Regent University
Virginia Beach, VA, USA


Regent University

Lauren from Senoia, GA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
With seven different schools, stretching from psychology and law to theater and cinema production (offered at both grad and undergrad levels), Regent University is the place to be if you are a blossoming Christian leader. The learning environment within each school varies from the others. I am enrolled in the Comm. Arts school where the learning environment is highly nurturing to the independent learner. If you are hungry for experience and thirsty for knowledge, the Comm. Arts programs will definitely give back what you put into it.
Am enjoying being here
The student body is fairly small (the school of undergrad was started in 2004 so it is comparatively young) but generally very passionate about the calling God has put on their lives and the school that's helping them get there. On campus life is a blast. The resident assistants (two of which were award winning RAs at this year's Virginia Association of College & University Housing Officers conference) and housing staff go above and beyond to create an intimate and exciting on-campus community.
Bang for the buck
As a private Christian school, the classes are going to be a bit more demanding on the wallet. However, as stated before, it all depends on how much effort you are willing to put into your education. It also can depend a great deal on your professor. I've found in my experience, though, that the professors here at Regent will either teach the bare minimum or go above and beyond. I've had several professors already who have invested in me and my passions in a way that I will always remember. These professors are, fortunately, the rule rather than the exception at Regent.
Tips for prospective students
Come visit our campus! It's a beautiful place to learn and often your tour guide will be a current student who knows the ins and outs of on-campus life. Or you can come during one of Regent's Preview Weekend event. During this event you'll get put up with current students within the on-campus residence halls and get the low-down about the school in various workshops. We'll be sure to show you just how fun Regent can be while showing Mom just how beneficial Regent will be to your education and spiritual walk. If you are a student in exceptional GPA standing looking into Regent's Scholars' Weekend. It's similar to the Preview Weekend but you will compete with other students for full or partial scholarships.
Great for these types of students
Because of how diverse each school within Regent tends to be, nearly nay student can find his or her place. I would say that the most exciting place to be is in the undergrad program. We're busting at the seems with amazing emerging Christian leaders and steadily taking over the campus!

Lolita from Leavenworth, KS

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I am learning so much at Regent. The teachers and the advisers are wonderful and they are always praying for their students success!!
Am enjoying being here
I am pursuing my degree online and I love it. THe technology is cutting edge and it is perfect for busy adults with a family and a full time job.
Tips for prospective students
Make sure you are disciplined if your are taking on line class. I have heard from others that the campus life is wonderful!
Great for these types of students
Online Students - Which I am
On Campus Students

Emily from Mechanicsville, VA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
This school is wonderful in that they don't just spout information at you - they force you to think. Once you attend, you will no longer be able to take anything you here for granted, you will question and consider before taking something as a fact. You will analyze the comments of the carefully chosen experts on news stations and be able to distinguish for yourself whether or not they are giving a professional, factual opinion or a biased one. The fact that the current governor of Virginia (Governor Bob McDonnell) graduated from Regent's Law School says no small thing about the quality of education there.
Am enjoying being here
The staff here is very nice. Although they're human and they do make mistakes, they're always quick to respond to your queries and fix the problem as soon as they are able. You'd be hard put to find any kinder and more efficient staff members than at Regent University. The campus is absolutely beautiful; the students and professors alike are generous people. It's pretty freaking hard to beat!
Bang for the buck
It won't break the pocketbook like some of the other schools out there - I mean, it's not cheap like the state schools, but it's most definitely good for a private school! I don't mind sharing personal information, so my tuition and housing costs for this coming semester (Fall 2011) came up to approximately $10,000, including all the small fees associated with colleges. Regent does have scholarships to help you in this department - you can find them by clicking on the Financial Aid link located on the drop-down menu on their site. You can also always consult a Financial Aid Adviser if you feel like you need further help.
Tips for prospective students
Don't rush into it - be sure to visit the campus and talk to the students if you can. I've seen some prospective students sit in on classes - they sat in on the Creative Writing class I was in - so I know that's a possibility. Don't be afraid to ask questions of any random people you see walking on campus, although they may or may not be weirded out, I'm sure they'll answer your questions! Also, be sure to pick up some food at the Ordinary, since their food is pretty tasty.

Also, a good idea for anyone, whether you decide to go to Regent or not: buy your books on You'll get them for about a quarter of the price you get them for in a university store most of the time, including shipping. This saves you so much money it's unreal.
Great for these types of students
If you want a place where you can be involved, this is it. Since their School of Undergraduate Studies isn't ancient like at other schools, they're always looking for student input. They have things like RUC (Regent Undergraduate Council) that allow any regular student to have a voice in what classes they offer, what majors they might develop, and so on.

Obviously, it's also a great school for anyone who wants to grow in their spiritual walk. Again - everyone is friendly and willing to help you. We know none of us are perfect, and that's what we've got other people for. We'll help each other as we strive to come closer to God. They have Chapel every Wednesday, UnChapel every Thursday, and all sorts of Life Groups going on, as well - not to mention NeXt on Sunday evenings.

Altogether, if you want to make a change in the world, this is also the place to be. Regent's mission statement is to make Christian leaders to change the world, and that's not just words for them. They continuously strive to meet their goal, and they've met it. Already there is a governor and a House Representative in office as fruits of their labor. But Christian leaders doesn't solely refer to government officials - it refers to teachers, psychologists, restaurant managers, police officers - I don't believe it matters what walk of life you come from. As Christians we are called to walk like Christ in every way, and I believe that means seeking to change lives in any way we can. That requires leadership in a sense. Regent is the best place I know of to equip you for a life of serving Christ and serving people. I hope you'll love it as much as I do! Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions - I'd love to answer them. My e-mail is Don't make fun - I made it when I was 11!


a current student here
In three sentences
Regent University is an incredible university with a genuine faith filled atmosphere. The school's motto is Christian leadership to change the world. Come here to grow.
Tips for prospective students
Apply for Scholars Weekend: a competitive scholarship program which offers a full tuition and room scholarship, and multiple full tuition scholarships
Academic Rigor
Regent stresses the historic liberal arts education. Don't be surprised if you find yourself reading Aristotle your first semester. Regent is working to make its academic programs even stronger.
Dorm Life
In my experience, dorms have been an incredible experience to foster community. We have small groups each week which is basically a time for Bible teaching, fellowship, and fellowship. All the RAs seem like great people. In addition, we have had fun hall events.
Food and Dining
Regent University doesn't really have a meal plan because all housing units are equipped with full kitchens. Regent does have a small cafeteria which serves good food, but students generally eat in their residence hall. There are numerous restaurants in the area.
What to do for fun
There are multiple beaches in the area. In addition, colonial Williamsburg is nearby, along with many museums. On campus, Regent just added a new student lounge.
Bang for the buck
Regent University is less expensive than many Christian college's. Make sure to fill out FAFSA and take advantage of scholarship opportunities.
Great for these types of students
This school is great for students who are passionate for Christ or who desire to become passionate for Him. In addition, consider Regent if you have an interest in politics.
Clubs and Activities
There are many activities to get involved in ranging from Enactus to Young Americans For Freedom to campus ministries to Surf Club.
Greek Life
Regent University has some professional organizations with Greek letters but there are not fraternities or sororities.
Campus Safety
Regent University security guards are trained police officers.

Kristen A. from Florida

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I am learning a lot in terms of my intended major and in the honing of my academic writing and communicative skills. I couldn't ask for anything more!
Am enjoying being here
I am taking classes online as I live in Florida. Still, I am enjoying my time here. The classes are so modern as they implement cutting edge technology. I believe this helps my experience in distance learning. Plus, the professors expect such academic excellence from the students we are pushed to hone in on our analytical and writing skills. This makes us better students!
Bang for the buck
It is more expensive than a state college as it is a private institution. Since I am also in a separate state and I work to pay for college I am well aware of the great difference in expense. Thankfully, they can reduce some of the tuition based on academic merit. The quality of the education, in my opinion, is well worth it!
Tips for prospective students
Again, I'll note that one might find a professor's expectations at Regent University to be more than those presented in community colleges or even in some state colleges. I say this because I have noticed that many of my peers prefer easy classes where professors demand little and test or quizzes are open-book or allow multiple attempts. The experience at Regent is well worth the effort, in my opinion, especially if you intend on attaining an education on a Master's or Doctorate level. Also, they have great opportunities for military families and those interested in online distance learning.
Great for these types of students
I would recommend this college to students with religious tendencies and diligent working habits. Those who are highly motivated will do well. Because this is a private institution they require you to take core classes based on theology and Christianity. If this interests you, or at the very least does not offend you, this university may be right for you.

Leila from Virginia Beach, VA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The professors at Regent are wonderful. They take the time to help you when you need it and are readily available. The professors care about your academic life as well as your spiritual life. If you are lucky you will receive a professor who has such a love for their subject that you will end up loving it as well. Very well rounded education for Christian leaders who will be sent out to change the world!
Am enjoying being here
The campus is beautiful and the people are friendly! I can always find a smiling face and helping hand on Regent’s campus. Regent is a smaller campus so everything is easy to find. There is always something fun going on and there is a wide range of activities for every type of person.
Bang for the buck
Regent is a private university so it is a bit more expensive than other schools. Fortunately financial aid and scholarships are readily available. The financial aid counselors are more than willing to help you find ways to afford Regent.
Tips for prospective students
I urge the prospective students to get involved and jump right in! There is a lot of information available on financial aid, the division of schools, and anything else you could possibly want to know about. Visit the campus and see if Regent is right for you. Before anything, pray. Pray that God will lead you to the right path. If you trust and follow in the Lord, He will never lead you wrong.
Great for these types of students
Great for students who want to make a change in this world. Great for students who have a fiery passion inside of them and are looking for a university that holds the students to high standards. A wonderful place to be for every growing child of God.

David from Virginia Beach, VA

a current student here
In three sentences
Two important factors in my choosing Regent were convenience and Christian atmosphere and my first semester here has been better than I imagined. The Christian atmosphere is great with friendly students and professors (and other staff!). Regent has been a setting for my growth in faith this past semester (through in/out of class discussions, friendships, and other experiences) and of course academic study.
Tips for prospective students
I suggest talking to the Admissions Counselors about any questions and worries, because in my experience, they're really open to talking with prospective students and are helpful. Through the Admissions Office, I've also talked to current students so you can also get a student perspective. Also, make sure to figure your Financial Aid details because college/university is an expensive endeavor (especially if you include food, travel,etc.). Regent offers nice merit scholarships, but also look into other financial aid and scholarships. I think it would help if prospective students do what a friend helped me do: make a comparison list of pros and cons of Regent with other college/university/trade school/etc. options. Finally, come visit the campus if you can, so that you can get a sense of the atmosphere and see if you can see yourself here.
Academic Rigor
In my experience, most of the classes are at AP difficulty level. The academic rigor really depends on the professor and the class. Some classes may be easier due to subject material and level, but may be harder due to a professor's higher expectations and stricter grading. Then again, the reverse could be true. Be warned, Regent requires a lot of general eds for undergraduate students, and most of these classes aren't exactly easy A's in my experience. Most of the classes are reading heavy, which is understandable for college level classes. I've had difficulty keeping up with all the reading assignments because of my own irresponsibility with time management and the sheer amount of reading. Also, keep in mind the different writing styles (APA, MLA, Turabian) that are required due to diversity of subjects of classes and professor's personal preference. Last semester, I've had to do quick research on how to cite in APA, which is a style I haven't used before. However, the university has a Writing Center that offers helpful services. Besides quizzes and homework, all classes have midterms, finals, and at least one big project (essays, timeline).
Dorm Life
Being a commuter, my rating of dorm life is from a limited point of view. I do have some experience with the dorms through SOAR (Summer Orientation) and spending some time in the dorms. Through SOAR, I got to spend one night in a quad. The quad was spacious and the dorms were clean so I could see myself living there. The kitchens are equipped with a fridge stove, and oven. The dorms have a small work-out gym and laundry room. All the RA's I've met were really friendly. In my experience and through what I hear others say, the community is really inclusive in the dorms and Lifegroup (which is the hall-based small group) is a great experience. The community room has comfy seating and a television.
Food and Dining
Since every dorm room has a kitchen, Regent doesn't have a traditional campus dining hall, but it does have the Ordinary (smaller cafeteria, not open on weekends). The Ordinary is a bit price-y (for example, fruit cup is about $2 something), but I've been satisfied with most of my meals I've brought from the Ordinary. To save some money, you could bring a water bottle since there are water fountains. An economically responsible and satisfying meal I get often is a grilled cheese sandwich with fries which is around $3-4. They have a daily menu (cheeseburger, grilled chicken, etc.), and a menu that changes each day (but is the same bi-weekly). The Ordinary has a soda fountain (Coke products I think), a fridge with juices and such, limited Starbucks coffee, and water. They also have season treats like gingerbread cookies, a drink of the month, and this Around-the-World themed featured cultural dish entree. I have a small obsessions with their Smithfield burgers, and their personal pan pizzas are great (cheese pizza is only about $2). Their taco salads are also good, but I wouldn't suggest having them every Thursday). Their fries can get addicting and I heard high reviews for the sweet potato fries (I personally don't like sweet potatoes). The Ordinary's breakfast menu isn't huge (they do offer omelets!) and I personally don't like their hash browns. Their soups are good on most days and I still need to try their pastas. Snacks and drinks are also available at the School Store and vending machines. There are also dining options available down the street (very short car ride, long-ish bike ride), across the street (7-11, Waffle House..), and at the Founder's Inn (I think it's price-y though) which is practically on-campus.
What to do for fun
The Student Center has a game room with a pool table ( a lot of students like playing SPLASH), a ping-pong table, a Foosball table, two televisions (one for video games which I think there are some in the room, and one with cable), and board games. There are also volleyball courts on campus and the Village has basketball courts. Also, there is a YMCA across the street. They have Regent Goes to Town events (mostly free) which provide a shuttle to events like IndiaFest, a Fall Festival, and a Movie. If you have a car, Virginia Beach has a lot of shopping options and the beach is a big attraction. Campus Ministries and the Clubs also have fun activities that I can go into detail in the designated section.
Bang for the buck
In my opinion, Regent is expensive but this is expected of college/university in general and private schools specifically. I've saved some money by being a commuter and I'm thankful for the financial aid. My AP Gov teacher said that college was a time to learn and grow in a setting of diverse people coming together to share ideas and at this university, despite a large number of similarities (like large numbers of Pentecostal/charismatic and politically conservative), there is a healthy diversity and an environment that inspires growth and learning.With my experience at the school so far, the environment Regent fosters for that university ideal has made the money has been worth it.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
I don't know everything since it's my first semester, but there are a couple events ( I've actually only been to Convocation) that seem iconic/ or special of Regent that I'd like mention in this section. Annually, Regent has a debate/discussion panel with special guests (politically significant figures I believe) called Clash of the Titans.Chili Bowl is an event that includes a tailgate party, chili contest, and the final games of the flag football season. Convocation Chapel is a special chapel service (I think it's annual) that celebrates new staff and professors and dedicates them to the Regent mission. There was also chapel service this year that celebrated the continuation of CBN and Dr. Pat Robertson spoke at. I know Regent has a Winter Ball that I've heard good things about. As for social culture wise, there is a joke about the Regent water making people ring before spring and some guys move the park benches around to different places often. Some unique locations on campus are the eternal flame in front of the CBN building, and Dr. Robertson's mansion on campus with the horses.
Great for these types of students
I'd say it is great for students who like the suburban setting and are looking for a Christian environment to grow and learn. Of course, as a Christian, it's a personal active walk with Jesus that's most important to keep the faith going. However, my experience so far is that this place is pretty inductive for dialogue and growth.
Clubs and Activities
Although I don't believe there are a large number of clubs at Regent,there are a lot of great free activities hosted by SAB/SLB (the student council-like clubs) including a cultural day in the commons, a hot chocolate bar during finals, a Men's Night (beard contest,free pizza, and watching Rocky), parties in the Ordinary and I believe the dances (WinterBall which does cost money). Other clubs I know of/heard of are SAA (Student Alumni Association) which keep in touch with alums, Society 78 which do all sorts of neat activities for a fee of $20, Russian Culture Club, Surf Club, Regent Undergrad News, and Swing Dance Club. For activities in general, Campus Ministries has a Chapel service every Wednesday noon and student-oriented UnChapel Thursday nights. Also, most Fridays they have a shuttle to a community service event called Good Fridays. There are also service oriented Greek letter associations that you can get involved with.
Greek Life
There are no fraternities/sororities at Regent except community service ones.
Campus Safety
I see campus police around every time I go on campus and I feel safe on campus. There are those emergency call booths around campus and Campus Police offer personal escort back. I've seen the crime report universities are required to provide and Regent's crime rate is really low.

Stephanie from Richmond, VA

a current student here
In three sentences
Regent University has a fantastic online degree program whereby non-traditional students can obtain a degree without ever having to set foot on campus. The online program is a US News and World Reports top 100 and provides challenging courses and coursework to all students. Additionally, Regent has lowered their tuition in order to make higher education more affordable for everyone.
Tips for prospective students
If you are an online student be prepared to devote many hours and hard work to each course. Online does not mean easy; in fact, in some ways it is more difficult than a traditional course. Take advantage of all the resources available to help students succeed - Regent has more of these than most colleges. Be prepared.
Academic Rigor
The online courses are taught over 8 weeks versus the traditional 16-17 week semesters. So, if you register for 4 classes, you have 8 weeks to fulfill the requirements of each one. This makes the academics extremely challenging.
Dorm Life
As on online student I do not have any experience with the dorms. However, from the information given online, Regent has very modern dormitories and even apartments for married with children.
Food and Dining
As an online student I do not have experience with the dining halls.
What to do for fun
The beach is always fun!
Great for these types of students
Regent is great for non-traditional and online students.
Clubs and Activities
Regent has many different clubs and a variety of activities available to students.

Catherine from Virginia Beach, VA

a current student here
In three sentences
Regent University has displayed professionalism throughout the application process and during my first year of school. The university not only teaches excellence, it practices it through it's staff and faculty. Regent sets a standard for others to follow.
Tips for prospective students
Regent University combines scholarly research and intellectual discussions with a Christian foundation. I suggest that when prospective students apply to Regent they understand that grades are not given, they must be earned and that not only will they develop their academic repertoire but also grow their character.
Academic Rigor
There is an expectation of excellence at Regent. This may look different for different students, but all can expect to invest time and hard work to earn the grades they receive. If someone is simply looking for a piece of paper that states they have completed college, this may not be the right school for them.
Dorm Life
Unknown, as I live off campus.
Food and Dining
I have eaten on the campus during annual residencies and the food and service are exceptional.
What to do for fun
Regent University is in the heart of Hampton Roads. This location provides activities that range from historical sites, beach fun, water sports, semi-pro athletic teams, and an arrangement of the arts.
Bang for the buck
Although Regent is a private university, the education and experience is worth the cost of attending. The faculty and students come from a variety of backgrounds and global locations which adds depth, interaction, and understanding of other cultures.
Great for these types of students
Regent is a great place for those who want to be challenged and who enjoy learning.

Brenden from Vienna, VA

a current student here
In three sentences
Regent is a very engaging and rigorous school. The faculty are extremely accessible and helpful. I very much enjoy their programs construction and instruction.
Tips for prospective students
This is not a school for slackers. If you do not put in the work you WILL fail your classes. With that said, all the professors that I have encountered have been willing to work with me when ever I had problems.
Academic Rigor
As already said, this is a very challenging school. But it is not impossible - just rigors.
Dorm Life
I am currently and online student so... I don't know. Based on the rest of the school I'll give it a five.
Food and Dining
Same as above.
What to do for fun
Since I'm at home, whatever I like.
Bang for the buck
Compared with many Virginia schools, it is rather affordable (as far college goes).
Great for these types of students
Regent is a Christian school, hence all curriculum is thus influenced.
Campus Safety
Regent recently sent all of us students their police report. I don't think you could be any safer if you were in your own log cabin in the middle of the woods. There was a total of around four infraction in the past four years! None of which were major.