Vermont State University
Castleton, VT, USA


Vermont State University


a current student here
In three sentences
Castleton State College boasts about being a small college with a big heart, and I completely agree with this descriptor. Within the first month of attending, I could almost recognize every person on campus - staff or students - and each of them was a kind individual. It's easy to obtain help from professors or the academic support center when it is needed, and there's always fun activities to participate in.
Tips for prospective students
If you want to join Castleton, you should know it is not a big college, and it's definitely not a 'party scene', but if you're truly here for education and want to be surrounded by kind people, you have the right school.
Academic Rigor
Most of the professors expect you to be at your class every time there is class, some having no allowed absences unless there is an emergency and late work isn't acceptable. However, since students are paying for these classes, it is understandable to work to achieve this.
Dorm Life
Living suite style last year was definitely an amazing experience. The CA's and RA's are there to help if there's conflict, but if you treat your suitemates how you want to be treated, you should get along fine.
Food and Dining
Huden offers a large variety of meal options, from Troy in the specialty meal area and kind chef Ron making personal pizzas, as well as the new meals every day in the main line. Jeff is always there if there's a problem and he is incredibly kind.
What to do for fun
There are weekly movies and events practically every week. There is also a fun stress busters event near finals and free massages!
Bang for the buck
Being an out of state student, the tuition is much higher than instate, but I still find it worth the price. I am getting a quality education and the events on campus are so nice to attend.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
There are a few rumored haunted places on campus. Ellis hall and the Fine Arts Center, and there is a haunted house put on by the theatre department every year at Halloween.
Campus Safety
There are blue boxes all over campus to press if there is an emergency and public safety will be right there.

Luke from Ira, VT

a current student here
In three sentences
Castleton State College allows students to pursue their own goals freely. The college also is very involved in the community and the students that go there. The campus does lack some popular majors, but makes up for it with a remarkable staff.
Tips for prospective students
Students should be prepared to be able to connect with their teachers outside of the classroom in order to succeed. Many classes will not go over all of the course material that you may need to know. You are expected to know a great deal more about each subject. The material may be reviewed, but it will not make a standing impression on one's memory, but all of the professors are more than happy to review outside of lecture. Get involved with the community and join a club. It will be one of the best decisions you have ever made. The people there will become some of your best friends and you can truly make a difference.
Academic Rigor
The academics expect a great deal out of you, but sometimes are too general in their lectures. Some fine details you are not expected to know and the general concepts are substituted for what seems like necessary information. The programs do, however provide a spectacular base to build upon if other avenues are explored outside of the classroom, which the college does provide.
Dorm Life
Dorms are adequate and allow enough space for each person in the room to fit themselves and their belongings in. There is a kitchen on most floors and in the newer building, Hoff Hall, it is very nice. The circuit breakers however are some what tricky, and the WiFi does not work all of the time.
Food and Dining
The food is desirable. There is a good selection which includes a pizza and pasta bar, salad bar, sandwich station, bagel area, ice cream, burger area, vegetarian bar, and a main entree line. There is also a small restaurant in the bottom of the campus center that you may either purchase through your meal plan, or with money.
What to do for fun
There is a lot of activities often going on for fun and hikes, bike rides, frisbee, volleyball, a skate park, and a game room. There is also sounding events which some can be fun to attend. These are lectures from guest speakers, professional musical and theater performances, and films.
Bang for the buck
Castleton is a very reasonably priced college for VT state residents for the amount that you can get out of it. I have definitely grown as a person especially with the support of the community. You can learn a lot at Castleton and they are a very people who will grow alongside you.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
There are a number of haunted places around the campus including the old church, two residence halls, and the fine arts center, which was built on an old graveyard. There is a candle lighting ceremony for freshmen that involves a walk up to Woodruff Hall, where the whole class will take a picture and sing the Castleton anthem.
Great for these types of students
This college is great for athletes and art majors. There is a lot of sports equipment and places specifically designed for athletes, including a huge fitness complex. There is a lot of art-related programs as well, including dance classes and sculpting classes.
Clubs and Activities
This college has an open-door policy when it comes to clubs. If you want a club and there isn't one, make one, and you will receive the full support of the college as long as it does not reflect badly on the college. This makes clubs always interesting from the Science Association to the Womens Rugby Team, and the Hacky-Sack Alliance, to the Green Campus Initiative. There is always a club for anyone on campus to join. There are also a lot of activites on campus with job fairs, activities fairs, a number of different sports events to attend. There are also Soundings events which are required for certain courses, but also provide showings of various interests. I attended a dance showing that I thought I would absolutely hate, but ended up taking an introductory level dance course the next semester.
Greek Life
There is one fraternity that is associated with the college, but not officially. I did not join this fraternity.
Campus Safety
The campus is a very safe environment. There is a sort of family that is formed from everyone. You will see even sometimes students telling another, less mindful student that he or she is not doing what they should do if they are endangering anyone else. The students and staff work hard to provide a safe environment for everyone and look out for one another.

Ryan from Andover, VT

a current student here
In three sentences
This small college is made up of mostly students from Vermont and neighboring states. However, it does have many foreign students and offers a place for everyone. This college is great for someone looking for a small town, friendly, and close-knit college experience.
Tips for prospective students
Make sure you keep in contact with college officials so that you can take advantage of any scholarship opportunities.
Academic Rigor
The classes and instructors are very honest when it comes to both how difficult they are and their grading.
Dorm Life
You can choose between living in a college suite, which is comprised of four 2-person rooms and a large common room and bathroom. or in a typical 2-person dorm room. The rooms are pretty basic but are easy to keep clean and are kept in good shape.
Food and Dining
The food is really good and you have a number of different choices for food at every meal including vegan and vegetarian meals.
What to do for fun
You can swim in the campus pool, drive to the nearby large town of Rutland, or take part in one of the many groups or clubs on campus.
Bang for the buck
You get a lot of opportunities and chances at new experiences for a generally low tuition every year.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
The campus has a good sized pond behind the baseball field that has trails cleared around them that offer a great place to run when the weather is nice.
Great for these types of students
This college has something for every kind of student. Both for actual college courses and activities on campus.
Clubs and Activities
The campus has a number of clubs or groups that are involved in activities on and off campus. These range from sports clubs such as Lacrosse, Soccer, and Frisbee to a club for drama and gaming. There are also a number of groups who are active in the community and the student body.
Greek Life
I am not currently involved in any fraternities.
Campus Safety
The campus has emergency stations across the campus if you ever need help in the event you are in danger or someone is injured. The college campus also pays to always have public safety officers to patrol the campus.

Jazmin from Vergennes, VT

a current student here
In three sentences
i love castleton state college; the fact that i can recognise people from all of my classes is my favorite part of going to a small school. the quality of education is amazing for the cost of tuition.
Tips for prospective students
join clubs! volunteer around the community, and go to the library! don't do homework on your bed, it won't work out well.
Academic Rigor
my first semester was an easy transition between high school and college. now that i'm in my second semester, i find my classes to be more difficult and challenging but this isn't a bad thing!
Dorm Life
i live in a suite, and i love it. i find that when i go home, i miss all of my suitemates. they've become my best friends and my family.
Food and Dining
aramark was the food supplier for csc up until 2012 fall semester. i have yet to try the new food suppliers food, but i've heard good things!
What to do for fun
there are a lot of fun things to do on campus and off! the ca's have programs that they hold in each building, and there are various clubs and sports to join.