Key Academic Stats
Highest Degree Offered
Total Number of Students
Total Number of Undergrads
Non Traditional Learning
- Online Classes
- Online Undergrad Degrees
- Summer Sessions
- Combined Institution Double Degree Programs
- Some Programs Requires Co-Op/Internship
Learning Options
- ROTC Army
- ROTC Air Force
- Study Abroad
- Honors Program
- Teacher Certification Offered
Student:Faculty Ratio
US National: 21:1Classroom Sizes
Graduate in 4 Years US National: 28%
Graduate in 6 Years US National: 52%
Faculty Overview
Faculty With Terminal Degree US National: 36%
What Students Are Saying
All of the classes that I have taken so far have been very informative and challenging. There are definitely no classes that I can just take lightly or blow off. Everything requires a lot of hard work and discipline, but the material is interesting and I have learned quite a lot so far.
Katelyn from Taunton, MA
BC is often referred to as almost an Ivy. Its academic standards increase year by year. BC has even nabbed a few Harvard professors (it's easier to get tenure here). Therefore, classes are rigorous and thorough, but not impossible. It depends on the individual, but good grades are definitely achievable...only if the student is willing to devote a significant amount of time to studying and thinking, however.
Claudia from McHenry, IL
It all depends on your major and the course you choose. Some are extremely demanding while others are very laid back. However, no matter what course one takes, all the professors are approachable and truly care about their students. Furthermore, there are a large amount of programs that can help you if you begin to struggle.
Andrea from Jackson Heights, NY
the classes at bc tend to be on the challenging side because it is such an accredited university with a number of highly ranked students and faculty. but, there are many classes that are less challenging and more fun, if you choose to take a class solely for interest. there are also many places on campus to go for free tutoring and academic help.
Anonymous from Chestnut Hill, MA
Boston College is for students who were the tops of their classes which makes the claases a lot harder than at other schools.
Mario from Oceanside, NY
This school is very committed to educating the entire person - and that is done partly be loading on the work. The classes are challenging and the work load is heavy.