Key Academic Stats
Highest Degree Offered
Total Number of Students
Total Number of Undergrads
Non Traditional Learning
- Online Classes
- Online Undergrad Degrees
- Summer Sessions
- Some Programs Requires Co-Op/Internship
Learning Options
- Study Abroad
- Honors Program
- Teacher Certification Offered
Student:Faculty Ratio
US National: 21:1Classroom Sizes
Graduate in 4 Years US National: 28%
Graduate in 6 Years US National: 52%
Faculty Overview
Faculty With Terminal Degree US National: 36%
What Students Are Saying
Though the teachers may not be Nobel Prize winners, all the teachers are still very knowledgeable; my teacher, whom I have for my political science classes, used to be an attorney. My other professors, whether for General Ed or for my major (Social Science), all are very involved in my life. They bring opportunities to me before I even ask them for any. They have truly helped my growth both as a student and as a Christian. They enjoy their job and excel at it; you have to try hard to not learn anything from this school. A fountain of knowledge is at your fingertips and the teachers care about trying to relate to you on a personal level.
The majority of the professors have fairly challenging coursework. However, the professors are more than willing to help you if you just ask. The average GPA is fairly high, although I'm not quite sure exactly what the average is. Academic acheivement is a very high priority of Simpson, so they also offer tutors in just about every subject through the Academic Success Center.
Jessica from Montague, CA
It is a great balance between keeping a good pace and making sure students get the material. Good amount of assignments ranging from group activities, research papers and creative interpretations/ presentations.
SIBY from Sunnyvale, CA
The Academic rigor I feel is at a high enough level to become an expert on the major chosen by the time its time to graduate.
Christian from Torrance, CA
I sat in on a New Testament Literature class, It was really interesting!
Randy from Santa Clara, CA