Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY, USA


Northern Kentucky University

Olivia from Cincinnati, OH

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The school is quickly becoming well-known for its academics now more than ever.
Am enjoying being here
The campus IS still growing and getting great new modern buildings. Only thing is, it's still pretty much a commuter school.
Bang for the buck
When they say, a private school education for a public school price, they aren't lying.
Tips for prospective students
NKU is what you make of it. If you are a commuter student, then you have to work harder to create a fun (yet hard-working) semester. That's why I would recommend living on campus if possible, you're more connected to everything!
Great for these types of students
The university may not be huge, but it has its groups of people just as well. I've met every type of student here, from sorority girls to eclectic theatre students. You have options of so many community things to get involved in, and the staff here is amazing! I've never met nicer people working for a college.....ever.

Donald from Aberdeen , OH

accepted here and planning to attend soon
Will learn a lot
The staff seems to be very well qualified and the student to faculty ratio is small, so it will be easier to get one-on-one time with your teachers.
Will enjoy being here
I was really both intimidated and impressed by the facility and staff that I met when I visited. All of the buildings are relatively new and the dorms are very inviting. I was mostly impressed by how friendly the staff members were when I visited the music department during my entrance audition.
Bang for the buck
I have yet to take my first classes, but the tuition is cheap and I expect a college experience, so it will definitely be better than high school.

Kelsey from Franklin, KY

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The small class sizes provide every student with more individualized learning opportunities. This is very helpful for students, especially in their first-semester of college, to adjust from the transition to college. Students involved in the NKU Honors Program are exposed to more discussion and project-based learning, too. This has been really helpful for me, as I have learned new, innovative ways of thinking and creative ways to present information. The Honors classes offer a unique experience that I wouldn't pass up!
Am enjoying being here
I am the only person from my high school's graduation class to attend this school, but I am very involved and feel at home at NKU. There are so many activities and clubs that every student can find a place to fit in. I am a member of a sorority and a new campus organization, and I am also a current student athlete. Joining clubs and participating in campus activities really enhance your college experience and NKU is a great place to feel involved.
Bang for the buck
As far as tuition, NKU is one of the least expensive schools in Kentucky, and offers a high quality level of education. The classes really do have a private school feel, and compared to the price, it is a GREAT deal. Still, on-campus residents are required to have a meal plan, which runs around $2,500 per year, and many of the meals may go unused. Also, some housing buildings are a bit overpriced, but that is the case with most schools.
Tips for prospective students
Take a campus tour and APPLY EARLY! First year scholarships are the biggest, but the deadline for consideration is in mid-January. Many of the merit scholarships are renewable, so having them really adds up. Also, applying early gives you an earlier orientation date, and there's a much larger class selection that way!
Great for these types of students
This school is perfect for students that have a drive to succeed. The Honors program is one of a kind, and is something that high-ranked students should look into. It's great for students that want to be involved as well!
Students interested in informatics should definitely consider NKU, as we are one of 3 schools in the nation with a college of informatics. A new state-of-the-art building is also in the works, and is planning to open in Fall 2011.
NKU is NOT a party school. It is mainly a commuter school, but students that live on campus usually leave on the weekends. It is a quiet campus and there are no frat/sorority houses.

Sarah from Highland Heights, KY

a current student here
In three sentences
NKU is a great school to go to. Most of the teachers are very challenging and understanding. It is also reasonably priced for such a large campus & great teachers.
Tips for prospective students
If you are a prospective student, I suggest going to an open house. I also suggest that if you become enrolled, make sure to go to the fresh fusions, and also get involved on campus. It is the best way to find new friends and keep grades up.
Academic Rigor
You will be challenged academically, but if you keep your studies up, it is easy to stay head.
Dorm Life
Most of the dorms are really nice. You have a choice of living in a 2 roommate dorm, or a 4 roommate one. The 4 roommate rooms are pretty big and include a kitchen and living area.
Food and Dining
There are many choices and mutipule locations on campus to get food and drinks.
What to do for fun
There are all kinds of activities to do on campus, but there are also quite a few parks around. NKU is also close to Newport on the Levee and downtown Cincinnati.
Bang for the buck
Tuition is very reasonable for everything NKU has to offer.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
The old university center used to be the student union building. The new student union building is well designed, and has a lot to do inside it.
Great for these types of students
students on a budget.
students who want to live on campus.
Students who want to live off campus.
Clubs and Activities
There are many clubs and activities on campus. There are clubs and activities for any kind of interests that you may have.
Greek Life
I am not apart of Greek life, but the people that are Greek on campus seem friendly and excited to be Greek.
Campus Safety
There are many blue lights on campus that if you are in danger you can call the on site police. NKU also has their own police force for campus that are very prompt at getting to you at anytime of day or night.

Beau from Cincinnati, OH

a current student here
In three sentences
An Excellent University! Building up to become one of the leading schools in the area. Safe and Affordable.
Tips for prospective students
Dorm on campus and get involved for a better experience.
What to do for fun
So much stuff! there are tons of clubs to join or frats. There are tons of shops and what not right around campus. If you want to go off campus then you can go to newport on the levee which is bout 5 minutes away and has a movie theater, a huge aquarium, as well as many mall shops. Just north of campus is Cincinnati, Ohio and there is tons to do there.
Bang for the buck
A cheaper school, that is a great education. Division 1 starting in 2012!
Great for these types of students
Anyone. there is such a wide variety of students.
Campus Safety
I have never even heard of a crime issue on campus! which is great. We have our own police that patrol the campus 24/7

Candice from Dayton, KY

a current student here
In three sentences
I love NKU! I am a transfer student and this is by far the best college I have attended. The community is great and the people are friendly. There are a lot of free and fun activities available on campus all the time. The Greek Life at NKU is fun, do a lot of good for the community, and affordable compared to most universities. The professor are great and willing to communicate with students, unlike most universities I have attended. There are a lot of resources for students who require extra help like on-campus tutoring in all subjects for FREE! There are also a lot of different academic and non-academic clubs to choose from... even clubs for obscure interests.
Tips for prospective students
NKU is affordable and a great community to be part of. I would recommend this university to anyone who wants an affordable, yet quality education. There are a lot of activities available for all sorts of interests both on and off campus.
Academic Rigor
Great wide selection of courses and subject matter. Professors are helpful and patient.
Dorm Life
I have not lived on campus, but I have friends who are/have. There are some newer dorms that people rave about and some not-so-great older dorms. It just depends on which dorms you are assigned to or put down as your preference. Most dorms are close to classes and the food courts.
Food and Dining
There is a good variety of cuisine available in the Student Union towards the center of campus. The cost is not the best, but it's about the same you would pay off-campus. I do not have experience with the dorms' dining facilities, though.
What to do for fun
There is Greek Life on campus that is fun and affordable. It is NOT like other universities where they're stuck-up. NKU has a variety in special interest groups for both academic and non-academic interests. There is always something going on both on and off campus. Campus events (sports - We're Division 1 now!!, planetarium, fun random events) are FREE for students!
Bang for the buck
Great price for a quality education compared to other colleges of its caliber.

Paige from MI

a current student here
In three sentences
I am a transfer student, and I quickly discovered that NKU had everything that my previous college was lacking. Honestly, the transfer process was a bit tedious and messy. However, even if I had been aware of the profusion of emails I had to send and reply to and all the financial aspects of transferring, I would do it again every time because of the warm, friendly atmosphere and countless opportunities this school has granted me.
Tips for prospective students
Don't be afraid to contact staff or faculty with questions. They will be glad to answer or direct you to someone who can.
Academic Rigor
Coming from a small private college, I am used to a more rigorous curriculum. That being said, the classes are still engaging and stimulating. I feel that I am learning without being overworked. Of course, that does vary a bit depending on the class and the professor.
Dorm Life
I live off-campus, so I have no personal experience in the dorms here. Because I must rate this, though, I will give it four stars because I have heard pleasant things about them.
Food and Dining
Again, I live off-campus, so I rarely eat on campus. However, I do know there is a pretty wide selection in the Student Union, and I have yet to dislike a meal when I do eat on-campus. However, I wish there were places open later.
What to do for fun
There are a plethora of groups to join, and I would highly recommend doing so! I joined the Catholic Newman Center, and in less than three days of being a member, I was on my way with the others to see Pope Francis in Pennsylvania. There are sports to watch, concerts to attend, and the cities of Newport and Cincy are just a drive away.
Clubs and Activities
There are numerous ways to get involved! I am a member of two groups-- both of which introduced me to several people with the same interests as myself.

Juliane from Highland Heights, KY

a current student here
In three sentences
The campus is amazing and everything is in walking distance(stores, food, starbucks, atms, campus bank...). The campus community is great and you can find diffeent clubs and organizations for everyone, we even have a Quidditch team! The classes are small and personal and the teachers are nice and care for their students.
Tips for prospective students
If you can, live on campus. The residential village is nice and has different types of dorms ( traditional, apartments...). Try to engage in different clubs and events that are held on campus. It is so easy to make friends for a lifetime.
Academic Rigor
The classes are great and small. You learn a lot and the professors will help you if you have problems. There are also so many different classes and online classes. The times are great for everyone because the school offers classes from 8 am to 9.30pm!
Dorm Life
I love my dorm room and my roommate. I have a kitchen and a full bath that I share with her, as well as a bedroom. There are many events for people who live on campus and the staff here is really nice and helps or fixes things for you.
Food and Dining
There are soooo many different restaurants on campus. We have a lot of healthy choice restaurants and little convenient stores. We also have a Starbucks on campus.
What to do for fun
Join groups and clubs or go to the Rec center to work out or to take classes like Zumba, Yoga, or Kickboxing.
There is always an event on campus or music outside with boothes.
Bang for the buck
College is expensive, but what I get for my money here is worth every penny. I love this university!
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
We have an oustide theater that is located next to a beautiful lake with ducks that like popcorn... It is nice to sit there in between classes and regenerate.
Great for these types of students
The school is great for students that like to have a lot of action because there are so many different hings that you can do on campus. But I think it is also great for people who need their quiet time. There are so many loctations where you can just relaxe and the dorm rooms are quiet, too (no parties).
Clubs and Activities
As I said before: there are so many opportunities to be engaged in the campus community. Langauge clubs, sport clubs, science, art, music, religious and cultural organizations...
Greek Life
We have 6 sororities and 5 fraternities on campus. There is no hazing and the sororitites and fraternities are helping eachother out. It does not matter whether you join greek life or not because you will make friends anyways. However I feel like a lot of stuff that is going on on camous is greek-related.
Campus Safety
We have our own police department next to the campus and there are safety polls EVERYWHERE! In case something happens you can push the button and somebody will come to your location. I feel very safe on campus and even walk around when it is dark.

Aaron from Dry Ridge, KY

a current student here
In three sentences
NKU is a huge opportunity at a future at an affordable price. It lets you get a great education without the full cost of a private school.
Tips for prospective students
Apply early! Living at home can cut your costs in half.
Academic Rigor
Although you can slack in lower classes, you will need to work hard and understand what your learning about to succeed
What to do for fun
Hang out with friends.
Bang for the buck
Your education can be just as good as any other if you put in the effort.
However it will cost much less than an expensive private college.

Brittany from Lexington, Kentucky

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The small classes are more hands on and your professor actually knows who you are. So it makes it that much harder to skip class that day.
Am enjoying being here
NKU has over 15,000 students there, so you meet someone knew almost everyday. There is always something going on, so your never bored. The campus is growing and becoming a beautiful place to take your studies at. Also we might be going to division one!
Bang for the buck
It's so affordable to go to NKU. They try and help you out as much as they can with paying for school. Like they say you get a private school education for a public school cost.