University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, IL, USA

Tuition, Cost & Aid

Affordability and Cost

Average Net Price Average net price for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from federal, state or local governments, or the institution. Other sources of grant aid are excluded. Aid awarded anytime during the full aid year is included.

Average net price is generated by subtracting the average amount of federal, state or local government, or institutional grant and scholarship aid from the total cost of attendance. Total cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition and required fees (lower of in-district or in-state), books and supplies and the weighted average room and board and other expenses.
Calculate your net cost
Average Net Price By Family Income
Average Amount
< $30k
$30k - $48k
$48k - $75k
$75k - $110k
In-State Tuition In-state tuition is the tuition charged by institutions to those students who meet the state's or institution's residency requirements. In-district tuition is the tuition charged by the institution to those students residing in the locality in which they attend school and may be a lower rate than in-state tuition if offered by the institution.
Out-of-State Tuition Out-of-state tuition is the tuition charged by institutions to those students who do not meet the state's or institution's residency requirements. Out-of-district tuition is the tuition charged by the institution to those students not residing in the locality in which they attend school.
Additional Costs
Room and Board The weighted average for room and board and other expenses is generated as follows:
  • (amount for on-campus room, board and other expenses * # of students living on-campus.
  • + amount for off-campus (with family) room, board and other expenses * # of students living off-campus with family
  • + amount for off-campus (not with family) room, board and other expenses * # of students living off-campus not with family)
divided by the total # of students. Students whose living arrangements are unknown are excluded from the calculation. For some institutions the # of students by living arrangement will be known, but dollar amounts will not be known. In this case the # of students with no corresponding dollar amount will be excluded from the denominator.
Books and Supplies
Tuition Payment Plan
Financial Aid: visit page
Financial Aid Email:

Aid & Grants

Need Met
Students Receiving Gift Aid Percent of undergraduate students awarded federal gift aid. Federal gift aid includes any grant or scholarship aid awarded, from the federal government, a state or local government, the institution, and other sources known by the institution.
Average Aid Per Year
Students Receiving Grants Percent of undergraduate students awarded grant aid. Grant aid includes any grant or scholarship aid awarded, from the federal government, a state or local government, the institution, and other sources known by the institution.
Average Federal Grant Aid Per Year
Average Institution Grant Aid Per Year
Students receiving state aid
Average State Grant Aid Per Year
Students receiving federal aid
Average Federal Grant Aid Per Year
Total Needs Based Scholarships/Grants Total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to all undergraduates from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to the institution.
Total Non-Need-Based Scholarships/Grants

Student Loans

Students Borrowing Loans Loans to students - Any monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Includes all Title IV subsidized and unsubsidized loans and all institutionally- and privately-sponsored loans. Does not include PLUS and other loans made directly to parents.
Average Loan Amount Per Year
Students receiving federal loans
Average Federal Loans Per Year
Average Other Loans Per Year
Average Debt at Graduation The median federal debt of undergraduate borrowers who graduated. This figure includes only federal loans; it excludes private student loans and Parent PLUS loans.
Loan Default Rate
US National: 7%
Median Monthly Loan Payment The median monthly loan payment for student borrowers who completed, if it were repaid over 10 years at a 5.05% interest rate.

What Students Are Saying

The costs of tuition, room and board can be really expensive or inexpensive depending on how you go about financing them and finding the right deals.
Kristen from Chicago, IL
Yes, U of I is now the most expensive state school in Illinois. However, comparing this university to smaller private ones that cost almost double U of I's tuition, I would say you definitely get the bang for the buck. Smaller private schools often conger up rumors, drama, and unnecessary issues that are blown out of proportion because people cannot step in other directions and ignore it. This is largely because there are not enough activities and groups available for them to do so. Here at U of I, if there is something or someone you do not get along with, you can bet that removing it or them from your life will be easy. There are so many different things to do, and the campus is so large, that this should not be a concern (this message is especially for those who were scarred by any drama in high school).
If you have read all of the above information, you will see that there are thousands of services the campus is offering you. The ARC, the MTD bus service, the Illini Union, The Oasis, the Career Center, the Office of Minority Student Affairs, McKinley Health Services (this includes insurance and huge discounts on medicine from the pharmacy), and any advisers and councilors that are there to help you through your college experience are all included in your tuition. Considering that almost everything you need on campus is already paid for, I would say U of I definitely gives you the bang for the buck!
Brittany from Island Lake, IL
Being an out-of-state student I pay a great deal for tuition but I honestly think it is well spent. The transportation system is nearly flawless, the fitness centers on campus are amazing, and the academics are uniquely excellent. I don't have fear that I am wasting money with UIUC.
Lola from Southfield, MI
Tuition prices varied based on which college a student goes into, based on a major. The more math and science classes, the more expensive it becomes. Also, like most colleges, out-of-state students have a higher tuition rate.
Alyssa from Dixon, IL
Not going to lie on this one; this place is a bit pricey for a public school. It's amenities, such as the ARC and UGL help make up for it, but I would definitely suggest looking for scholarships, because paying for school can be challenging.
Krystal from Geneva, IL
UIUC is very expensive if you look at the tuition statement alone. HOWEVER, scholarships are always available for just about anything you can imagine! I received 3 scholarships so far (only 1 of which I had to write an essay, other 2 were given to me because of high GPA), multiple grants, and even more financial aid!
Amanda from Chicago, IL
U of I is a school that meets every prospective student's criteria for choosing a school. It is prestige, has a developed night life, has a diverse amount of extracurriculars, and is far away from home but not too far. It is perfect in my eyes.
alicia from Naperville, IL
A bit on the expensive side for those who are not in-state, but in-staters get a great education for a good price. And there are lots of scholarships you can apply for too.
Danielle from Chicago, IL
the biggest complaint you will hear from any college student on any college campus is about their student loans. though unavoidable, the university has many payment programs, scholarships, and grants that help make an education affordable for all students. for in-state students, tuition for the whole school year is approximately $15,000-$20,000. for out-of-state students, annual tuition is roughly $30,000-$37,000. for international students, tuition is about $32,000-$42,000. given these prices, as a current student, i would definitely say that i am getting my money's worth. the office of student financial aid also works with students in order to provide access to all possible scholarship opportunities in order to make education affordable. the university provides incomparable resources to aid in a student's education. with one of the largest university library systems in the country, the university of illinois has plenty of places for students to read and study. every time i enter a new building, i am reminded of why i pay so much per year to attend such an amazing university. the engineering quad is filled with some of the newest buildings on campus. this is including the electrical and chemical engineering (ece) building, which has received a green good design award from the european centre for architecture art design and urban studies and the chicago athenaeum for its sustainable design. another notable building is the newest wassaja hall, named after the first native american graduate of the university, which is expected to receive a minimum of leed gold certification. but overall, beyond the state-of-the-art buildings and resources, the friendships and networking connections that are built on this campus are priceless.
sophia from glenview, il
I do believe that the U of I gives students the BEST bang for their buck! With this university one can easily achieve an awesome education, meet many new and interesting people. build a great resume for life after college, create networks for their future, find ways to get involved around campus and indulge in something they are passionate about, and more. There are just so many things to be gained from attending this university that one can easily get their money's worth.
Carolyn from Wood Dale, IL