University of New Hampshire-Main Campus Durham, NH, USA Save to list Majors and Degrees Majors InformationMajors113 Degrees and Majors Offered A B M D A B M DAGRICULTURAL/ANIMAL/PLANT/VETERINARY SCIENCE AND RELATED FIELDSAgricultural/Animal/Plant/Veterinary Science and Related Fields, Other ✓ ✓Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture ✓Animal Sciences, General ✓ ✓Horse Husbandry/Equine Science and Management ✓Veterinary/Animal Health Technology/Technician and Veterinary Assistant ✓ARCHITECTURE AND RELATED SERVICESCity/Urban, Community, and Regional Planning ✓AREA, ETHNIC, CULTURAL, GENDER, AND GROUP STUDIESFrench Studies ✓Women's Studies ✓BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCESBiochemistry ✓ ✓Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ✓Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other ✓ ✓Biology/Biological Sciences, General ✓ ✓ ✓Biomedical Sciences, General ✓Botany/Plant Biology ✓Genetics, General ✓ ✓ ✓Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology ✓ ✓ ✓Neuroscience ✓Zoology/Animal Biology ✓ ✓ ✓BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, AND RELATED SUPPORT SERVICESAccounting ✓Business Administration and Management, General ✓Business/Commerce, General ✓ ✓Hospitality Administration/Management, General ✓Management Science ✓ ✓COMMUNICATION, JOURNALISM, AND RELATED PROGRAMSSpeech Communication and Rhetoric ✓COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SUPPORT SERVICESComputer and Information Sciences, General ✓ ✓ ✓Information Technology ✓ ✓EDUCATIONEarly Childhood Education and Teaching ✓Education, General ✓Education, Other ✓ ✓Educational, Instructional, and Curriculum Supervision ✓Elementary Education and Teaching ✓Mathematics Teacher Education ✓ ✓Secondary Education and Teaching ✓Special Education and Teaching, General ✓Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other ✓ENGINEERINGBioengineering and Biomedical Engineering ✓Chemical Engineering ✓ ✓ ✓Civil Engineering, General ✓ ✓ ✓Computer Engineering, General ✓Electrical and Electronics Engineering ✓ ✓ ✓Engineering Physics/Applied Physics ✓Engineering, Other ✓Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering ✓Mechanical Engineering ✓ ✓ ✓Ocean Engineering ✓ ✓ ✓Systems Engineering ✓ENGINEERING/ENGINEERING-RELATED TECHNOLOGIES/TECHNICIANSCivil Engineering Technologies/Technicians ✓ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE/LETTERSCreative Writing ✓English Language and Literature, General ✓ ✓ ✓FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES/HUMAN SCIENCESHuman Development and Family Studies, General ✓ ✓FOREIGN LANGUAGES, LITERATURES, AND LINGUISTICSClassics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General ✓French Language and Literature ✓German Language and Literature ✓Italian Language and Literature ✓Linguistics ✓Russian Language and Literature ✓Spanish Language and Literature ✓ ✓HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMSAthletic Training/Trainer ✓Communication Disorders Sciences and Services, Other ✓ ✓Family Practice Nurse/Nursing ✓Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other ✓Health/Health Care Administration/Management ✓Nursing Practice ✓Occupational Therapy/Therapist ✓ ✓Public Health, General ✓Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse ✓ ✓HISTORYHistory, General ✓ ✓ ✓HOMELAND SECURITY, LAW ENFORCEMENT, FIREFIGHTING AND RELATED PROTECTIVE SERVICESCritical Infrastructure Protection ✓Homeland Security ✓LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES, GENERAL STUDIES AND HUMANITIESHumanities/Humanistic Studies ✓Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies ✓ ✓MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICSApplied Mathematics, General ✓ ✓Financial Mathematics ✓Mathematics, General ✓ ✓ ✓Statistics, General ✓ ✓Statistics, Other ✓MULTI/INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIESMulti-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other ✓ ✓Nutrition Sciences ✓ ✓Sustainability Studies ✓NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATIONEnvironmental Science ✓ ✓Environmental Studies ✓Environmental/Natural Resource Economics ✓Forest Technology/Technician ✓Forestry, General ✓Natural Resources/Conservation, General ✓ ✓Wildlife, Fish and Wildlands Science and Management ✓PARKS, RECREATION, LEISURE, FITNESS, AND KINESIOLOGYExercise Science and Kinesiology ✓ ✓Parks, Recreation, and Leisure Facilities Management, General ✓ ✓Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness, General ✓PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIESPhilosophy ✓PHYSICAL SCIENCESChemistry, General ✓ ✓ ✓Geology/Earth Science, General ✓ ✓Hydrology and Water Resources Science ✓Materials Science ✓ ✓Oceanography, Chemical and Physical ✓ ✓Physics, General ✓ ✓ ✓PSYCHOLOGYPsychology, General ✓ ✓ ✓PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND SOCIAL SERVICE PROFESSIONSPublic Administration ✓Public Policy Analysis, General ✓Social Work ✓ ✓SOCIAL SCIENCESAnthropology, General ✓Criminology ✓ ✓Econometrics and Quantitative Economics ✓Economics, General ✓ ✓Geography ✓International Relations and Affairs ✓Political Science and Government, General ✓ ✓Sociology, General ✓ ✓ ✓VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTSArt/Art Studies, General ✓Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General ✓Fine/Studio Arts, General ✓Music, General ✓ ✓Painting ✓ Similar Colleges University of Rhode 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