Nazareth University
Rochester, NY, USA

Tuition, Cost & Aid

Affordability and Cost

Average Net Price Average net price for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from federal, state or local governments, or the institution. Other sources of grant aid are excluded. Aid awarded anytime during the full aid year is included.

Average net price is generated by subtracting the average amount of federal, state or local government, or institutional grant and scholarship aid from the total cost of attendance. Total cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition and required fees (lower of in-district or in-state), books and supplies and the weighted average room and board and other expenses.
Calculate your net cost
Average Net Price By Family Income
Average Amount
< $30k
$30k - $48k
$48k - $75k
$75k - $110k
In-State Tuition In-state tuition is the tuition charged by institutions to those students who meet the state's or institution's residency requirements. In-district tuition is the tuition charged by the institution to those students residing in the locality in which they attend school and may be a lower rate than in-state tuition if offered by the institution.
Out-of-State Tuition Out-of-state tuition is the tuition charged by institutions to those students who do not meet the state's or institution's residency requirements. Out-of-district tuition is the tuition charged by the institution to those students not residing in the locality in which they attend school.
Additional Costs
Room and Board The weighted average for room and board and other expenses is generated as follows:
  • (amount for on-campus room, board and other expenses * # of students living on-campus.
  • + amount for off-campus (with family) room, board and other expenses * # of students living off-campus with family
  • + amount for off-campus (not with family) room, board and other expenses * # of students living off-campus not with family)
divided by the total # of students. Students whose living arrangements are unknown are excluded from the calculation. For some institutions the # of students by living arrangement will be known, but dollar amounts will not be known. In this case the # of students with no corresponding dollar amount will be excluded from the denominator.
Books and Supplies
Tuition Payment Plan
Financial Aid: visit page
Financial Aid Email: [email protected]

Aid & Grants

Need Met
Students Receiving Gift Aid Percent of undergraduate students awarded federal gift aid. Federal gift aid includes any grant or scholarship aid awarded, from the federal government, a state or local government, the institution, and other sources known by the institution.
Average Aid Per Year
Students Receiving Grants Percent of undergraduate students awarded grant aid. Grant aid includes any grant or scholarship aid awarded, from the federal government, a state or local government, the institution, and other sources known by the institution.
Average Federal Grant Aid Per Year
Average Institution Grant Aid Per Year
Students receiving state aid
Average State Grant Aid Per Year
Students receiving federal aid
Average Federal Grant Aid Per Year
Average Grant & Scholarship By Family Income
Average Amount
< $30k
$30k - $48k
$48k - $75k
$75k - $110k
Total Needs Based Scholarships/Grants Total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to all undergraduates from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to the institution.
Total Non-Need-Based Scholarships/Grants

Student Loans

Students Borrowing Loans Loans to students - Any monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Includes all Title IV subsidized and unsubsidized loans and all institutionally- and privately-sponsored loans. Does not include PLUS and other loans made directly to parents.
Average Loan Amount Per Year
Students receiving federal loans
Average Federal Loans Per Year
Average Other Loans Per Year
Average Debt at Graduation The median federal debt of undergraduate borrowers who graduated. This figure includes only federal loans; it excludes private student loans and Parent PLUS loans.
Loan Default Rate
US National: 7%
Median Monthly Loan Payment The median monthly loan payment for student borrowers who completed, if it were repaid over 10 years at a 5.05% interest rate.

What Students Are Saying

Nazareth is a private college and is therefore automatically going to be on the expensive side. However, before you start freaking out about tuition costs, know this: student fees include access to all of the extras on campus. This means free use of the fitness center which has it's own racquetball courts, use to the entire Otto Shults Center, free unlimited library access, wireless internet in many buildings, nearly unlimited studio access for art majors and practice space for music majors, lab fees for foreign language majors allow you to use the state of the art Tell Me More equipment at any given time during the semester, there are also many cultural events for all of campus in the French, Spanish and Italian houses, one free ticket to each student for all student shows, which are always good considering that Naz has the 9th best performing arts department in the country. All of this and more is included in the money that you are paying for tuition and student fees!
Alyson from Newark, NY
Everyone always says you get what you pay for, and I think it definitely applies here. Teachers are fantastic, facilities are continually upgraded, and campus is in a really nice location, so of course you to have to pay up for it. All housing and tuition and books are going to be expensive so as long as you are academically happy it is worth it.
Corinne from Penfield, NY
Nazareth is quite expensive, but they offer great financial aide. The education and community are definitely worth it!
Kathyrn from Canandaigua, NY
Nazareth College can be very hard to afford and while they give financial aid to almost every student it's sometimes not enough causing some financial difficulties. Nevertheless, while I have this struggle I will do anything to continue going to Nazareth College because I absolutely love it. It would financially make more sense to go to a different college but I love the campus, the people, the classes, and everything about Nazareth College!
Sierra from Harrisville, NY