Delaware Valley University
Doylestown, PA, USA


Delaware Valley University

Jossette from Erie, PA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The classes offer a good level of work and challenge that makes sure you will not be forgetting any of it soon.
Am enjoying being here
The college has many clubs that put on activities and events for students on campus. If there is nothing happening on campus then just take a ten to fifteen minute walk into downtown Doylestown. Plus if nothing in Doylestown interests you, then hop on the Septa for a trip into Philadelphia, PA.
Bang for the buck
This college may seem to be a bit costly but it offers a lot of majors and opportunities that can not be found anywhere else.
Tips for prospective students
A excellent tip for future students is always stay on top of your work. While some of the classes are pretty easy, they are only easy if you keep up with it. Another tip is that if you know a way to save money, do it. Buy textbooks online, take advantage of the meal plan, make payments to the school instead of taking out a loan for smaller amounts such as $400. Every little amount does make a difference.
Great for these types of students
This school is perfect for those who have a love of animals or agriculture, those who are looking for a small community college out of the city, and those who are looking to stay away from party-schools.

Shannon from Mount Airy, MD

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I have completed my first semester here at Delaware Valley College and have learned so much already. The core classes like English 1 and Chemistry 1 tuned up my skills from high school in each of those areas. My major-specific courses were very interesting and the teachers taught all of the material in a way that we students could absorb it.
Am enjoying being here
It is a blast living here. All of the faculty, staff, and students have been very welcoming. The dorms are huge and well-kept. Also, the food is amazing. Served in buffet style at the dining hall, there is always something good to eat, so you will never go hungry!
Bang for the buck
Although many would say that the tuition fees are a little pricey, they are definitely worth it. Delaware Valley College is one of the most hands-on colleges in the country. 500 hours of internship in one's field of study are required. This gives students a taste of the career path they have chosen to see if it is indeed the correct path for them. The experience also helps tremendously when applying for graduate/medical/veterinary school or for a job.
Tips for prospective students
The campus is very calm and laid back. We are passionate about our sports teams and many times you will see our side of the bleachers packed with students. You will meet so many people here and make a ton of new friends. There is always something fun to do whether it be touring down at the farms, going for a run around the campus, hanging out in the recreation rooms, or just hanging out with people.
Great for these types of students
Any student who is passionate about any type of ag-related career would do great here. From horses and cattle to hogs, sheep, and chickens. Also, the Criminal Justice and Psychology programs have become more noted for their success in readying students for careers in those fields. Students from any background are welcomed with open arms as their is little if any prejudice on campus.

Elizabeth from Bath, PA

researching this school
In three sentences
Awsome campus! Would love to go there. Offer exactly what I want.
Academic Rigor
Excepts AP credits and doubles there value. You hve excellent chances with a good GPA.
Dorm Life
Rooms are a good size.
Food and Dining
Willing to helpany students dietary needs.

Amber from Folcroft, PA

a current student here
In three sentences
A beautiful campus with all types of animals on campus and a student run farm. Great teachers and staff. Many clubs and activities to chose from.
Academic Rigor
great teachers and staff.
free tutoring and help with many subjects.
Very hands on.
tons of courses to chose from
Dorm Life
its what you make it. bring your own decor and create a homey feeling. Great place to meet people and study together. there is cable tv, wireless internet, mini fridges, and microwaves. lounges in every dorm with a flat screen tv and computers.
Food and Dining
Foods alright not a lot of choices but there is food for vegetarians.
Great for these types of students
science major
pre vet
Clubs and Activities
Tons of things to get involved with for all types of people. If theres not a club you want, make one.
Campus Safety
Very safe, nothing bad ever happens on the campus.Security is always around and blue safety lights are everywhere.

Celina from Hamden, CT

accepted here and planning to attend soon
In three sentences
I am the happiest little zoo science student in the world here at Delaware Valley College. Our tight-knit community, fantastic learning environment, and people who have the same dreams as me have made the transition to college more manageable than I ever dreamed!
Tips for prospective students
Apply early for the more specific programs, and be patient while waiting for a decision. Getting yourself all worked up waiting doesn't make it any better.
Academic Rigor
The classes at DelVal require you to think in a new light and adapt to the ever-changing world with speed and grace. This is the kind of school that is going to prepare you for the world whether you like it or not!
Dorm Life
Yes, the dorms at DelVal are old fashioned but they are well maintained and the atmosphere in the halls is great. My dorm mates are my neighbors now, and they're the neighbors that you know by name and love.
Food and Dining
Lots of students complain about the food at DelVal, but considering how hard the staff works to feed us all, I appreciate it. It's exciting to go in and say to hello to all the friendly staff, especially on days where they have made us something especially delicious!
What to do for fun
Doylestown, PA is just a walk away, and in October they have many fun family events that DelVal students are welcome to. There is also a beautiful park a 10 minute walk from campus, complete with a marvelous wooden castle playground! Stop by the farmer's market for fresh ice cream and lunch, or just attend some of the fun-packed events sponsored by the Student Activities Council! If you're looking for more, take the train from our on-campus station to Philadelphia for the day!
Bang for the buck
This school is the place to be if you want to go into any agricultural or life science fields. And in two years, they are becoming a University. It'll be great to be viewed at a high standard, because that is what this school is all about!
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
DelVal is built on 600 acres of farm. We have two cows with see through stomachs, and some students have to get up at dawn to milk the other cows. Take a walk to the beekeeping building to check out the hives or just stroll down to see the new calves. They're adorable!
Great for these types of students
If you are a quiet, outdoorsy person, this is the school for you. Quiet hours are enforced every single night, including weekends, and a short walk will have you in some very peaceful places.
Clubs and Activities
There's a club for every major at DelVal, but you don't have to be in every major to join their club. Want something out of the ordinary? Join the beekeepers in the Apiary Club, or stop by to a Flower and Garden Club meeting! Every group is active and eager for more members!
Greek Life
Our Greek life is so expansive we have to have a council where they can all meet. Focused mostly on service, our brothers and sisters understand the importance of community and make it known to all. If you're not looking for men or women only, join our Co-Ed organization!
Campus Safety
Our personable security guards are always willing to help you with even the smallest problems. Need to know the train schedule? They've got it. Security is also efficient in its job-during the night they do regular patrols of buildings and the grounds, and respond to an emergency with cool and grace!

Savannah from New Tripoli, PA

accepted here and planning to attend soon
Will learn a lot
I have already met with a few of the teachers (teachers from my major and those not from my major) all of which have been great to speak with. They seem so intelligent and willing to share their knowledge with everyone. They seem so close and friendly with the students, building great relationships, that it is impossible not to learn anything.
Will enjoy being here
Being a small school you get to know everyone. Plus it seems that the sky is the limit at DelVal. There are so many opportunities available to students. The surrounding community just adds to the charm and great opportunities of the school.
Bang for the buck
Generally private schools are more expensive than state schools. DelVal is no exception. My advice would be to work hard to find scholarships. The school has many for freshman and for upperclassman as well. Do you research so you don't miss out on any free money that may go unused. The price is high but the education will certainly be worth it.
Tips for prospective students
Well since I have yet to officially begin school at DelVal I can not give loads of tips. I can however say that the earlier you send in the $400 down payment in the spring that reserves your room, the better pick of housing you get. The $400 is just for freshman (I believe it goes down to $200 for each other year). But I sent in my money as soon as I was accepted to DelVal and I was almost assured the housing I requested.
Great for these types of students
*Reminder it is an agricultural school. But I can say I have found that there are many students here for majors that hardly have anything or even nothing to do with agriculture. DelVal is wonderful for anything equine. It is a small school, but I find that more personal relationships can be formed.

Cassandra from Quakertown, PA

a current student here
In three sentences
DVC is a wonderful school if you are an animal major and like a country environment close to a city. The people here really do care for each other and the hands-on experience is incredible. Everyone can find a program to join here without trying hard.
Tips for prospective students
Bring your science class notes from your previous schools and remember to relax.
Academic Rigor
When it comes to sciences just remember, this is a science and agriculture-based school: expect a challenge.
Dorm Life
Tiny but always welcoming is the only way I can describe dorm life at DVC.
Food and Dining
The food is fresh and varied, coming right from our farms if not locals. The Pub and the Market will come in Handy for a good treat.
What to do for fun
We are close enough to Doylestown for shopping and day/night events. There are concerts, performers, comedians, etc. on campus year-round too. But the day we work towards is our giant county fair type event called A-Day in the spring: a day you cannot forget.
Bang for the buck
Expect a quiet campus with city athletes and cowboys/cowgirls hanging out together, unforgettable professors, and impressive animals.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Talk to the Ram in front of the Student Center, help with A-Day, and relax by Lake Archer.
Great for these types of students
Anyone who likes one-on-one professors even in a larger lecture group.
Clubs and Activities
Name a club or activity and if we don't have it, we can start it up here. Ranging from rock-climbing to community services to circus stunts on horses to 4H to drama, we have it all at DVC.
Greek Life
We may have a small Greek Life but almost everyone is friends and most of our own Greeks never thought they would ever join the very false stereotype.
Campus Safety
You can easily feel safe on our quiet campus and will most likely become friends with our wonderful security staff just passing them on rounds.

Jennifer from Oxford, PA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
Classes are small size so you are able to have more access to professors and they are very willing to help.
Am enjoying being here
Wish it was a little bigger campus but it is a very comfy and relaxed atmosphere.
Bang for the buck
Higher in the price but I feel it's worth it.

Chels from Delaware County, PA

accepted here and planning to attend soon
Will learn a lot
They are one of the few private institutions in Pennsylvania that has a real pre-veterinarian medicine program. I have researched a lot of colleges and most just throw their pre-vet students in with the pre-med students and really make you go out of your way to build your own curriculum to apply to a certain veterinarian college. Veterinarian Medicine is a very competitive field so having a program that will let you apply to multiple vet schools after graduation is awesome! They not only have animal science as a major but they have zoology, large and small animal science, equine science, and so much more! This is the best school to attend if you are into pursuing a major in any animal related field.
Will enjoy being here
The campus is stunningly beautiful and the location is perfect! It is close enough to both New York and Philadelphia but far enough away not to be bothered by either. The farm on the campus is huge! It is so encouraging to see the animals that I will eventually work with! Any school can offer biology as a major but not every school has a farm! The campus is very lively and very spacious; they have a lot of events for the students to do and there really never seems to be a dull moment. There are many shopping centers around (but not that close where they encroach on the school) so it isn't a boring place to live. Everyone was very kind and welcoming; the dorm rooms aren't bad either. This is the type of place where you can sit on the field and have a nice lunch or play games with friends under the clear skies; it is a very lovely school.
Bang for the buck
The tuition is very pricey! However, the school is definitely worth the price. My experience with tuition isn't the standard so it may not be so pricey for everyone else. You definitely get what you pay for so even if you have to pay a lot you will get every cent's worth! You could end up paying just as much at another school with just a plain biology major but at this school you will get so much more!
Tips for prospective students
If you are looking to attend Del-Val be prepared to pay a good bit of money but know that it is totally worthwhile! They are a rolling admissions school so there is no real deadline but apply as soon as possible because some programs fill up fast! If you are applying for any science major you have to have completed some biology and chemistry classes in High School to be considered; it is also good to take the Biology and Chemistry SAT subject tests if you can, especially if you are home-schooled. They give fantastic merit based scholarships so do the best you can in school!
Great for these types of students
This school is great for anyone interested in biology and animal sciences. If you love animals, farmer's markets, that small town feel, the idea of a farm on campus, the idea that you are not limited to just a biology major for pre-vet studies, want to be close enough to the City and other fun places without being over-powered by them, want a place where you aren't lost in the crowd, want a hands on education, then you will love this school as much as I do!