The University of Tennessee at Martin
Martin, TN, USA


The University of Tennessee at Martin

Dexter from Millington, TN

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The University has wonderful and exotic classes with professors who are knowledgeable in their particular skill. The faculty is available almost anytime of the day for additional help. The class sizes are smaller at Martin than at other. However, even though Martin is a smaller school, the education a student may receive is not nay lower than other colleges.
Am enjoying being here
Martin's campus gives students the opportunity to meet others from all over the world, from different backgrounds, as well as different friends from close areas. The faculty makes the learning experience bearable here. There is an extensive list of organizations, sororities and fraternities, and all kinds of campus recreational activities that students can participate in.
Bang for the buck
The tuition at Martin is affordable. The dorms and meal plans they provide are also no expensive. For in-state residents, the Tennessee Lottery/ Hope Scholarship pay for about half of the tuition costs. It is suggested that each student invests in getting a meal plan because one truly save when it comes to money and getting a wide variety of very good food without having to go out to fast food or buying groceries.
Tips for prospective students
For most of you who may want to come to UTM, I recommend that you be prepared for the freedom that may come with going out on your own. You must be prepared to go to class every time because attendance is crucial as well as making time to study; save your money at every available opportunity, having fun with friends doesn't need to be expensive
Great for these types of students
The University of Tennessee at Martin is a wonderful learning environment and a great place for an breathtaking college experience. UTM is in a small town, but there is more to do than just study and hang out with friends. UT Martin is a very good and non-violence school to attend. I recommend everyone of my friends to pick UTM.

Megan from Rives, TN

a current student here
Am learning a lot
So far, I feel that I have learned a lot in my classes at UT Martin. With the exception of one advanced math class, I have been able to excel and greatly increase my knowledge -- even in those mandatory classes that no one wants to have to take -- in all areas. All my professors were more than willing to help any struggling student before or after class, during office hours, or by appointment, and there are also labs and tutoring services freely available to those who need them. It seems that the professors here actually enjoy their jobs and try their best to give you the most beneficial learning environment possible.
Am enjoying being here
I certainly enjoy attending the University of Tennessee at Martin. Speaking from the perspective of someone who did attend another college during my first semester, I feel that it is infinitely better than other similarly sized colleges in this area. All of the administration here are very polite and want to get things done right, not just quick, for their students (not the case at the other college I attended). Here, I can be close to all my family -- the farthest being a forty minute drive away -- and friends, while still retaining my privacy and independence. I chose to live off campus and commute, but if you're not into the dorm scene and don't want to commute either, there are some very nice apartments on campus in the University Village.
Bang for the buck
UT Martin is a very affordable school to attend and well worth your money. I went to high school in Kentucky, but because I was from a county that UTM has an agreement with, I still received in-state tuition. Though I did not receive any scholarships when I transferred, I have been able to use only Federal financial aid to pay for my tuition, books, etc; no need to take out outside loans, and I should come out of school with less than $30K of student loan debt. This is surprisingly low for someone who must finance all of their education with loan money; you can receive a quality education at UT Martin while paying less than you might for a new car.
Tips for prospective students
You should definitely come to one of the preview days that UTM holds. These give you a chance to meet many of the administration and professors in your desired major (more than likely, one of these will be your advisor), tour the beautiful campus, and check out the housing opportunities first hand. Also, don't be afraid to talk to the people in admissions and financial aid more than once; it could pay off. My first semester here, I received an extra $1500 that allowed me to take summer classes as well.
Great for these types of students
Honestly, UTM could be a good match for any number of students. It's good for those who would like to stay local, or those from other areas who would like an escape to a friendly, relaxing rural area. However, there is still plenty to do for the student who prefers an active life, and there are opportunities to study abroad as well.

Adrian from Henning, TN

a current student here
Am learning a lot
With the small class sizes, it is very easy to create a relationship with our professors. I have been able to talk to all of my professors and found that it is best to visit them in office hours. This will show them that you are interested in the class and care about our education. It will also help them get to know you.
Am enjoying being here
Though Martin is a small town, there is hardly ever a dull moment. The Greek like on campus has been the best experience of my life, and I encourage every one to go through recruitment during their first semester. There are also over a hundred other organizations on campus, so if Greek life is not for you, try something else. There are opportunities to volunteer and become involved in many different ways. I have found some of my best friends in Martin.
Tips for prospective students
The best thing to do is go to SOAR when it is offered during the spring and summer. When you are there, pay attention. I know that these sessions can be boring, but they are so informative. And, it is also exciting seeing all the new faces that you will be living near. While at SOAR, do not be afraid to ask questions. If you ask, there is someone else there who has the same question but is scared to ask. Also, I suggest talking to the admissions counselors and financial aid office. You never know where some hidden money might appear to help you pay for school. The SOAR staff is also helpful, and they are students, too. So, they tend to be easier to relate to.
Great for these types of students
UTM offers so much with organizations, social backgrounds, ethnicity, and opportunities that any one who attends school here is bound to find his or her place to fit in.

Sarah from Knoxville, TN

a past student here
Did learn a lot
The professors at UT Martin are very knowledgeable. They enjoy what they're teaching and want you to enjoy it too.
Did enjoy being here
I loved UT Martin, but being so far away from home made me transfer schools. It wasn't because I didn't like the school, but because my family was so far away from me. I left after only one semester.
Bang for the buck
Having the TN HOPE Scholarship really helped with the cost, but even without the scholarship it is very affordable.
Tips for prospective students
If you are not a student who enjoys a party, don't consider this school. Martin is a very small town with only a small movie theatre and a couple of restaurants. Most students attend frat parties on the weekend.

Also, if you live more than three hours away and expect to commute once or twice a month, consider the extra costs. There's the gas to get two and from there, the money to get home and back, and also the time spent driving. I live six hours away from Martin so I only went home once a month. It also cost me about $40 just to go home and see my family. It was hard to find the time to go and I sometimes skipped class on Friday just to go home. However, if you're not thinking about going home while you're at school, then don't worry about it.

I really enjoyed UT Martin, but the commute was just too much for me to handle.

Maggie - Decherd, TN

a current student here
Dorm Life
Wonderful, the people are friendly and helpful, the staff are reliable and dedicated to the comfort and needs of the students.
Food and Dining
The food, sometimes its high quality, and there are times when it is not, like the weekends. Always go to brunch, the second sunday of each month, its when the food is the best.
Academic Rigor
The classes are hard, but with effort, the rewards are great.
In three sentences
An amazing enviornment for students focused on higher education. The staff are akin to parents and best friends. The best place to be for driven, education oriented students with a drive to succeed.
Tips for prospective students
Apply for all the scholarships there are, all the aid you get will carry you through your four years. UTM has scholarships for everyone.


a current student here
In three sentences
This school has a great woman's basketball, soccer, softball and volleyball program and the football team had a player drafted to the Indianapolis Colts in the Spring of 2013. Academic wise this school has great teachers with a defined goal in mind of getting students jobs and helping them become better people and students. Overall it is a school that is up and coming and has a the great name of the University of Tennessee to back it up.
Tips for prospective students
Go to class and work hard.
Know the resources at your disposal and use them while you have them.
Be involved and make lots of friends.
Academic Rigor
I graduated from a high school that ranked within the top 10% in the nation and I have around a 3.5 GPA here. Most of the classes are a lot easier than I thought they were going to be but I know some very smart people who are working really hard to get good grades and struggling to do so. The music classes are starting to get a lot harder which is great for this up and coming department. Overall though I believe that many students can attend this college and feel successful and challenged with the rigor of their particular departments.
Dorm Life
I have lived in the dorms for 3 years and they are not that bad. They are really close to campus and right next to the cafeteria. Browning and Ellington have the same layout which is a room with two beds that are separated by a tall desk. This room and another room share a small bathroom with a sink, shower and toilet. The nice thing about this dorm is that maintenance will come by and clean your bathroom and replace toilet paper once a week so you don't have to worry about those costs. The downside is that there is a vent above one of the beds and last year it was dripping onto the floor right next to my bed and even though the maintenance was aware of it they didn't fix it until my best friend and I contacted them several times. The laundry rooms are a little gross and sometimes people get items stolen out of the drying machine. Other than that though dorm life is very active and they try to make it community like with all the activities that they hold.
Food and Dining
When you buy a meal plan you will receive a certain amount of meals a week or semester that you can use. These meals let you into the cafeteria where you can chose to eat unlimited amounts of food from any of the following stations; Grill, International, Pasta, Pizza, Entree, Salad, Sandwich, Desert and Vegetarian. The food is usually decent and they mix it up enough that you won't be eating the same thing every week. Also once a month on a Sunday they have a Brunch that people from the Community come to and students with a meal plan can get into. Those days are the best because they have so many items that would not normally be served and it is all so good.
What to do for fun
The university brings in entertainment and guest speakers a few times throughout each semester.

The Soybean festival that happens in the fall is really popular and artists such as Kansas has come to perform at it.

Jackson and Paducah, two bigger cities, are an hour away.

Fraternities and Sororities host lots of events and the theater or music department usually has a concert or play at least once a week.

There are a lot of opportunities for Travel Study.
Bang for the buck
Out of state students get instate tuition as far as I know.

Most of my friends get refund checks which basically means they get paid to attend school because of all the scholarships they have received.
Great for these types of students
Music (especially percussion!)
Biology and Chemistry
Clubs and Activities
Your department will always find a way to keep you involved. I don't know specifics for other departments but the music department has a jazz band, marching band, concert band, Wind Ensemble, percussion ensemble (and then about 5 other ensembles branching off of that) Chamber groups, Pep band and many more.
Greek Life
Greek life is very active on campus and very involved in different organizations like the Student Government. Fraternity houses are currently built and very well kept and Sorority houses are currently being built and are supposed to be done in a few years.
Campus Safety
The police station is right in the center of campus and they always patrol the campus. There has been a few robberies and incidents but what college doesn't have these types of things. There are lights along many of the pathways that help a lot when you are walking through campus at night as well as some Emergency buttons at both ends of campus.

Mary from Drummonds, TN

a current student here
In three sentences
One of the greatest educational treasures of Tennessee. West Tennessee has no other university that offers the course and major options like Martin. Furthermore, it's affordable and nearby for students that don't want to be too far from home.
Tips for prospective students
Don't get into the party rut. Martin offers numerous other activities to do on campus during school hours...and AFTER. It's a great school if you just use it to ur advantage.
Academic Rigor
The classes challenge you and you actually feel like you earned your degree instead of it being handed to you.
Dorm Life
I love the dorm option because it's close to campus and I'm there to learn honestly. It's just right for people who use it like it should...a place to sleep till the next class.
Food and Dining
Sodexo does a pretty good keeping a wide variety of food for everyone. The only thing I'd comment is maybe more stations open for the dinner rush. Otherwise the food is exceptional.
What to do for fun
I am currently a member of 6 Agriculture clubs, a sorority, and a theater group...I don't see how people have any time for anything else or say there is nothing to do. When there isn't any anything else...there is intramural sports and religious groups. There's plenty!
Bang for the buck
You get what you put into Martin. They give you all the tools to succeed...whether or not if you do is the students choice. There is a gorgeous library full of books and papers...plenty of study halls and workshops after school hours to help you out one on one. It's a fair price for an education with all of the perks they offer.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
I love the statues of Friends in front of the Library and Brehm Hall. There is always people sitting by the statues or posing for pictures shaking their hands. It's always a crowd pleaser when I help give campus tours to incoming freshman too...they have to stop and do it.
Great for these types of students
Martin is especially great for Agriculture, Engineering, and Nursing Majors. While Martin is pretty well rounded, some other majors that are big on campus are the departments of Communications, Political Science, Education and Music.
Clubs and Activities
There is literally SOMETHING for everyone in this department. I suppose because there isn't much to offer in the town of Martin itself entertainment wise besides bars and Walmart, the University makes sure there is multiple clubs for every major possible.
Greek Life
There seems to be a place for everyone on campus for Greek. No matter what your major is or hobbies, one of the fraternities or sororities are game for you to apply. Greek week is also pretty big on campus as well as Greeks involvement in the community giving back. Every year money goes to charities like St. Jude, American Heart Association, and Ag in the Classroom.
Campus Safety
There seems to be a pretty low crime rate on campus and there's many facilities that can be gone to for help. Campus police patrol daily as well as at night. Rape buttons are scattered across campus and there is honestly a helping hand from fellow students everywhere.


accepted here and planning to attend soon
In three sentences
The campus is safe and beautiful. The teachers and administration are mostly kind and helpful that I've seen so far. There are plenty of student activities and clubs for anyone who puts forth effort to attend them!
Tips for prospective students
When you're registering for classes, is your best friend! Balance out your schedule. Work on scholarships, study, apply yourself, and have fun.
Academic Rigor
I will taking 3 science classes in the fall, so I'm sure there will be some difficulty. Will have to see.
Dorm Life
While it's nice having a roommate at times, sometimes you want privacy and a shower of your own. But all in all, it's not so bad. Makes it easier to do student activities and have fun with friends be it study groups, athletics, or foam dances.
Food and Dining
The cafeteria food is delicious, but you can save money going elsewhere, like Wally World.
What to do for fun
You have to entertain yourself. Get yourself involved. Entertainment isn't always going to come knocking on your door. Sure there aren't mountains in the area to go snowboard on, or spelunking. But there are people, friends, organizations that are plenty of fun.

Jarmeisha from Memphis, TN

a current student here
In three sentences
UT Martin is the best decision I made in my life. Classes are small and the teacher to student ratio is amazing. There, you are getting a private school education for a public school price.
Tips for prospective students
Don't be afraid of the teachers. Most are really friendly and are really dedicated to helping you succeed. You aren't just a number; you are know by your first name.
Academic Rigor
It's college.
Dorm Life
The dorms and apartments are very nice and the application fee for them are not much at all.
Food and Dining
There is a Chick-Fil-A on campus. Who doesn't love that??
What to do for fun
There is plenty to do on campus even though Martin is a small town. However, there are bigger cities nearby so there's no need to worry.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
There are a couple of ghost stories on campus, because some of the buildings are pretty old.
Great for these types of students
If you easily get lost in the crowd, don't like big campuses, or want to get away from the city for a while, then UT Martin is perfect.

Brittney from Memphis, TN

a current student here
In three sentences
This University offers a diverse faculty that is willing to help every student succeed. there are plenty of social and non-social student organizations that are easy to get involved with. This is a welcoming environment and very friendly to entering freshman!
Tips for prospective students
Get to know your professors and peers; they will help you in your future endeavors. Get involved! Go to class! Have fun!
Academic Rigor
Academic Rigor is dependent on Honors Courses or Science/Math classes.
Dorm Life
There is a Residence Hall Association as well as several activities atleast once a week that is put on by Residence Hall
Food and Dining
Sodexo is a great company which offers various foods, and foods cooked everyday including: the rotating pasta and home-cooked section, and every day sandwich bar, salad bar, and grill. Food is dependent on what you select to eat that day.
What to do for fun
There are local bars which have a clean friendly environment; you do not have to go there to drink, there are live bands, trivia and karaoke nights even; some bars have dance floors. There are Greek Life parties open to anyone and of course, you can hang out with your friends in your room :)
Bang for the buck
Great education with the southern charm we all love!
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Cheers is not for white people :)
Great for these types of students
Great for small town people looking to be just far enough away from home, but close enough to travel to.
Clubs and Activities
There are hundreds of organizations to be involved with! Check your major for specific clubs or clubs open to all university students such as Student Government Association, or Student Activities Council.
Greek Life
Greek Life is very good on our campus and well monitored by the administration; little goes without the school knowing about it. Good parties, good philanthropy and community service projects, great people who are student leaders on campus. Also, not pricey.
Campus Safety
There are campus call boxes at every corner and light system was just put in place; campus well lit at night, ranked one of the safest campuses in Tennessee.