburg that are pretty fun if that's your thing. If not, get involved on campus. I know it's cheesy, but it's true. Intramural sports are a good way to have fun and they aren't all focused around extreme athletic ability. For example, my bowling league memories are some of the best memories I have. The Greek life is active. There are also a lot of clubs and organizations that meet often and do fun stuff together, but that depends on what you are interested in.
Bang for the buck
It's worth the money. The education is great, as are the teachers.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Every fall the freshmen get together during the first week and paint the Golden Eagle Walk golden. It is exciting and interesting and a memory that will never be forgotten.
Great for these types of students
USM is great for people in the South with progressive thinking. Don't get me wrong: you are still in the deep south. However, it is more tolerant of people with different lifestyles, backgrounds, and ethnicity's than say Oxford or Starkville.
Clubs and Activities
There are so many clubs and things to join I can't even begin to list them all. I just suggest looking up the list on the school website and joining a couple. Find out which interest you and stick with those. You can make a lot of great friends like this.
Campus Safety
I have never once felt threatened on this campus.

kristin from petal, ms

accepted here and planning to attend soon
In three sentences
the university of southern miss has the most beautiful and laid back campus that continues to get better and better every year. the location of the campus is in hattiesburg, ms, which has been rated one of the most livable cities in mississippi, due to the campus' easy access to anything you can think of. student life at southern miss is highly rated due to their athletics and many campus activities.
Tips for prospective students
if you ever get discouraged, never give up. keep working toward your dreams no matter what or who is trying to hold you back. i know you will think it wont matter that you dont go to class, but just remember the day you come back you will have twice as much work to do!
Academic Rigor
i have not attended any classes at this college yet.
Dorm Life
i have never lived in the dorms
Food and Dining
even though i have not attended the college, i have been to the food amenities around campus. southern not only has a cafe, but inside the campus there is starbuck, mexican, chik fil a, and other food options that are walking distance from the school.
What to do for fun
there are tons and tons of things to do for fun around the campus. the mall is across town, which is surrounded by many shopping centers and anywhere you could possibly think of to eat. in hattiesburg, there are movie theaters, bowling alleys, and lazer tagging places.

Charlene from Milwaukee, WI

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The classes challenges your thinking and you have to be well prepared. I find myself frequently putting what I have learned to use in my everyday life even when it's something simple as if a plant is a monocot or dicot.
Am enjoying being here
I love my school. I made a great choice when I chose this diverse college in a diverse community. There are a lot of things to get into. We have a wide range of sports to suit almost everyone. Come get involved. Great college with a lot of friendly faces.
Bang for the buck
Living on campus is costly but there are many other colleges that cost way more. I don't like how they give you dining dollars dollar for dollar. I think there should be some special package or deal.
Tips for prospective students
Prepare yourself mentally for the work and do not over work yourself. Take it all in before you jump head first into anything.

Linda from Hattiesburg, MS

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I am a nursing student and have found that while the classes are challenging, I have learned a lot and feel I am getting a quality education. If you plan on pursuing a career in nursing, I would definately recommend Southern Miss because they do a great job on centering their information around evidence-based research. Also, most of the clinical instructors currently work in a hospital so they are up to date on changes or different ways of doing things that you may not learn from a text book. They also have a simulation lab as well as several local hospitals and nursing homes that the student gets first hand experience in.
Even if you are not a nursing student, I would recommend Southern. I completed my first two years of undergrad at USM, covering the core courses in English, Sociology, Science, Mathmatics, Computer, and History. There is not a class that I did not learn a great deal in. The professors that I have had are easy to talk to as well as well prepared for class. They actually teach you something instead of handing you busy work.
Am enjoying being here
I am enjoying my time at USM because I have found my niche. It is easy to find your place there because there are so many opportunities to make friends and get involved, whether it is throught intramural sports, clubs, sororities/fraternities, student leadership, or community involvement. I personally met most of my friends either in the dorm, in my classes, through intramurals, at church, or in clubs. There are football/baseball/volleyball/soccer/basketball and practically any other sport that you can attend (and being a student you get in free, which is nice). There are also plays or recitals you can go see. Southern has a wonderful performing arts program. I am not even really big into theatre but I enjoy going to the performances.
Bang for the buck
Southern Miss is pretty affordable, especially if you are in state. There are lots of scholarships available, as well as financial aid through loans and grants. It is one of the cheapest public universities in the state, while still providing a quality education to the students.
Tips for prospective students
Get involved on campus in whatever way you can. Also, if possible, it would be a good idea to live on campus at least your first year because when you live off campus you miss out on a lot ( I would know). Another tip is to shop around for your books and wait until you have an actual assignment in a particular textbook because I have had several courses where I bought the book (even if the professor said I would need it) and I did not even open it the whole semester. Save money where you can!
Great for these types of students
Nursing, Polymer Science, Education, Theatre/Dance, Graphic Design, Business, Social Work

Erika from Gulfport, MS

a current student here
Am learning a lot
All of my teachers at Southern have extensive knowledge in their field of study. Several of them have written books, my history teacher was featured on history channel, my Anatomy and Physiology teacher wrote our textbook, and one of the therapeutic recreation teachers is the former president of therapeutic recreation's national organization called ATRA. Also the teachers are very willing to help students and all of mine have been very welcoming during their office hours to discuss any questions.
Am enjoying being here
Southern Miss has a lot to offer and is a very positive environment. There is a wide variety of people so everyone will find friends. They have numerous honor societies, special interest groups, community service groups, religious groups, and other groups to join. They also have very active sororities and fraternities that are very friendly, work together, do not have rival sororities and fraternities, and do not exclude non-Greek students from activities. USM also has very many intramural sports along with a great gym called the Payne Center which offers classes ranging from aerobics and Zumba to yoga and Pilates, a weight center, basketball and tennis courts, a walking track, and a pool. The campus is small and it's very easy to walk to classes and back to dorms.
Bang for the buck
USM is a state school so the tuition is relatively low compared to others. They have a great academic program and prove that you can get an excellent education without paying an Ivy League price. In 2010 dorms ranged from 1500 to 2500 depending on whether the room was single or double, or community or private bath. I considered this a very good price because everything's included, internet, cable, water, heat, and even laundry. The basic meal plan includes all you eat at the cafeteria called the Fresh Food Co. Also with your tuition you receive free entry into sporting events and use of the Payne Center.
Tips for prospective students
The campus is small and there is a police escort service at night so feel free to schedule classes with only 15 minutes between and night classes. Also, definitely read your textbooks and look in your syllabus. Unlike high school, teachers do not have to tell you about an assignment, they expect you to know to do it. Get involved in student activities because they are a great way to get to meet people. Your adviser is very smart, but always double check everything after being advised for classes because they may make a mistake.
Great for these types of students
USM is great for everyone and is welcoming for everyone. For people who do not want a very large college, USM has a great size of about 13000 students. Also for art majors, USM has an excellent and accredited art department. They also have great therapeutic recreation, polymer science, nursing, and business departments. Anyone who would love to travel abroad, USM offers several study abroad programs. Also, for students wanting to join an honors college, USM's honor's college provides small classes and travel opportunities.

Azaria from Long Beach, MS

accepted here and planning to attend soon
Will learn a lot
The professors at USM are some of the beast in the country. They genuinely care about offering their students the best possible education they can recieve.
Will enjoy being here
USM has a beautiful campus, and there's always something to do. Not to mention the fact that Hattiesburg is the quintessential college town; it's big enough to offer plenty, but still has a small town feel in areas.
Bang for the buck
Out of all the schools I was researching, Southern was definitely the most cost efficient! My tuition is under $8000 a semester!
Tips for prospective students
Get your applications in for the Luckyday and Leadership scholarships and be sure that you read all the requirements! They are both a great asset to have in paying for your schooling (and they provide great perks too).
Great for these types of students
This school is great if you are planning on a career in either music (of any type!) or polymer science.