Nazareth University
Rochester, NY, USA


Nazareth University

Alyson from Newark, NY

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The professors at Nazareth are great. However, to be a realist, you will always run into those professors that you feel just may not know quite as much as they make it seem. Although once in a great while this happens, all of the professors are open and willing to help you with absolutely anything pertaining to their courses. Naz professors are the type of teachers that are there to just talk if you need it during their office hours.
Am enjoying being here
Nazareth's campus life is amazing! I love living on campus. Not only are there 50+ clubs and organizations to get involved with, the village of Pittsford is literally right down the road. So on those warmer nights it's easy to talk a walk into the village with some friends to grab some Ben & Jerry's ice cream. There's so much to do on campus that if you ever find yourself sitting in your dorm bored on any given day...then something is just not right!
Bang for the buck
Nazareth is a private college and is therefore automatically going to be on the expensive side. However, before you start freaking out about tuition costs, know this: student fees include access to all of the extras on campus. This means free use of the fitness center which has it's own racquetball courts, use to the entire Otto Shults Center, free unlimited library access, wireless internet in many buildings, nearly unlimited studio access for art majors and practice space for music majors, lab fees for foreign language majors allow you to use the state of the art Tell Me More equipment at any given time during the semester, there are also many cultural events for all of campus in the French, Spanish and Italian houses, one free ticket to each student for all student shows, which are always good considering that Naz has the 9th best performing arts department in the country. All of this and more is included in the money that you are paying for tuition and student fees!
Tips for prospective students
GET INVOLVED! I know it's cliche, but it's true. Naz has over 50 clubs and organizations that cover absolutely anything you could want to do! There's The Gleaner and Sigilum, the student run newspaper and yearbook; the Undergraduate Association, Wilderness club, Ski team, foreign language clubs, numerous community service opportunities and so much more. And even if you think you might not have time for a full commitment to one of these clubs, but you still want to participate in that one event they are planning, no problem. Many of the clubs understand that as college students we are busy people and welcome students with any amount of time to commit to their club.
Also, take time to enjoy the Rochester area that surrounds campus. There are so many opportunities in the area to experience, just get out there to see them!
Great for these types of students
Outgoing, personable, artsy, energetic, easy-going, involved, determined, hard-working.

Corinne from Penfield, NY

a current student here
Am learning a lot
As a musician involved in all kinds of music since an early age, I thought I knew something about music, but I couldn't have been more wrong. My program has filled in gaps that I didn't know existed, in a very detailed and thorough way. So far (3 semesters) I have come across only one teacher that did a bum job of inspiring and teaching. Everyone else has been great. I do not feel trapped in the program, as everyone has to take a certain number of perspective courses that can act as electives in other disciplines. My biggest problem so far has been not having enough time to take all the electives I want.
Am enjoying being here
Although I grew up in a town about 15 minutes away, living on campus has given me a new adoration for the town of Pittsford and the city in general. I have found Pittsford Plaza to be the most convenient shopping center, my friends and I love going to Schoen Place on the canal for ice cream or dinner, and with a car it is not too hard to shoot right down East Ave into the heart of the city. As for the campus itself, I couldn't ask for prettier scenery, and the campus is small enough to enjoy it. Plenty of places to hang out and get coffee, food, study or exercise. Night life on campus leaves something to be desired, if you are looking for a huge party school Nazareth is not the place. But I have never had a problem finding something to do at night and there are tons of opportunities to get involved and make something happen.
Bang for the buck
Everyone always says you get what you pay for, and I think it definitely applies here. Teachers are fantastic, facilities are continually upgraded, and campus is in a really nice location, so of course you to have to pay up for it. All housing and tuition and books are going to be expensive so as long as you are academically happy it is worth it.
Tips for prospective students
Take the classes seriously and just do the work. Talk to your professors, try to get to know them as they can help you a lot later. Take care of yourself, it's not worth it if you are unhappy or unhealthy. Definitely have fun! Read alot, too. Know what you are doing and why you are doing it.
Great for these types of students
If there is a major here that interests you, and you have visited the campus and feel comfortable, then it is a great school for you. It's not a huge university or a huge city, but that can be a very good thing for certain types of students.

Haley from Scotia, NY

a current student here
In three sentences
So many things I could say! The campus is gorgeous year round, the people (students, staff, faculty, etc) are all so friendly, helpful, and supportive. There's always something happening on campus. The food is great (and the DH staff: Grace, Marisol, Malvin...). As soon as I set foot on campus I knew I was home. I really do mean all this, as cheesy as it sounds. I love Naz!
Tips for prospective students
Be open and friendly. Look to others for help because it will always be there. Don't be shy, embrace who you are, everyone will surely accept you. It's hard to not fit in at Naz. You're never alone. I promise. Wait, that sounded creepy, not what I meant. Campus is actually SUPER safe. There's an emergency phone wherever you go, and you can get a creeper beeper to put on you keys. But I doubt you'll ever need them. Like I said, it's really safe.
Academic Rigor
I mean of course it depends on your major, but the work is never bad because you can always go to your professors for help during office hours. They'll most likely know you by name and be happy to help!
Dorm Life
Depending on the dorm, it can be quiet or social (but never too noisy). Everyone is always friendly and everything is fairly laid back.
Food and Dining
Food is better than most colleges I think. There's lots of options (salad bar, sandwich/wrap station, pasta station, stir fry station, crepe station sometimes, grill, and so much more!) And the staff is WONDERFUL!!!
What to do for fun
There's a bunch of on campus events every week (grocery bingo, trivia night, comedians, singers...) and theres also a great ice cream place down the street (Pittsford Dairy), a shopping plaza with restaurants and a movie theater (Pittsford Plaza), you can walk along the Erie Canal, there's so much to do!

Kathyrn from Canandaigua, NY

a current student here
In three sentences
Nazareth College is a beautiful and small college in Rochester New York. It offers a very tight-knit community of students and professors and an excellent and well rounded education. There are numerous opportunities for involvement including undergraduate research, community service, and clubs.
Tips for prospective students
Get involved! The Nazareth community includes some of the nicest people you will ever meet. Get to know your classmates by participating in the activities put on by the C.A.B and ResLife and join some of the numerous clubs that are offered from the Center for Spirituality to Ultimate Frisbee to Art.
Academic Rigor
Nazareth course are, for the most part, very well taught. They are not extremely difficult, so as long as you study, you will do fine! The professors are brilliant and are always happy to meet one-on-one if you need help.
Dorm Life
Living on campus is wonderful! The dorm rooms are quiet large (especially Clock Tower Commons) and the people you live with often become some of your best friends. Residential Life does a great job offering programs and activities that create a great dorm community!
Food and Dining
There is a wide variety of food offered at Nazareth, including vegan and gluten free options, and several dinning locations. However, the quality of food is only mediocre.
What to do for fun
Attend sporting events, concerts, theater productions and other on campus events!

If you want to get off campus, the lovely village of Pittsford is a short walk away and has many restaurants and shops. Take a walk along the canal, go to the farmers market (Thursdays) or get a coffee or ice cream at the Pittsford Dairy.
Wegman's is also in walking distance if you need to shop.
Finally, go into Rochester for a city adventure- Java's Cafe is a fav!
Bang for the buck
Nazareth is quite expensive, but they offer great financial aide. The education and community are definitely worth it!
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
The fishbowl is an area just outside the library with glass walls and a cafe that serves Starbucks! This is a great place to study. Peckham Hall- the brand new science building has lots of cozy study nooks.

Nazareth also has lots of cultural events with great food and music at the Casa Hispana, Casa Italiano and the Maison Francaise!
Great for these types of students
Naz is great for studious students that want a small, tight-knit college community on a beautiful and culturally rich campus!
Clubs and Activities
There are tons of clubs and activities for people of all interests. Some of the most popular include the Center for Spirituality, our many music ensembles, Ultimate Frisbee, and free yoga classes.
Greek Life
There is no Greek Life at Nazareth.
Campus Safety
Campus safety is great! All of the officers are extremely friendly, and because the campus is so small, you will get to know them well. In case of emergency, all Naz students can get a Security Escort (aka creeper beeper) that can pressed to alert campus safety. Otherwise, campus safety is just a phone call away. They always respond very quickly!

Sierra from Harrisville, NY

a current student here
In three sentences
Nazareth College is amazing. It has such a great atmosphere and everyone is so friendly. The teachers and classes are awesome and you really feel like you're getting the education that you want.
Tips for prospective students
Don't push aside Nazareth because of the required classes every student has to take. There are a lot of required courses that we all have to take and while it may turn you off at first, it's actually pretty cool because you probably won't take those kinds of courses again for the rest of your college career and it broadens your range of knowledge. Also, prepare to get kind of tired of the food after a while; while it's all pretty good, after a while it seems like you don't have many choices. This being said, our food is still much better than a lot of other colleges. The majority of people at Nazareth are also genuinely friendly; it's a pretty small college so you see a lot of the same people around campus but there's such a good vibe!
Academic Rigor
Some of the required classes for all students are easier than specific major courses so they can be used to buffer your grade from your harder classes. Specific major courses however, aren't a walk in the park. Nazareth College classes definitely push you to do your best; it seems slightly overwhelming when you're trying to get everything done, but at the end of every semester you're truly smarter and have actually attained so much knowledge instead of just sliding by so it's worth it.
Dorm Life
Dorm life is great at Nazareth College! Although it's a small college you have quite a variety of dorms to choose from including louder more social dorms and quieter more secluded dorms. They're all kept pretty clean and the RA's are all pretty friendly and helpful if you have any concerns or questions. The room sizes are all pretty good too!
Food and Dining
Nazareth College is a small school so there are not as many places to choose to eat on campus. Nevertheless, all of the food is really quite delicious and they work to give you different options. It gets kind of old after a while because you feel like you don't have that many choices but overall it's very good!
What to do for fun
There are not a lot of things to do on campus since it is a small college, but there are buses all the time that stop at the college and go all over the city so you can go to the mall or explore downtown Rochester which has an abundance of options.
Bang for the buck
Nazareth College can be very hard to afford and while they give financial aid to almost every student it's sometimes not enough causing some financial difficulties. Nevertheless, while I have this struggle I will do anything to continue going to Nazareth College because I absolutely love it. It would financially make more sense to go to a different college but I love the campus, the people, the classes, and everything about Nazareth College!
Clubs and Activities
For a small college there are quite a few clubs to choose from and they're very good about allowing you to get new clubs started if you feel there's something you'd like to add.
Campus Safety
Nazareth College is so good about safety! It's a small campus so campus safety can get to you quickly if you have any issues but it's a very safe campus in a very safe location so there really aren't any problems.

Miranda from Skaneateles, NY

researching this school
In three sentences
I visited this school today and I absolutely fell in love with it. It's so beautiful and fun. The campus is easy to navigate and unique.
Tips for prospective students
Apply!! No matter what you think just apply. You may get in. I never thought I would get in, let alone get a scholarship. I ended up getting both. The school is amazing.
Dorm Life
The dorms look pretty normal but, they are clean and right in the middle of campus.
Food and Dining
The food looked so good when we walked through. There are so many options. We got to try a brownie and they were really good :D
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Our tour guide said they sometimes have mixers in the restaurants on campus. They sound really fun.