University of Louisville
Louisville, KY, USA


University of Louisville

John from Louisville, KY

a current student here
Am learning a lot
Not only is there a wealth of wisdom in every professor, every opportunity is given so that a student can thrive. People say that a big school isn’t as good because each student won’t get personal attention. This is totally false-even in my largest classes, Calculus and Physics, I can feel free to raise my hand to ask questions at (almost) any time and the professors are available for much of the day for a one-on-one. The library is amazing! I had never used a library before college, but now, I am in there for a part of every day. There is easy searching, a LOT of computers, plenty of quiet places to study, and there are always a few librarians around to help. In addition to one-on-ones with teachers and their assistants, students can find FREE tutors in the REACH center. This is huge! If you ever need help, there are tutors for almost every 300 level class and under. Lastly, you will not be made fun of for doing well and learning a ton. The U of L student body is full of people who will support your academic successes.
Am enjoying being here
There are literally hundreds of Recognized Student Organizations to join, and if you can't find one, you can start one-for FREE! The only problem you will have is making sure you don’t join too many activities. Free or cheap lunches and dinners are held throughout the year by various organizations. I personally compete in volleyball games every Tuesday, and there are Ultimate Frisbee and Racquetball leagues galore. And if that’s not your scene, then you can join any number of societies or Greek organizations to find activities to do for the weekend or throughout the week. If you take advantage of everything, there couldn’t be a better college experience.
Bang for the buck
While the University of Louisville provides the skills necessary to succeed to anyone, it is up to the student to get the Bang for the Buck. I am in the Engineering College at U of L. Unfortunately, it is not a big name engineering school, so many companies I may want to work for look at large schools before U of L. However, I have already had the opportunity to make contacts to those companies through the leadership at U of L. In particular, U of L has a co-operative education program for engineers in which I get to work for engineering companies such as GE and Raytheon Missile Systems, get paid, and earn experience! Its preparing me for a great career in the field, and it will prepare you, too. (Also, for any of you Music or Business School students, those U of L programs are amazing a very well know across the country----that means more cash at jobs after graduation!!)
Tips for prospective students
If you're not sure about U of L, come visit! Once you do, you will fall in love with the people and campus. There is nothing to fear about college-it is fun and exciting. The worst thing is the “fear of the unknown.” Take out that factor by researching your schools, particularly U of L. You will find that the more you know about a school, the more comfortable you will be, and the better decision you will make for you. The best decision for me was to go to Purdue and visit their engineering school near the same time I visited U of L’s Speed School of Engineering. Those visits sealed the deal for me-I realized that, in this case, the education was very similar. The guaranteed co-ops, “homier” campus, and cost of tuition made the choice pretty easy. Also, don’t limit yourself by not applying to every single college you think you might want to attend! The worst feeling you can have is wondering whether you could have made it into a school and the regret you feel afterward.
Great for these types of students
The University of Louisville is great for students who…
• Need to be prepared for the work force
• Want to make lasting friends
• May have not had the best academic career in high school
• Desire to make contacts in the social and labor ladders
• Try to get involved in their community
• Reform themselves to become a better citizen
• Love Football and Basketball!!!
• Live in or around Kentucky
• Strive to grow spiritually
• Want to participate in fun activities most every week
• Want a great college experience

Matthew from Owensboro, KY

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The University of Louisville is a large university, so much of the learning depends upon the student. General education classes are large, so it is possible to blend in with the crowd and only passively attend class, but all professors have office hours for which you do not need an appointment, so one-on-one time is never lacking. The library is immense, so learning materials are never lacking, and if the library happens to not own a research source that you need, then you can use the Inter-Library Loan system, which will find a library that does own the book and ship it to the University of Louisville library for you to borrow. Tutors for all general education classes and most 300 level classes are free and easy to access through the REACH tutoring program. The University is very conducive to the learning environment, and offers every opportunity for students to learn as much as they are willing and able to learn.
Am enjoying being here
The University of Louisville has a very active campus life, with hundreds of student organizations and the ability for students to create new organizations, a strong Greek presence, and a large student body. Also, since the University is in the middle of Louisville, KY, student ID cards also function as a free bus pass, so if you want to leave campus, you have free transportation to nearly anywhere that you would want to go. Music students get free tickets to most Louisville Orchestra, Louisville Opera, and Louisville Ballet events, and there are concerts and recitals in the music building throughout the year that are free to the public. Various organizations within the University host special events throughout the year, and the Student Activities Center has many things to entertain the students, such as free pool and table tennis, a gym, and plenty of places to just sit and relax.
Bang for the buck
The University is a very well-priced option for higher education, especially for in-state students. There are several university scholarships, such as the scholarships for having attending Governor School for the Arts or Governor Scholar Program, as well as many of the Trustee's Scholarships through the University, that offer opportunities for In-State and Out-of-State students afford school. The educational and networking opportunities available to the students are limited only by a student's initiative and diligence, and tuition, room and board are reasonably priced.
Tips for prospective students
Decide what is most important to you, and choose your university based on the few things that are most important for you higher education. If you know what specific degree you would like to pursue, then ensure that the program for that degree is a strong program in the University that you choose. Also, decide what you would like to be around your University. Louisville is very good for those seeking to make many networking connections, and for those who enjoy life within a large city. If you prefer smaller cities, fewer crowds, and a secluded University surrounded by hiking trails and forests, then find a College or University that has the few qualities that you find most important.
Great for these types of students
-Students who prefer life in an urban area
-Students seeking networking connections
-Students seeking a strong general education in addition to a specific degree
-Kentucky residents seeking higher education
-Students uncertain of their desired degree, who may need to make several drastic degree changes, but don't want to have to change schools with each degree change.


a current student here
Am learning a lot
I'm in the Speed School of Engineering, so yes, I'm learning a lot. The Speed School is well known all over Kentucky and elsewhere for being a great engineering school. The guidelines they set for you to get a master's in five years was a deciding point for me choosing Louisville.
Am enjoying being here
Not only do you learn a lot at Louisville, but the campus is great too. The Student Activites Center is awesome and you get a big school feeling while the campus is quite compact and it's easy to get from one place to another.
Bang for the buck
Definitely a great school for what it costs. It was my favorite school that I visited and it was the cheapest of all that I was considering. They also give out a considerable amount of financial aid, so Louisville gives you a great bang for your buck.
Tips for prospective students
Visit the campus. Once you visit, if it's right for you, you'll just know. As long as you don't come on a miserable rainy day, you'll fall in love with the campus and you'll be here at the start of the next semester.
Great for these types of students
Louisville is great for any kind of student. If you're going to college just for the experience, Louisville will definitely get the job done. On the other hand, Louisville has great academics, too. There are many great tutoring programs and a wonderful honors program, so Louisville can be a perfect fit for anyone.

Alyssa from Cleveland, OH

a current student here
In three sentences
The University of Louisville is an excellent college with an outstanding health/science program. I am interested in the Nursing Program at the University of Louisville's Nursing Program because of their Instructor's qualifications and background and the surrounding medical centers. The Biology and Chemistry classes at U of L provide a sound basis for Nursing Theories.
Tips for prospective students
Check out the University of Louisville for their Nursing Program as well as their extracurriculars; it's a school situated in a beautiful town with great opportunities. I would highly recommend you to look at the University of Louisville for Health related programs and their athletic teams. I thoroughly enjoy the classes, the atmosphere, the students, and cheering at the University of Louisville.
Academic Rigor
The classes are challenging at the University of Louisville, yet there is help available in all areas of study, whether you need one-on-one help, individualized instruction within groups, or teaching assistant-led review sessions. There is always someone in any of my classes that are looking for study partners, which I find to be helpful in preparing for quizzes, tests, or even going over a paper with someone.
Dorm Life
My dorm is the best place to live, with a private bedroom, kitchen, sitting room and semi-private bathroom that I share with my one roommate. It has a workout room, a computer room, a media room to hang out and watch movies and TV shows, and we have a pool, outdoor grills, outdoor courtyard, and a sand volleyball court. It's like living in a condo but all on your own with lots of amenities, and not like a dorm at all, but on campus!
Food and Dining
The Ville Grill is an all you can eat dining hall that our meal plan is accepted at and it has great food. There are plenty of other food choices within walking distance from our dorms and there are great restaurants within driving distance also.
What to do for fun
There is plenty of activities to do, both on campus and off campus. There are parties, and sporting events-most of which are free with your college ID, and there's plenty of opportunities to meet new people on campus and off by looking into the Student Activities.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Homecoming is so fun with lots of activities and fun things for all to see and experience.
Great for these types of students
All types of students can find their niche: old and young, quiet and shy as well as outgoing and active. Many things to do for all and many friends to make with all of the different types of people that you will meet.
Clubs and Activities
There are so many clubs and activities to join and participate in. I have met some people who don't do any activities, and then there's some who do 4 or 5 activities on campus. I am a cheerleader so that keeps me busy and I really don't have time for anything else but I have met those who play soccer and enjoy doing Orientation tours and all kinds of other things to belong to.
Greek Life
I have only met a couple of people involved in Greek life, but I am not involved in it. It seems like a fun way to go, if it's for you.
Campus Safety
I feel that campus safety is a priority at U of L. It seems like there is always security around and that there is security available if needed. Also, my dorm is very secure and you need a swipe card to enter and must sign your guests in after hours.

Ashlyn from Louisville, KY

a current student here
In three sentences
UofL is a great school. They're big on diversity and is a really big sports school. There's always free food and something to do. The school even go as far as sending out monthly emails letting you know where the free food will be.
Tips for prospective students
Tips would be to calculate your expenses (Meal plan, tuition, books, dorm) and make sure you have enough. Also to apply for FASFA and as many scholarships as possible. Try not to get your books from the UofL book store; they're super expensive on there. Look on Chegg and you can rent your books for 70%-90% cheaper. You can also look on Amazon. All freshmen will have to complete STOMP modules. I would suggest doing them over the summer as soon as they're posted on blackboard (link on UofL website) because they're pretty time consuming. They are 20-30 minute videos w/ quizzes afterwards. I know this is a lot of information, but if you have any question, you can email me @
Dorm Life
The dorms are pretty neat. Threlkheld (Honors dorm) is probably the worst and oldest dorm on campus. The next worst are Miller, Unitas and Center although they are really cheap. The UofL properties (Louisville Hall, Kurz, Community Park and Bettie Johnson) are probably the best dorms on campus, although they're on the expensive side. Bettie Johnson is the most expensive but you get an option of having your own bedroom AND bathroom while sharing a kitchen and living room with your roommate. It's pretty much your little apartment.
Food and Dining
The Student Activity Center has Papa John's Pizza, Subway, Chick-fil-a, Wendy's, chinese and others. There's also an on campus buffet called the Ville Grill that's also pretty good. For all of those you can use your meal plan card. Also around the area is Bearno's Pizza, Qdoba, ice cream shop, and some others but you have to use your own money for those I believe. Honestly, towards the beginning of the year, you love the fast food options. Towards the end of the year, you're pretty much tired of it and ready for home cooked meals!!! Many people I know prefer the fast food over the Ville Grille, but hey! To each its own.
What to do for fun
There's often festivals on campus, parties at the Bellamy, some other stuff. I think the amount of fun you have is pretty much based on who you know.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Stepping on the Cardinal Bird is a big no no. It's located on the ground around campus. Sometimes you don't pay attention and step on it but its okay! I personally don't think its that big of a deal. There's one located on the ground in front of the ramp leading to the SAC (Student Activities Center) and its almost impossible not to step on it. You'd have to completely walk around it and sometimes, you just don't feel like it. Haha.
Great for these types of students
UofL is great for anyone. There's so many different people. Different races, religions, LGBTQ. I personally love it. It's a place where you can be yourself. Don't be afraid, there's others like you. That's why its important to join RSO's! That's where you'll find the people who are just like you. Remember that you meet your real and lifelong friends and college!!! :)
Clubs and Activities
There are over 300 groups and clubs to join (RSO's)! There's no way you should feel left out because there are some for EVERYTHING. But hey, if you can't find anything you're looking for, you can start your own organization. All it takes is a little effort to find an RSO or to make your own.
Greek Life
Greek like is big but not huge. I see a lot of people with their sorority/fraternity shirts. It's not something I got into yet, but its something you should definitely look into to. Just a bit of advice, don't join based on stereotypes and what you believe other people may want you to join. Find out who you are deep down inside and then research the different sororities/fraternities and see which one reflects you as an individual.
Campus Safety
I give campus safety a 3/5 because there have been quiet a few robbery incidents on campus and at UofL properties/apartments. Usually when these things happen, they send out an email immediately letting you know what happened and the description of the suspect. They also email you when there has been updates on the case f/e if the suspect was arrested. During welcome week (the week before classes start and the week everyone moves into their dorms) you HAVE TO attended an event called Blue Light Special. It teaches you about the emergency posts on campus and also give you various numbers you may need like campus police, campus escort (in case you're somewhere on campus and don't want to risk walking back to your dorm late at night; they'll drive you there) and many other things.

Samuel from Lexington, KY

a current student here
In three sentences
the university of louisville is an outstanding education facility. the teachers are some of the best in the state and offer personal one-on-one assistance to their students. the university strives to excel in technological advancement as well as academic advancement.
Tips for prospective students
if i could advise anything to prospective students it would be to know your preferences. the university of louisville is a big school and you won't get the same type of attention you would expect from a smaller university. so as advice, to take complete advantage of your resources, talk to your professors individually and develop a working relationship for the greatest learning experience.
Academic Rigor
all the knowledge you could want from general majors is here at the university of louisville. they don't always offer the most specific majors, but they do have many programs. they strive to make the programs they offer some of the best, like the social work program, but some more specific majors go under the radar.
Dorm Life
the dorms offer anything from a small cramped typical college experience to decked out sweets. the money you put in to your dorm expense is what you can expect to get out of it. the suites are very affordable and similar to that of an apartment.
Food and Dining
there are many fast food locations scattered throughout campus. these locations accept a meal card for the freshman students. the only complaint is that there are few healthy choices and there is no grocery store where students can spend their meal points.
What to do for fun
louisville offers many things to do for fun. the school itself offers a plethora of student based activities and clubs. not to mention that the city has many streets focused on entertainment. the city also houses a large skate park, parks with tennis courts, and many city based events.
Bang for the buck
for the money, you will end of with a respectable degree that is acknowledged highly by employers. however, the school is slightly expensive because it is a public university. these fees can be avoided by the scholarly as the university offers many scholarship opportunities.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
there is the tradition of not stepping on the cardinal bird anywhere it is painted on campus. there is also the inter-faith center. a place for students to go and openly discuss their religious insights.
Great for these types of students
- academic achievers pursuing a bachelor's degree
- social work majors
-business majors
-students interested in greek like
-students interested in in-state ky school
Clubs and Activities
the university offers tons of clubs for extra curricular activities. they offer the student government association, psychology club, fencing club, guitar club, and many other clubs for all types of interests. i subtract a star because many clubs go without advertisement.
Greek Life
the school is very greek. there is a greek row right across the street from the majority of campus. most non-native students who join greek life enjoy it thoroughly and stay active members. louisville is anti-hazing as well. the university offers many different chapters for students interested.
Campus Safety
the campus itself is very safe. however, it is close to areas of the city that are regarded as less than safe. if you stay on campus you will be in good hands. the university employees a department of public safety that patrols campus and escort students when it is too dangerous for them to walk.

Christopher from Sunnyside, WA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
It is a great place to learn a great deal. I have had the chance of meeting and being taught by amazing professors. They care for you and truly want you to do your best!
Am enjoying being here
Being an out of state student and traveling over 3000 miles to attend school, I would have to say that the University of Louisville was a great choice for me. It has an amazing atmosphere and sense of belonging around campus. Being a sophomore and a gay student, I was able to see that there is a lot more here to offer than just you're typical college, especially for the LGBT students. The LGBT services here are amazing and are definitely involved in a lot. If it wasn't for the LGBT office, I fear that I would not have been able to be who I am. Because of them I am glad that I am here. I have made new friends, and have begun to have a true college experience outside the classroom. The University of Louisville is the place to be and if you love helping people I suggest that this is where you need to be, this is one of the most accepting campuses I have known and is really pushing for the equality of all students. The motto used to be Diversity. It's Happening Here. But I believe that the motto should be, Equality, Happening Here and Now! I love being here and glad that I got to get out of my comfort zone and got to meet new and exciting people. After all, branching out is what college is all about!
Bang for the buck
Being an out of state student, I would have to say that the tuition really is good compared to other colleges that over charge for out of state tuition.
Tips for prospective students
Don't be afraid to be yourself, and branch out. There is something for everyone! And don't be afraid to engage in conversation with your professors, they can be amazing people!
Great for these types of students
This is a great place for students who are looking for more out of life, and for those who wish to find themselves!

Maggie from Shepherdsville, KY

a current student here
In three sentences
Louisville is inclusive and accepting of its students so it is easy to find a place that is just right for you. If you are looking for a forward thinking, vibrant college then UofL is right for you.
Academic Rigor
I've had my fair share of rough courses, but all of my professors were very willing to help out as long as you showed interest and that you are trying in the class. Become acquainted with some of the awesome instructors that UofL has and you'll be set for the semester. Also, Louisville has free tutors so utilize them!
Food and Dining
Louisville offers two types of dinning plans: flex points and swipes. While its kind of a bummer that as a commuter I still HAVE to buy a meal plan, it comes in handy in a pinch. There is a lot of good food and coffee on campus. I can say I've spent too much money on bagels and coffee in the mornings.
Bang for the buck
For in state students, especially commuters like myself, UofL was the clear choice. It is close to home and the tuition is not too high. I save a lot of money by not living on campus which is a huge plus.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Whatever you do, don't step on the Cardinal birds painted on the ground!
Campus Safety
While UofL is so close to downtown, the campus itself is still really safe. There are many safe spaces on and around campus, police officers, and blue lights stationed around the area for emergencies!

Ariah from Elizabethtown, KY

a current student here
In three sentences
the campus is very clean and easy to navigate. there are also a lot of resources to help your experience here. the professors are friendly and very helpful.
Tips for prospective students
a tip for prospective students would be to take advantage of all available resources!
Academic Rigor
the academics can be very challenging depending on your major and the classes you take, but there are also various tutoring available to help with almost all classes.
Dorm Life
i enjoy dorm life i live in the tower and i have bonded with so many people in my building. the ras are always planning activities to get people from the different floors involved.
Food and Dining
although there aren't many healthy options there is a good variety, from subs to pasta there is something different available every day of the week.
What to do for fun
there are many clubs and activities to do for fun. you can get involved in greek life or join one of the organizations like elt (empowering ladies together) or join the church on campus!
Bang for the buck
i pay out of state tuition to attend university of louisville and i believe it is well worth the money, i wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
one unusual thing on campus is there are cardinal heads everywhere on the sidewalks, as a freshman during orientation they tell you it is bad luck to step on the heads.
Clubs and Activities
it seriously seems like there is a club for everything. that makes it easy to find something you like and quickly get involved! you like to sing there is black diamond, you like to dance there are the lady birds, everything for everyone!
Greek Life
greek life is like it's own community, i enjoy being greek very much. the is always some type of show or activity to raise money going on on campus. there was the step show last semester, and this semester is fryberger! everyone is allowed to come out, watch & vote!
Campus Safety
i am very pleased with the campus safety, it seems like you can't go outside without seeing a campus safety car driving around. i also like that there is an escort service, being a female on campus it's nice to use that resource when walking back to my dorm from a long night of studying at the library.

Nicholas from Floyds Knobs, IN

accepted here and planning to attend soon
Will learn a lot
Let's face it...not every college can be as presitigious as Harvard. UofL, however, is nevertheless a great college that offers a wonderful opportunity for a college education. Not to mention, UofL is also a remarkable research institution. These opportunities for student research are wonderful, but I have noticed that they just aren't always widely advertised.
Will enjoy being here
I can't say for sure how enjoyable college life is at UofL until I have personally participated in it. However, I have visited the campus, and I know the city. I know many current Cardinals and I am have heard all about the how much they enjoy UofL. Nevertheless, it must be noted that I've heard many complain about how UofL is largely a commuter college: I've gotten the impression that the atmosphere of community may not be quite as strong as at colleges where the town is built around the university (such as at IU Bloomington).
Bang for the buck
Being a public college, UofL's tuition is relatively affordable. In-state tuition is even better, and they offer a Metroversity program that basically allows people in the Louisville Metro are (yes, including people who live nearby in Indiana) to attend with the lower in-state tuition. Also, while Louisville is a big city, the cost of living is fairly low compared to some other large cities.
Tips for prospective students
As far as the research opportunities are concerned, I've heard that you want to seek it out yourself. Don't wait for it to come to you! That applies to all other organizations, programs, clubs, etc. Find a few things that you truly enjoy and get involved.
Great for these types of students
UofL is has a very urban setting for all those who enjoy big cities. The UofL Speed School is a great program for any looking to pursue careers in engineering. If big sports programs, particularly football and basketball, are your cup of tea, then you can't go wrong with UofL.