Arcadia University Glenside, PA, USA Save to list Majors and Degrees Majors InformationMajors87 Degrees and Majors Offered A B M D A B M DAREA, ETHNIC, CULTURAL, GENDER, AND GROUP STUDIESFrench Studies ✓Italian Studies ✓Spanish and Iberian Studies ✓BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCESBiochemistry ✓Biology/Biological Sciences, General ✓Conservation Biology ✓Human/Medical Genetics ✓BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, AND RELATED SUPPORT SERVICESAccounting ✓Accounting and Business/Management ✓Accounting and Finance ✓Accounting and Related Services, Other ✓Actuarial Science ✓Business Administration and Management, General ✓Business/Managerial Economics ✓Finance, General ✓International Business/Trade/Commerce ✓ ✓Marketing/Marketing Management, General ✓COMMUNICATION, JOURNALISM, AND RELATED PROGRAMSCommunication and Media Studies, Other ✓Communication, General ✓Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia ✓Speech Communication and Rhetoric ✓COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SUPPORT SERVICESComputer and Information Sciences, General ✓EDUCATIONArt Teacher Education ✓Early Childhood Education and Teaching ✓Education, General ✓Education, Other ✓ ✓Educational Leadership and Administration, General ✓ ✓English/Language Arts Teacher Education ✓Foreign Language Teacher Education ✓Health Teacher Education ✓History Teacher Education ✓Mathematics Teacher Education ✓Music Teacher Education ✓Reading Teacher Education ✓Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education ✓Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Educational Methods ✓Secondary Education and Teaching ✓Special Education and Teaching, General ✓ ✓ ✓ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE/LETTERSCreative Writing ✓ ✓English Language and Literature, General ✓ ✓English Language and Literature/Letters, Other ✓Writing, General ✓ ✓FOREIGN LANGUAGES, LITERATURES, AND LINGUISTICSSpanish Language and Literature ✓HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMSArt Therapy/Therapist ✓Health/Health Care Administration/Management ✓Medical Illustration/Medical Illustrator ✓Physical Therapy/Therapist ✓Physician Associate/Assistant ✓Public Health, General ✓ ✓HISTORYHistory, General ✓HOMELAND SECURITY, LAW ENFORCEMENT, FIREFIGHTING AND RELATED PROTECTIVE SERVICESForensic Science and Technology ✓LEGAL PROFESSIONS AND STUDIESInternational Law and Legal Studies ✓LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES, GENERAL STUDIES AND HUMANITIESHumanities/Humanistic Studies ✓Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies ✓MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICSMathematics, General ✓MULTI/INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIESBiological and Physical Sciences ✓International/Globalization Studies ✓Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other ✓Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution ✓ ✓PARKS, RECREATION, LEISURE, FITNESS, AND KINESIOLOGYSport and Fitness Administration/Management ✓PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIESPhilosophy ✓Religion/Religious Studies ✓PHYSICAL SCIENCESChemistry, General ✓PSYCHOLOGYApplied Behavior Analysis ✓Counseling Psychology ✓Performance and Sport Psychology ✓Psychology, General ✓Psychology, Other ✓SOCIAL SCIENCESCriminology ✓Cultural Anthropology ✓International Relations and Affairs ✓International Relations and National Security Studies, Other ✓Political Science and Government, General ✓Political Science and Government, Other ✓Sociology, General ✓VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTSActing ✓Art History, Criticism and Conservation ✓Art/Art Studies, General ✓Ceramic Arts and Ceramics ✓Commercial and Advertising Art ✓Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General ✓Illustration ✓Jewelry Arts ✓Painting ✓Photography ✓Printmaking ✓Sculpture ✓ Similar Colleges Albright CollegeReading, PA Drexel UniversityPhiladelphia, PA Pennsylvania State University-Main CampusUniversity Park, PA University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA Temple UniversityPhiladelphia, PA Villanova UniversityVillanova, PA West Chester University of PennsylvaniaWest Chester, PA University of DelawareNewark, DE Boston UniversityBoston, MA Rutgers University-New BrunswickNew Brunswick, NJ New York UniversityNew York, NYPreviousNextSee AllColleges in Pennsylvania 3.3 GPA Colleges: See Schools That Accept a 3.3 GPA 3.4 GPA Colleges: See Colleges That Accept a 3.4 GPA 3.5 GPA Colleges: See Colleges That Accept a 3.5 GPA 25 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 25 ACT Score 26 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 26 ACT Score 27 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 27 ACT Score 28 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 28 ACT Score 29 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 29 ACT Score 30 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 30 ACT Score 31 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 31 ACT Score 1150 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1150 SAT Score 1200 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1200 SAT Score 1250 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1250 SAT Score 1300 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1300 SAT Score 1350 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1350 SAT Score 1400 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1400 SAT Score