Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ, USA


Northern Arizona University

Christian from Las Vegas, NV

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The teachers that I have had for the most part have been amazing. Use upperclassman and online prof. grading sites as a resource though, because there are a few snoozers out here. If you can catch the right professor at this school, they can change your life.
Am enjoying being here
The weather is perfection. The atmosphere is also far more laid back than you'd expect at an Arizona school. The tools of the southwest must have all settled for ASU, because most people at NAU seem to be down to earth. The town is smaller than a big city, but it's surprisingly comfortable and incredibly relaxing. The social life is exciting enough for me to be able to party whenever I want, but reasonable enough for me to still be able to get the education I'm paying for.
Tips for prospective students
Get involved! There are so many opportunities for students to get into in Flagstaff it's unreal. Greek Life is it's own little world, but those that are involved seem to love it.
Great for these types of students
If you like the outdoors or are like me and want to experience a change in environment then NAU is for you.

Jeffrey from Phoenix, AZ

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The books can only tell you so much but when you bring good teachers in, who know the books and know the material, you get the most out of your classes. Here, there are great teachers who don't just stick to boring lectures with a billion power points and more stuff than you can write. They make the material interesting and easy to understand by being enthusiastic about what they are teaching.
Am enjoying being here
The weather up here is awesome and it makes the outside fun to be in. In winter there is so much snow compared to other places in Arizona. The people here are trustworthy. I can leave my snowboard outside for a second without worrying about someone coming out and taking off with it. It is safe here.
Bang for the buck
You get what you pay for. That doesn't mean that the more expensive the school is, the better the education you get. It means that your getting the same education here as you would at an expensive school because you have to pay with effort. The fact that it's less expensive here simply means that you won't stress out about paying a ridiculous tuition. You have more time to focus on the classes your taking and on using all the facilities that come with attending this school.
Tips for prospective students
Work hard and get into the clubs here. They are fun and you will meet people who can help you out when classes get tough. Don't procrastinate on applications for scholarships either. The clubs here have scholarships just for members so take advantage of them while your building friendships and progressing through life.
Great for these types of students
Any type of student who enjoys fun in the snow, great weather, good teachers, and nice people. Athletes love it here because they get an intense workout that people in other areas may not have because of the elevation. People who are environmentally involved enjoy the forestry programs here. Mainly though, students who want to work in the medical field of research can cooperate with the Arizona Cancer Center for a career working with them.

Daniel from San Diego, CA

researching this school
Will learn a lot
heard the student to teacher ratio is 17:1. Pretty good compared to other colleges. People I know who go there say the teachers will know you by your name, not just another number in the class.
Will enjoy being here
Love the outdoors. Very green school.
Bang for the buck
One of the only schools where I can get a degree specifically in my field, and not through a different field with my field incorporated in it.

Laura from Phoenix, AZ

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I have switched majors...oh...five times at NAU, but wouldn't change it for the world.

NAU, for the most part, has amazing professors and staff who absolutely love teaching their students.

They never give off the feeling that they don't want to be there or don't care about you, and professors can influence your college career far more than you think.

Plus, NAU might be the underdog of Arizona's public Universities, but we everyone loves an underdog and we show that with how good our education is.

Plus, the smaller classes at NAU (one of their major selling points) are truly better than your giant lectures, simply because you get more one-on-one time with an instructor dedicated to that field.
Am enjoying being here
Alright, so being from Phoenix made it difficult to transition to the snow, that I expected. But, I didn't think I would eventually despise the snow + wind + the freezing cold.

But, on the upside, snow means skiing and with Snow Bowl (the local ski resort) within 30 minutes of NAU, I've learned to not hate snow as much.
Otherwise, NAU's weather is absolutely fantastic. We are like a mini Colorado, but with slightly less snow and rain.

In addition to gorgeous mountain weather, NAU's community is one of the nicest around. The students are friendly, welcoming, and happy to be here.

I am even extending a year because I love it so much here.
Bang for the buck
I can only speak as an in-state student, but NAU locks their tuition for most incoming Freshman, so you won't have to worry about the insane rise of tuition rates year-to-year.

Plus, NAU has been upgrading its campus and with a new state-of-the-art, green (LEED) certified Recreation Center (Gym) opening up this fall, you can't beat the free access to such a place.

NAU is also a campus college. So you get to be apart of campus, saving you money on commuting (which can definitely add up).

They also offer free printing for students, up to 10 pages a day in the L.E.A.D Center, have meal plans on campus, you can take almost any class you want, and more.
Tips for prospective students
My number one tip for possible future students, visit NAU. Their is something about this place when you are here, walking around, looking at it, smelling the air, and feeling with your own senses. Just being on campus makes you feel like a student.

Tip 2:
Bring warm clothing. Since, Flagstaff is located in the Mountains we can get variable weather every year. Some years it is freezing, others not so much. Two years ago we got about 8 feet of snow, and finals were cancelled (wohoo!!). So understand, Flagstaff doesn't have the most reliable weather.

Tip 3:
Get involved when you get here. As soon as you get involved you will love everything, because you will find your group of friends (outside of the dorms) and feel like you are really a part of NAU

Tip 4:
Be willing to meet new, different, people. NAU is great for diversity within Arizona.

Tip 5:
Live in the dorms, they might sound scary, but are really fun.

Tip 6:
Keep an open mind.
Great for these types of students
Outdoor lovers and enthusiasts. If you like hiking, camping, mountaineering, climbing, etc, then NAU is your place hands down!

Nursing students -- NAU has a great program.

Those who want smaller classes.

Those who want to live on campus.

Environmentalists - NAU wants to be carbon neutral by 2020 and any new buildings that have been built within the past 5 years and any future building will be LEED certified.

Laid-back people.

Kelli from San Marcos, CA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
Northern Arizona University offered me the full package so that I could pursue my dreams of a college education. When I started the search for the perfect college for me, I had three requirements: Pre-med/biomedical major, football team, and almost as important, snow! Not having NAU at the top of my favorites list, my family and I visited the campus while visiting some universities in the state. After our Discover NAU weekend, I had fallen in love with what the university had to offer and what Snow Bowl would offer during the winter.

I am now a sophmore, who went through some home sick periods and adjusting to dorm life but completed my freshman year on the Dean's List and nominated to the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. Even though my family is from San Diego, they visited often and we shared some great times on Family Weekend and at NAU football games. I even found a new appreciation for the beach and San Diego weather on my visits home from a chilly climate. Reuniting with my high school friends during the holidays and spring break were ever so meaningful since we all went off to college in our different directions. But, by far, my Snow Bowl season pass, and weekends snowboarding with my friends were worth all the bumps, bruises and soreness I had becoming an accomplished snowboarder.

Going to college is such an exciting experience and full of firsts. Not only the educational opportunity, meeting new friends, being independent and adjusting to making my own decisions but most importantly, for me, was the education in life. I have grown and matured as a person.

I recommend the college experience and I recommend NAU. As I continue my college degree, I have set higher expectations to pursue after my undergraduate studies. Medical school and becoming a medical doctor have been my dream and goal. I have tried to adopt the philosophies as spoken by Booker T. Washington, The world cares very little about what a man or woman knows; it is what a ma...

Amanda from New Castle, CO

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I am either learning a lot of new things or learning more about the things I learned in high school which is really nice for me.
Am enjoying being here
I really enjoy being here. It's a lot like back home which is soothing for me. Winters are nice but Phoenix is also two hours away so heat is easy to get to if you want that. It was definitely one thing that drew me to Flagstaff, AZ.
Tips for prospective students
Be prepared for harder classes and a lot more work depending on the high school that you attended. Time management is key in the first year because how you mold yourself then will help you be the student you want to be for the rest of your college career. Don't be afraid to ask for help because there is so many options for you as students to succeed and be the best student that you want to be. Finally, you don't have to go into college knowing what you want to do. A lot of people I know are trying to get there pre-rec classes out of the way to help them figure out what they actually want to do and most students change their majors multiple times so don't stress out about it.
Great for these types of students
Northern Arizona University is great for students who like being outside any time of year. It's also a really good school for science majors but I could just be bias to that because I am a science major. :) I do know that it is a great school for physical therapy and nursing but you have to really want it and work hard for it but that can be said for anything you really want to do.

Erica from Flagstaff, AZ

a current student here
Am learning a lot
A lot of the teachers I have had, really have influenced my decision on my major, for the better. I have enjoyed a lot of my teachers because of their learning techniques. But I have also had some horrible teachers who, to this day I glare at when passing them on campus. I recommend going onto and looking up the professors before joining the class.
Am enjoying being here
Flagstaff is a completely different environment from the Phoenix Valley. Only being two hours away, makes a world of difference. You are in a college town. Every restaurant, every store, all college employees. You also have a more of laid back scene. More diverse.
Tips for prospective students
You have to ask yourself if you can handle the snow, and the cold and the bipolar weather, as well as the wind. We are more windy then Chicago. And every winter continues to get worse, but that also means more snow days and less school. Plus we are only 25 minutes away from the nearest ski resort.
Great for these types of students
NAU is so diverse, anyone from anywhere can fit in just fine. Be open and outgoing, you will do great.

Madeline from Granite Bay, CA

a current student here
In three sentences
beautiful and stunningly gorgeous. the winter's may be cold, but its worth it when there is fresh, untouched coat of snow laying on the ground outside your window. there is no place i would rather be in arizona.
Tips for prospective students
work hard in high school and college feels no different. live on campus, its definitely worth the experience your freshman year!
Academic Rigor
some of the teachers will challenge you to think like you never have, i have a few favorites i have already found. i have not came across a program that is unsatisfactory.
Dorm Life
get to know the people in your hall and it will be ten times better! community bathrooms are not the greatest but they helps you learn how to respect others privacy.
Food and Dining
there are a lot of options here at nau, but you start to get bored with them. dining dollars are a lot better than using transfers.
What to do for fun
if you love the outdoors, you will always be busy! 10 minutes from a ski resort in the winter, 45 minutes from sedona, and two hours away from the grand canyon!! nothing better than the outdoors:)
Bang for the buck
going to nau has been completely worth the money! i have met some of the nicest people!
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
friday art walks that occur in downtown. its a must if you live in flagstaff to at least attend one. they happen the first friday of every month.
Great for these types of students
the students who enjoy engaging with the professors and that need to be held accountable.
Clubs and Activities
if there is anything that interests you, i guarantee that there is a club for it! from hot dog clubs to honor societies, there is definitely something for everyone!
Greek Life
i am not directly involved in it, but they all live in the view together. the sororities and fraternities get involved in the community, but at the same time they have fun!
Campus Safety
the blue light system is all over campus, which allows you to call the police and naupd if you see anything suspicious going on.

Allena from Twentynine Palms, CA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I am a Bio major, and the course load is very indepth and very well presented to the students. The faculty are very approachable, which makes learning much easier because I am not ashamed or afraid to go up to my teachers and ask questions.
Am enjoying being here
Since I am doing work most of the time, I don't enjoy myself as much as I should. However, the college is integrated with the city of Flagstaff, and there is a good relationship between college students and townspeople. There are monthly art walks and always fun activities going on both on the campus and in town. There's also loads of extracurriculars like fraternities, sororities, and MANY philanthropic organizations that students can get involved in. I managed to get a job as a Supplemental Instructor within my first year as a college student and I've never enjoyed working so much! The faculty, again, make this college wonderful. I am also involved in the honors program and the Honors faculty in particular are a jovial lot- very approachable, very humorous, and very very intelligent.
Bang for the buck
I am involved in a program called the Western Undergraduate Exchange. I am a California resident, however I am attending school in Arizona because NAU is the best campus for me. Thanks to the WUE program, I am able to go out of state without completely paying out of state tuition. I pay more than instate residents, but less than many other out of state colleges. NAU also has a four year guaranteed program - they promise not to raise tuition for the four years that you are enrolled on their campus, which is wonderful considering tuition is rising every year at every other campus.
Tips for prospective students
Bring sweaters- there's cold wind up here! Know what you want to do, but even if you don't people at Gateway (freshmen academic advisers) are very helpful. ASK QUESTIONS! All the faculty I have encountered are very very approachable and usually very knowledgeable. Even if they don't have answers to your questions, they will send you to someone who does. Don't be afraid to go chase something you want! If you want a job, go ask about it - you might get it!
Great for these types of students
Motivated, people who may or may not know what to do, students who want options in extracurriculars (From Ultimate Frisbee to Honor Societies), good program for students with disabilities, social people

Colten from Fort Collins, CO

a current student here
Am learning a lot
NAU prides itself for being a school with a wide range of academic class options with challenging and stimulating criteria. The professors are incredible and truly care about their students as a whole. Be sure to get in touch with them and utilize the many different campus resources such as Cline Library, the Gateway Student Success Center, and the Learning Assistance Center as well as countless other resources if and when you find yourself struggling. The campus really caters to students who care about their grades and academic standings!
Am enjoying being here
The campus is beautiful, the weather is temperate and Flagstaff, AZ is a GREAT college town with so much to do! Be sure to take advantage of the many outdoor/wildlife opportunities in the surrounding areas. For example, if you enjoy skiing or snowboarding, be sure to check out the Snow-bowl resort located just outside of Flagstaff! The environment is friendly, clean, and very supportive. I couldn't be happier.
Bang for the buck
As is the case with virtually every College in the nation, tuition can be steep, especially if you are an out-of-state student. However, the education that you are bound to receive is top-notch with great facilities and awesome ways to network. Also, NAU is one of the top schools in the nation in terms of bang for the buck with Residential Living costs in this difficult economy.
Tips for prospective students
Be prepared for Flagstaff's rapidly changing seasonal weather, and high elevation. If you are not used to high amounts of snow or cold climates as is the case with many in-state students, try to make sure you have warm clothing and the ability to handle both hot and cold climates. If you live in the valley, also be ready for a dramatic shift in elevation. It takes a few weeks to get used to breathing up there but when you finally do, you won't even notice a change. Also... Get involved! You will find that your college experience will be extremely rewarding if you decide to take part in NAU's many different extra- curricular activities. I can be honest and say that there truly is something for everyone.
Great for these types of students
If you are of Native American descent or origin, consider coming to NAU. We have a unique and large population of Native American Students and a plethora of transitional, financial and academic resources available to those in need of them! If you are passionate about Music, NAU has an incredible program available to those interested in Performance, Education, or a Bachelor's in Fine Arts degree. You will receive a great deal of one-on-one attention and learn a great deal about your craft. Some of the best programs offered at NAU include but are not limited to: Hotel and Restaurant Management, Music Education, Music Performance, Nursing/Medical, Counseling, Therapy/Psychology, Mathematics, Engineering.