35 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 35 ACT Score
The ACT is a standardized test used by many colleges and universities during the admission process. It is made up of four sections, English, Reading, Math, and Science, and is scored on a scale between 1 and 36, 36 being the highest attainable score. Students can also choose to take an optional Writing portion, which is graded separately and differently.
The total exam (minus the Writing portion) is made up of 215 questions and has a 2 hour and 55 minute time limit. An extra 40 minutes are added for students opting to take the Writing portion. The average composite score for the four main components of the ACT is 20.8.
Is a 35 ACT Score (99th Percentile) Good?
With a 35 ACT score, you’ll be able to apply to every college in the country as a competitive candidate, as well as expect a significant amount of merit aid. Because it provides access to the widest variety of college options, an ACT score of 35 is one of the best possible scores.
To understand how proud you should be of your score, a 35 ACT score puts you at the 99th percentile — that means you scored higher than 99% of all test takers! Now go celebrate!
What Colleges Can I Get Into with an ACT Score of 35?
A score of 35 makes you eligible for admission at every college and university in the country. We’ve assembled a sample list of schools to consider below. Remember that even the best standardized test score doesn’t guarantee acceptance by itself but all of these schools have established a precedent of admitting students with an ACT score of 35.
Should I Retake the ACT with a 35 Score?
An ACT score of 35 is a demonstration of excellence in all academic fields at the high school level. There’s no pressing reason to retake the ACT, especially with a score so close to perfect.
If you’re a junior, take a look at your total college application package—GPA, extracurriculars, and ACT scores. It’s quite feasible that you’re on par to submit applications to the most selective schools in the US. Set up an appointment with your college counselor and ask for their suggestions. Take the time to research the schools that pique your interest and attend a few sessions when your college resource center hosts admissions officers from those institutions. With so many schools to choose from, take the time to try and find the one that fits you best.
For seniors, it’s also important to make sure that every part of your application measures up to the precedent set by an ACT score of 35. Spend time crafting a strong and persuasive personal essay and have your college counselor read through it and don’t forget to ask a favorite teacher who impacted your high school years to write a letter of recommendation.
35 ACT to SAT Equivalent
A 35 ACT score is equivalent to earning a 1560 to 1590 on the SAT. While there are some differences between these two tests, this is a good way to understand how the exams compare.
Scholarships for a 35 ACT Score
A 35 ACT score makes you eligible for a significant amount of merit aid, both from your future potential university and from third-party scholarship providers. Be sure to apply to plenty of scholarships outside of ones for merit aid, as well, like ones for your future major, location, life circumstances, extracurriculars, and more. Our extensive scholarship database is a great way to start building up your nest egg!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 35 a good ACT score?
Yes! The highest score available is 36, making 35 a very good score. You’re eligible to apply as a competitive candidate to every college, as well as accumulate a significant amount of merit aid. Congratulations!
What colleges can I get into with a 35 ACT score?
You can apply to every college in the nation with a reasonable chance of being accepted. Among your Target institutions, you can include highly lauded schools such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Southern California, and the University of Pennsylvania.
You’re eligible to apply to the Ivy League, including Harvard, Princeton, and Yale, but these colleges are always considered Reach colleges since they’re admission rates are so low. Make sure to make a comprehensive college list and apply to at least 10 institutions.
What percentile is a 35 ACT score?
A 35 ACT score puts you at the 99th percentile, meaning you scored higher than 99% of all test takers.
What is the SAT equivalent of a 35 ACT score?
A 35 ACT score is equivalent to earning a 1560 to 1590 on the SAT. While these tests have several differences, this is a good way to understand how the exams compare.
What scholarships can you get with a 35 ACT score?
A 35 ACT score qualifies you for a significant amount of merit aid, both from your potential future institution and from third-party scholarship providers. On top of applying for merit aid, be sure to visit our extensive scholarship database to find scholarships for your future major, passions, life circumstances, and much more!