Meharry Medical College Nashville, TN, USA Save to list After Graduation Post Grad StatsAverage Salary The median earnings of former students who received federal financial aid, at ten years after entering the school.6 years after graduation$173,400Loan Default Rate 3%National: 8% Similar Colleges Fisk UniversityNashville, TN The University of Tennessee-KnoxvilleKnoxville, TN Tennessee State UniversityNashville, TN Vanderbilt UniversityNashville, TN Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT Howard UniversityWashington, DC Clark Atlanta UniversityAtlanta, GA Emory UniversityAtlanta, GA Morehouse School of MedicineAtlanta, GA Spelman CollegeAtlanta, GA Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA Duke UniversityDurham, NCPreviousNextSee AllColleges in NashvilleColleges in Tennessee