Los Angeles Pierce College
Woodland Hills, CA, USA


Los Angeles Pierce College


a current student here
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In three sentences
Pierce College deserves a rating of eight out of ten because the college itself does a fantastic job preparing their students for success. It encourages students of all ethnic backgrounds, regardless of their financial status to have the opportunity to learn. The academic background at the college is fairly decent and has a wide range of professors that do their job well.
Tips for prospective students
Never assume that going to a college will be easier than a University because it isn't any different. You are on your own and are expected to give it your best all the time. There are many rigorous classes and during finals week you will definitely feel the stress. Always do your work ahead of time and never procrastinate because the results will be drastic.
Academic Rigor
The academic rigor definitely depends on the class he or she takes. No class is going to be easy but some classes may be easier than others. Major related classes are always rigorous as well as many GE classes. Professors don't look after the students like they do in high school and expect the students to show up and get their work done. Taking many units can also raise the stress level because in reality obtaining a higher education is always going to be rigorous. Many people believe that just because it's a college it isn't going to be hard but it is a completely different enviroment from highschool, and it will be challenging.
Dorm Life
Pierce College does offer dorms for students who want to live on campus; however, the majority of students usually live with their parents or on their own because the campus isn't far. I personally live with my parents and the commute to Pierce isn't bad at all.
Food and Dining
The Pierce Cafe is one of the most affordable Cafes i have seen. The food is always fresh, the drinks are always made in front of you and the service is fantastic. There are food trucks all over the campus that serve great affordable food as well. Depending on where your class is located, going to a food truck may be more convenient but the quality of the food is always a hundred percent.
What to do for fun
There are many things to do on the campus, whether it's having an adventure on the campus or going to the gym and playing with your friends. There are many hot spots on the campus to simply sit down and hang out.
Great for these types of students
This school is perfect for anyone who wants to save money and enhance their skills before moving on to a University. The school helps everyone regardless of the background and doesn't deny anyone an education. The staff members are so helpful and it's perfect for all types of students.
Clubs and Activities
There are clubs and organizations for every ethnic backgroud and group which is fantastic. The community is huge and fitting in isn't a problem at all. The school is very active and there are activities going on throughout the year.
Campus Safety
The campus is very safe, there are officers on the campus and the professors are always there for help along with the counselors who are great.

Patricia from Toluca Lake, CA

a current student here
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In three sentences
I love how organized the Pierce student online system is; it's user friendly, always updated, and provides students with whatever information is needed. Pierce College is extremely close to my house, and is in the middle of the valley- basically, anyone can go to it. The campus is beautiful, they have updated classrooms, maps of the campus are found everywhere... it's the place to be!
Tips for prospective students
College means being your own person- no more depending on the teacher to help you with grades, or homework. You have control over how you study, and how you organize your schedule. Make sure you simplify your college years by buying all necessary materials like binders, folders, highlighters etc... Plan your daily schedule- when to study, work, go to class, have free time and anything else. If you do have questions, don't hesitate to call the college's main office, or email your professor. If you follow these steps (among others), you will find yourself succeeding.
Academic Rigor
So far, i love all my professors. They are hard workers; they make sure everything is clear to us, all homework is assigned, all questions answered, and everything understood. They push us just to point of hard work, but not over. After all, they don't want us to get discouraged!
Dorm Life
Since Pierce College is a two year college, they do not have dorms. However, there are several apartment buildings and home stays in the vicinity of the area.
Food and Dining
My favorite part of this college- the food and dining. First of all, there are always food trucks parked on the streets in the campus. That makes it so convenient for students. There are also several cafes where one can just grab a coffee, a snack or even lunch. Finally, there are vending machines around every corner. Not only for drinks, but also snacks.
What to do for fun
For fun? The list is endless. You can join the choir; a sports team; go swimming or play tennis; join the Halloween Harvest Festival or the Winter Arts Festival; be part of a play cast, or the audience watching it! You can even watch movies at the Film Festival.. there are so many things to do, you will never be bored.
Bang for the buck
You really get your money's worth! If you are purchasing books (new or used), you can always sell them back to the bookstore at Pierce College. If you do not plan to spend that much money, you can rent new or even used books for a fraction of the price! There are available scholarships one can apply to, and financial aid. If accepted, your tuition fees are waived, and you'll even receive extra money to pay for books and materials. With all this help, it's almost impossible not to afford college.
Campus Safety
Its like my home- extremely safe and secured. Pierce College is equipped with specific phones that connect directly to the on-campus Sheriff's station. If using a payphone, a student may dial *86 and be directly connected to the sheriff there. In case of emergency, there are specific procedures to follow for evacuation, general safety, communication etc... Anyway, there are emergency booklets found in each classroom explaining all these details.


a past student here
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Did learn a lot
You'd be surprised how many quality professors have dedicated themselves to this community college. Theres a few gems in every department, most definitely. Class sizes are small, and now that I'm at a UC I actually think the large class sizes are are really detrimental to my learning process. Regardless of whether or not your professor has a Pulitzer or studied at Harvard, being able to have one-on-one conversations with your educator is crucial.
Did enjoy being here
There's definitely a climate of rejection and under achievement, people seem to accuse each other of being at the community college level because they 'couldn't go anywhere else.' Too many people think being at Pierce is already a mark of failure. I graduated from Pierce with a two year degree in exactly two years and I am beyond thrilled about my time there, but I know its not the case for everyone. I definitely had fun, and I definitely made life-long friendships. The trick is to not see it as a dead end, because it isn't one.
Bang for the buck
This is the REASON I went to Pierce. With financial aid assistance, I was almost making money off of being there. I was able to save up some money to keep myself comfortable and plan out my UC expenses with the money I was able to save by going to Pierce. Definitely the cheapest education you can get, and with its tremendous transfer rate, you have to wonder why so many people AREN'T going to Pierce.
Tips for prospective students
Stay focused, don't think of Pierce as being a mark of failure. And remember, the two years it takes to transfer also turn into a degree. If you're your at Pierce as part of the vocational programs, don't let the academic kids stress you out; While Pierce might not be the best 'academic' school, it's really on it about its vocational programs and is one of the best schools in the state for Equestrian Medicine, as shown by their decently sized on-campus fields and stables. Basically, remember that this is another step in your life, not the end of the line.
Great for these types of students
Broke students, students looking for vocational programs, students that don't want to 'waste' money at another school just to take their GE or figure out their major, and anyone that wants a low-risk learning environment.

Dustin from West Hills, CA

a current student here
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Am learning a lot
It goes without saying that every learning institution has its share of poorly-coordinated, poorly-tempered, or just poor quality instructors. Even though Los Angeles Pierce College is no exception, the amount of knowledgeable, organized, well-mannered, and dedicated professors far outweighs the rare poorfessor; the marine biology program at Pierce College is particularly lauded, and, speaking from personal experience, it is my opinion that Dr. Wells is one of the best professors I have ever had.
Am enjoying being here
I really enjoy how the atmosphere at Pierce is very laid-back and placid; rushing, tension, and stress are practically nonexistent here. Though some view Pierce as a place of last resort, this sort of thinking only bolsters elitism and sets one up for an eventual fall. Attending Pierce allows those yearning for a second chance to become humble and even more diligent, and in doing so, steadily rise to the top.
Bang for the buck
The hot word of the year appears to be recession, and the word is impacting Los Angeles Pierce College pretty significantly, as unit prices have tripled from $20 each to $60 each. Though this raising of prices is very drastic for some, the overall tuition is still negligible compared to most private, and even most public universities. If you play your cards right, then you will receive a university-level education at a community college price.
Tips for prospective students
To the majority of freshmen who are either thinking about or deciding to attend, whether it be because of financial need or because college applications did not work out very well, I wholeheartedly believe that Los Angeles Pierce College will not disappoint you. Pierce continues to expand and grow to this day and will undoubtedly further its reputation as one of the best community colleges to transfer out of in California; make the resources provided here a stepping stone to greater opportunities in the future.
Great for these types of students
Los Angeles Pierce College does attract some lackluster students who seem to just laze around in life, but the majority of the student populace is filled with individuals who know what they want to do/where they want to be, and who know how to take advantage of the opportunities at Pierce to their fullest in order to achieve their goals.

Gina from Chatsworth, CA

a current student here
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In three sentences
I am thrilled to be a student at Pierce, i am an honor student, the deans list, now the presidients list, I would not have been able to accomplish thus far without the outstanding faculty and guidance that Pierce has given me, I am forever grateful.
Tips for prospective students
Don't give up, follow through, have faith that you can do it, I am 52 years old and I am a current student at Pierce, believe that??? 52 and am so grateful to have been given the opportinutnt to get my life back. I LOVE PIERCE
Academic Rigor
I have maintained 4.0 average by given 100%. Once I realized I had it in me I didn't hold back. New students reading this, Please do your self a favor and dont hold back.Give it your all
Campus Safety
Always feel safe at Pierce college, there has neer been a time when i didnt feel safe, security are everfywhere andthe place is well lit up at night.