University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL, USA

Tuition, Cost & Aid

Affordability and Cost

Average Net Price Average net price for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate who were awarded grant or scholarship aid from federal, state or local governments, or the institution. Other sources of grant aid are excluded. Aid awarded anytime during the full aid year is included.

Average net price is generated by subtracting the average amount of federal, state or local government, or institutional grant and scholarship aid from the total cost of attendance. Total cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition and required fees (lower of in-district or in-state), books and supplies and the weighted average room and board and other expenses.
Calculate your net cost
Average Net Price By Family Income
Average Amount
< $30k
$30k - $48k
$48k - $75k
$75k - $110k
In-State Tuition In-state tuition is the tuition charged by institutions to those students who meet the state's or institution's residency requirements. In-district tuition is the tuition charged by the institution to those students residing in the locality in which they attend school and may be a lower rate than in-state tuition if offered by the institution.
Out-of-State Tuition Out-of-state tuition is the tuition charged by institutions to those students who do not meet the state's or institution's residency requirements. Out-of-district tuition is the tuition charged by the institution to those students not residing in the locality in which they attend school.
Additional Costs
Room and Board The weighted average for room and board and other expenses is generated as follows:
  • (amount for on-campus room, board and other expenses * # of students living on-campus.
  • + amount for off-campus (with family) room, board and other expenses * # of students living off-campus with family
  • + amount for off-campus (not with family) room, board and other expenses * # of students living off-campus not with family)
divided by the total # of students. Students whose living arrangements are unknown are excluded from the calculation. For some institutions the # of students by living arrangement will be known, but dollar amounts will not be known. In this case the # of students with no corresponding dollar amount will be excluded from the denominator.
Books and Supplies
Tuition Payment Plan
Financial Aid: visit page
Financial Aid Email:

Aid & Grants

Need Met
Students Receiving Gift Aid Percent of undergraduate students awarded federal gift aid. Federal gift aid includes any grant or scholarship aid awarded, from the federal government, a state or local government, the institution, and other sources known by the institution.
Average Aid Per Year
Students Receiving Grants Percent of undergraduate students awarded grant aid. Grant aid includes any grant or scholarship aid awarded, from the federal government, a state or local government, the institution, and other sources known by the institution.
Average Federal Grant Aid Per Year
Average Institution Grant Aid Per Year
Students receiving state aid
Average State Grant Aid Per Year
Students receiving federal aid
Average Federal Grant Aid Per Year
Total Needs Based Scholarships/Grants Total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to all undergraduates from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to the institution.
Total Non-Need-Based Scholarships/Grants

Student Loans

Students Borrowing Loans Loans to students - Any monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the student is the designated borrower. Includes all Title IV subsidized and unsubsidized loans and all institutionally- and privately-sponsored loans. Does not include PLUS and other loans made directly to parents.
Average Loan Amount Per Year
Students receiving federal loans
Average Federal Loans Per Year
Average Other Loans Per Year
Average Debt at Graduation The median federal debt of undergraduate borrowers who graduated. This figure includes only federal loans; it excludes private student loans and Parent PLUS loans.
Loan Default Rate
US National: 7%
Median Monthly Loan Payment The median monthly loan payment for student borrowers who completed, if it were repaid over 10 years at a 5.05% interest rate.

What Students Are Saying

The University of Central Florida has one of the best admission cost especially with the way the economy is right now. If this was not true than it would not be one of the largest universities in the nation and have a big amount out of state students. UCF also has a listing of numerous scholarships for every student. Once again you cannot go wrong with all the free events and items that are available. There is not one student who complains about free food, shirts, concerts, movies, activities, resources, and much more. If you don’t live on campus and don’t have a car there is also a free shuttle that can take you to campus from most apartments and all UCF affiliated apartments. Even when it comes to your health there is a hospital on campus where you can get free check-ups and exams done by a doctor. You can still be part of an organization for free and attend meetings and events or take fun classes at the gym such as boxing, yoga, or something of your interest. It won’t be a secret that there are free items or events, you will definitely hear or read about it everywhere. There is always something you can get your hands on for free and why not get stuff you will enjoy.
Rebecca from Kissimmee, FL
UCF is a great deal for the money, and I don’t say that just because I go here either! There are so many free activities here that if you take the time to attend a couple every month you will get your money back in no time. They have free concerts, free food, free movie showings, and so much more. They have there own lake where you can go paddle boating canoeing and kayaking as often as you want for free, you can even bring guests for free! In addition to that they even have a hospital here where you can get exams done for free. The gym is amazing and they have really awesome classes such as spinning and washboard abs that you can attend. UCF is always giving out free stuff such as iPod’s and XBOX 360’s. At the end of the spring semester they even give away free tickets to Universal Studios where they shut down the parks and only let UCF students and their guests in. I went and it was really amazing. I had a blast! Even though there are a lot of students that attend school here, it’s still pretty easy to get in on the free stuff. All you have to do is open your eyes and look around. Literally, there are signs that will point you in the direction of the free stuff. Oh yea, and the education isn’t bad either. : - )
Ledesha from Orlando, FL
UCF is really affordable compared to other school in Florida. Especially if you have Bright Futures. The biggest expense is housing and a meal plan( i would suggest the smallest one).
Yasmeen from Jacksonville, FL
With costs rising and funding dropping, UCF is starting to have trouble with the amount of aid it used to give. Still, the college is dedicated to finding solutions to the difficult financial times without putting too much burden on the students. Bright Futures is a huge help for in-state students, but most students with whom I have spoken on the subject also received varying degrees of financial aid, from partial tuition to full tuition AND room-and-board. As a hint, though, they LOVE national merit semi-finalists, finalists, and scholars. One semi-finalist I knew received around $8000 per year on TOP of a full tuition scholarship from the college AND full bright futures from the state! She is EARNING money by attending, as the extra defaults to her account. She can use it for books, school supplies, and sometimes just living expenses, which is fantastic. They also offer many kinds of grants and loans for financial need, even if your GPA has taken a hit from your financial situation. My neighbor has received several subsidized loans from the government and the school and is managing to keep his out-of-pocket expenses down to between $800 and $1500 per year even though he didn't qualify for too much merit-based scholarship money. There is a great opportunity for students here to save money and still get a great education from knowledgeable and enthusiastic professors and assistants.
Sarah from Miami, FL
To put it bluntly, it is like taking classes at a resort!! The weather is beautiful, the people are beautiful and you couldn't ask for more.

Top notch gym facilities, free tutoring, Supplemental Instruction teachers and low tuition. Even most apartments off campus are UCF affiliated; rent is cheap and many places don't put water as a utility bill.

Not to mention all of the free stuff! Free shirts, concerts, free classes at the gym (which are amazing), free doctors visits and check ups, you can attend most club meetings for free, discounted prices for students at local restaurants, movie theaters and bars.

UCF always tries to find ways to give students cheap ways to have fun like, ice skating, free admission to sports games (football, basketball, soccer etc.). There is even a day when UCF gives all students who get a pre-paid ticket from the arena (the first 20,000) one day free admission to Universal Studios and the entire park is shut down for students.
Alicia from Fort Walton Beach, FL
Uh.. yea... ouch! I am not going to lie, but it does hurt a little when all your money goes straight towards all your books and tuition. It can be a little overwhelming for us... but after all, it is a growing experience and an introduction to the real world. Besides, every college has it's little high expenses here and there. THANKFULLY, there are supplemental websites that take some of these expenses off (ie: Amazon)... and if you think about it: It all pays off in the end! =] The thing is, it's not like you feel the impact that much. You guys would NOT BELIEVE how much free stuff we get just walking around campus!! During the first week of semester, you can basically acquire all of your school supplies by just walking around campus!! Also, the school organizations are ALWAYS giving out free food and the best part of all: FREE CONCERTS! Last year I got the chance to see Dashboard, Panic, and many great others for free! ALSO, there are a great deal of tutoring programs, adivsing, and peer adivising that is FREE! Of course, youre tuition money pays this, but it helps to not have to pay for much other things during the semester. Probably the best part of all (for me at least) is the recreational center. All the classes are free of charge and what I like the most is that they plan monthly outdoor activities that include scubadiving, rockclimbing, camping, and much more!! It's perfect if you are into fun adventures.
Andrea from Orlando, FL
Although college is expensive, this is definitely one school that you are getting what you pay for. The teachers are knowledgeable, you gain a lot of intellect and there is always something to do.
Tara from Cooper City, FL
On Wednesdays in front of the Union, there are tents set up where you can get free cups, t-shirts, pens, and other things. BUT DO NOT buy your books from the campus bookstore. There are other options near campus that are MUCH cheaper, such as Grey's or CB&S. I try to rent as much as possible as that is the cheapest option. You do get a lot of free things payed for by your tuition. These include but are not limited to free shuttle services, free doctors visits, free counseling services, free shirts and other knick-knacks, free scantrons, and free concerts and other special events. As well as access to the gym, gym classes, and recreation equipment at Lake Claire, free with student ID. You can also get a lot of discounts with your student ID. You can get discounted theme park tickets and other attractions as well as 15% off your purchase at Micheal's at Waterford Lakes. You also get into sporting events FREE with your student ID.
Brittany from Oviedo, FL
Apply early! The University of Central Florida gives out many scholarships based on academic merit for those who qualify. However, they are first come, first served, so apply as soon as you can. Dorm life can get expensive, but that will be true of any school.
Jourdan from Melbourne, FL