Manhattan University
Riverdale, NY, USA


Manhattan University

MC Student

a current student here
Am learning a lot
My professors have been really excellent, especially my the those in my education program. They are extremely experienced and caring people with so much to offer. One of my professors, for example, has had decades of experience as a teacher, principal, and as head of education for the Catholic school he worked at. Every single one of my education professors this semester have had years and years of experience both as educators and as leaders in their school system. I feel extremely confident that my teacher know what they are talking about. They are also very accessible and care about each individual student. I am learning so much about education from people I trust.`
Am enjoying being here
Unfortunately, due to extreme weaknesses in administrative and policy-related aspects of the college, my experience here has been much less than enjoyable. It is extremely hard to find correct information about policies, and no one seems to know exactly what the real rules are. The policies that you do find out about are sometimes ridiculous. I've had terrible problems, especially, with guest policy and residence life. There seem to be unwritten rules about guest policy, that even the handbook, residence life, and student life meeting don't tell you. Also, the resident director I had to deal with during one guest problem was extremely unprofessional and unhelpful. The security is terrible and they only check IDs, seemingly, on a whim. Each security guard seems to have a different idea of how to handle guest passes and whether or not you have to show them your ID before entering the building. I have had a very high number of unnecessary and stressful situations to endure, already, this year. They have a lot of work to do in terms of determining regulations and establishing better school-wide communication.
Bang for the buck
3 1/2
The price is high, in my opinion, and though you are in an excellent area (in a great neighborhood, so conveniently close to the city), the price isn't quite worth it. I feel I'm getting a very good education and I love being able to visit the city. I also have a nice room and my building is well-maintained. However, I am forced to pay for a mandatory dining plan, which I barely ever use. They also have a spring consolidation process in which students who are currently without a roommate have to find someone else without a roommate to consolidate with (ie. one of you has to move in with the other). The only other two options are to be forced to move out of your room into someone else's who doesn't have a roommate or pay over $1500 to remain as a single. I really can't understand the point of this other than to make more money.
Tips for prospective students
I suggest that if you are extremely eager to get to New York city, but don't know how and don't live in a place with good access to it, you should look into this school. However, that desire has to be very, very high on your list of priorities, or it really just isn't worth it. Also, in order to be happy here, you have to be very outgoing and make friends easily, as people are very extroverted but not very eager to go out and make new friends. Most people on campus are athletic, so that will help you fit in more. Again, if location isn't one of the very top priorities in you college decision-making processes, don't come here. I know quite a few people who have transfered or want to, so you should be willing to make the sacrifice of dealing with a lot of unnecessary situations in order to get to the city, if you make Manhattan your choice. The teachers in the education program are great, so if teaching is what you want to do and you want the opportunity and culture of the city, don't rule this school out. Also, there are hardly any out-of-state students, so if you come from out of state, you will be a small minority.
Great for these types of students
Outgoing, OPTIMISTIC, sporty, education-majors who make friends easily and REALLY want to be near the city.


a current student here
In three sentences
Manhattan college is a great school for engineering. The classes are small so you can have a great relationship with your professors. The school has huge connections for engineers in the city in terms of mentors,internships, alumni support and finding a great job.
Tips for prospective students
If you want small classes this is a great school.
Academic Rigor
Classes are challenging but there is a lot of help if you need it.
Dorm Life
Dorms are great in the Lee building. It is suite style .
Food and Dining
Food is very good on some days, not always. There are many places to eat nearby where you can use jasper dollars that you get with the food plan.
What to do for fun
There are many things to do in and around campus. There are many clubs and activities. The 1 train takes you into the city where you can find anything you want to do.
Clubs and Activities
There's many good clubs or you can start new ones.
Campus Safety
There's security and police patrolling the are.Walk in groups.

Jordan from Spring Valley, NY

a current student here
In three sentences
Small College feel. Big city atmosphere. Everything I ever wanted.
Tips for prospective students
Look at what the city offers for you and your major before deciding.
Academic Rigor
Tough in some majors. More relaxed in others.
Food and Dining
They are working to make it better.
What to do for fun
Manhattan is just a few subway stops away. Exploring NYC. Famous Van Cortland Park across the street.Large field and gym. Great pizza around the corner.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
The Quad is the hot spot during the warmer months and days.
Great for these types of students

Emily from Waterbury, CT

a current student here
In three sentences
Manhattan College is a college with very friendly people. It offers lots of student activities therefore you can never be bored! And it is conveniently located next to the subway station, to make traveling easier.
Tips for prospective students
Have fun but do not forget about school! If you want to make more friends simply go to any of the student activities, it is very easy to make friends there!
Academic Rigor
The teachers are very reasonable in their grading, but if you fail to give yourself sometime to study, then school will be very hard.
Dorm Life
The dorms are fun, you'll easily make friends with your suite mates!
Food and Dining
The food can sometimes not be so good, however, this year the meal plans are going to change, and they will make better food available.
What to do for fun
Going to the city (timesquare) is my personal best, however many people simply play on the campus quad. Youcan play frisbee or some football. Many people skateboard around campus, there are often plays of some sort that you can go see, the student activities office always has a flyer of things to do for the week and they send out emails, so that you know what the activities are.
Bang for the buck
I think the school is definitely worth you money since it is in a great location and the school is very credible.
Clubs and Activities
There is every kinda of club, nobody gets left behind!
Campus Safety
Security is all over campus, but don't worry, it is not overwhelming