23 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 23 ACT Score
The ACT is a national standardized test that many colleges and universities use as part of the admissions process. Nearly two million students take the ACT every year, with the average test taker scoring 20.8. The test features 215 questions across four sections (Mathematics, Science, Reading, and English) and a time limit of 2 hours and 55 minutes. There’s also an optional Writing portion that takes an additional 40 minutes.
Is a 23 ACT Score (68th Percentile) Good?
When analyzing standardized testing scores, we look at eligibility and competitiveness when applying for colleges. An ACT score of 23 makes you eligible to apply at a large variety of colleges, as well as makes you a competitive candidate — something you should definitely be proud of!
Looking at this from a different angle, a score of 23 on the ACT puts you at the 68th percentile, meaning that you scored higher than 68% of test takers, something that colleges and universities know and appreciate.
What Colleges Can I Get Into with an ACT Score of 23?
A score of 23 on the ACT will provide a wide variety of college and university options, from small liberal arts colleges to large public universities. We’ve compiled a representative sample of them below. No ACT score is an automatic ticket to admission but all of these colleges have developed a pattern of accepting students with a 23.
Should I Retake the ACT with a 23 Score?
A score of 23 is beneficial for admission to a sizable number of colleges and universities. If the school you’re considering is among the institutions that typically accept students with a 23 on the ACT, now is the time to make sure that the rest of your application is as strong as possible. Devote enough study time to ensure your high school GPA is as strong as it can be. If any classes feel especially difficult, make them a priority when budgeting time for homework and test preparation since colleges and universities value consistent academic performance. Additionally, be sure to craft a strong personal essay that is consistent with the quality of your ACT score. Have your college counselor or academic advisor read your essay and offer constructive criticism. With an essay that flows well and a good GPA, this will substantially increase the marketability of your application at a number of schools.
If you’re interested in retaking the ACT to see if you can attain an even better score or to increase the likelihood of more merit aid, take a look at the subject-by-subject breakdown of your score to determine where to devote most of your study time. Remember that incorrect answers don’t penalize your score, so work out a system for skipping difficult questions and returning to them at the end of the section. Keep in mind that while most colleges view an ACT score of 23 in a positive light, it’s still not quite high enough for most selective schools. If those aren’t on your list of dream schools, though, your 23 will suit many good institutions just fine!
23 ACT to SAT Equivalent
A 23 SAT score is equivalent to earning an 1130 to 1150 on the SAT. However, because there are some differences between these two standardized tests, what you earn on one may not line up with what you’d earn on the other.
The ACT and SAT differ in time management requirements, tools, and even content. If you feel like you should be scoring higher on your ACT, it’s possible it’s not the right test for you. Consider taking a practice SAT to see which test better aligns with your test-taking style.
Scholarships for a 23 ACT Score
Earning money based on your GPA, SAT score, or ACT score is typically referred to as merit aid. A 23 ACT score may make you eligible for some merit-based scholarships, but remember that there are tons of other types of scholarships you’re also applicable for, including ones based on your location, life circumstances, and extracurriculars. Begin applying today to build up your nest egg!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 23 a good ACT score?
A 23 ACT score makes you eligible to apply at a good number of colleges and universities, and competitive to apply at many, too. You won’t be competitive at selective schools quite yet, but you’re certainly in a good place to be accepted at many decent schools.
What colleges can I get into with a 23 ACT score?
You can consider many schools, so make sure to flesh out your Likely, Target, and Reach institution lists. Among many others, you can include Central Michigan University, Georgia State University, and California State Polytechnic University-Pomona on your Target institutions list.
What percentile is a 23 ACT score?
A 23 ACT score puts you at the 68th percentile, meaning you scored higher than 68% of test takers.
What is the SAT equivalent of a 23 ACT score?
A 23 ACT score is equivalent to earning a 1130 to 1150 on the SAT.
What scholarships can you get with a 23 ACT score?
You may be eligible for some merit-based scholarships with a 23 ACT score. Note that there are plenty of other scholarships options, as well, including ones based on extracurriculars, locations, life circumstances, and more! Start applying today!