University of Maryland Global Campus
Adelphi, MD, USA


University of Maryland Global Campus

Erica from Ellicott City, MD

a current student here
Am learning a lot
Coming from an online high school, I knew that taking classes online was no vacation. So far I've taken 9 courses at UMUC, and all of them have challenged me. The courses are interesting and the online component adds a unique discussion -- it's not your typical college discussion, as the students range in age from 18 to 40+, from soldiers to stay at home moms, from California to Iraq. The discussion boards are the main aspect of the classes and allows you to work with your fellow classmates (who may be virtually on the other side of the world from you) and collaborate ideas and opinions. If you actually do the work and are active in the discussion boards, you should be able to learn the material very well. What you take from your classes is determined by what you put into it. I can say that I've worked my butt off for the first year and I got straight A's.
Am enjoying being here
I am taking all of my classes online because of medical issues, and going to UMUC enables me to get my degree even while I'm sick. The teachers are amazing and are very helpful and involved in your studies, and the courses are so much fun and interesting (but definitely not a walk in the park)! I'm even more excited for the next semester at UMUC because they have changed their final exam policies to prepare you for real world situations. Now, you have final papers/projects that will summarize your course, or you may have a final exam online which you can take from the comfort of your own home. I truly enjoy taking my classes at UMUC!
Bang for the buck
WOW, you get so much bang for your buck! I'm learning more than my friends who went to a local community college, but for less money! The price, generally for 12 credits, per semester is just over $3,000, and including books it is usually under $4,000. I have the option to take my classes online or at any of the associated University of Maryland locations... Meaning, if I signed up for a Biology class, I could take the course at College Park -- but not have to pay the big bucks! AMAZING.
Tips for prospective students
Taking classes online, in my opinion, is actually more difficult than going to an actual lecture, but you can get so much more out of it! Online classes need students who aren't tempted by cheating and who won't shy away from a lot of work and finding the answers on their own (no one is there to hold your hand). Make sure you get to know your advisor really well, especially if you are taking classes online, because when you are not immersed in a college atmosphere, you may feel overwhelmed when making decisions regarding your major... This means phone calls and emails to your Undergrad/Grad advisor and asking questions.
Great for these types of students
Self-starters, students who are going to college to actually learn (not party), independent workers, and hard workers. Online college is nothing like the commercials try to paint them as; it is a lot of work and students need to take the work seriously in order to do well.

Jason from Upper Marlboro, MD

a past student here
Did learn a lot
The learning experience at UMUC was wonderful, and my major was in Bachelor's in Computer Information Technology. The teams I was on during group projects were great. It helped me to learn teamwork, and meet deadlines.
Did enjoy being here
The course format was great in that I took both online and face-to-face courses. Every class fit in my internship at FDIC. The teachers were hit & miss because most participated in discussions while others waited weeks later.
Bang for the buck
The cost of a UMUC education is quite reasonable. Also, UMUC has an abundance of ways to help gain financial aid through scholarships, grants, and loans.
Tips for prospective students
Great school, but it will hammer you if you are a student that studies poorly or is looking for a fast degree.
Great for these types of students
*Willing to learn to quite a bit
*Scheduling that can fit a busy lifestyle
*Good financial aid system

Angela from Frederick, MD

a current student here
Am enjoying being here
Bang for the buck
Tips for prospective students
Great for these types of students

Mercedes who lives in Germany

a current student here
In three sentences
UMUC is pretty nice, even though I'm attending their Europe Counterpart. The people are nice and so are most of the teachers. Which is only because some teachers are boring and talk through the class, and there are other teachers who are really fun and make the class fun and easy to do.
Tips for prospective students
This is just my opinion, but face-to-face classes are easier to get through. Especially if your like me and forget to do things. Online classes are difficult to keep up with, and need your attention 24/7.
Academic Rigor
I'm not sure what an Academic Rigor is, but if it's about the staff of UMUC Europe then they're perfectly fine, no complaints. They're happy to help which makes me happy.
Dorm Life
We don't have dorms over here in Wiesbaden Germany, just the Campus class rooms are here. Yet since I live on base I only have to walk a few blocks to get to class.
Food and Dining
We have a food court right next to the Campus, and occasionally the staff gives away free food because of the fests tat go on in Germany.
What to do for fun
I mostly just hang out with other students I've made friends with in some classes, or do home work that I'm swamped in from three classes and some times just one crazy class with ridicules standards. All in all every thing works out, even relationship statuses. Which I mean to say that I've met my Boyfriend here and hope we stay together for a really long time.
Bang for the buck
Some classes like German class is great and really worth it since you only buy one book, which comes with a lab-book and workbook, and you use the books for all four classes no extra expenses. Also with every great class there are terrible ones, such as a weekend classes where you only met four times and have to buy an expensive book witch you will never use again.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
nothing unusual to Germans, but often is unusual to us Americans. The School does some things in the help office that coincides with any German fest going on at the time.
Campus Safety
The US Military keeps us safe since over here in Germany the Campus is on base.

Joseph from Northfield, MN

a current student here
In three sentences
I did a lot of research before going to college and UMUC is the best school with the best programs I was able to find.
I am now in my second semester and I would not trade it for the world.
Tips for prospective students
Do your home work on a bunch of schools do not just jump in to one.
Academic Rigor
Best school I have been to so far.
Dorm Life
I do not live in a dorm
Food and Dining
The food on campus and in the surrounding community is unbeatable.
What to do for fun
There is so much to do in this community.
Bang for the buck
Best education for your money.
Great for these types of students
This campus has something for everyone.
Clubs and Activities
There are many clubs for every type of person.
Campus Safety
One of the safest campuses I have ever seen.

Marina from Turlock, CA

a current student here
In three sentences
University of Maryland- University College provides various types of degrees and programs for all potential students. Univeristy of Maryland - University College also has very interactive and professors who are expeirenced in the fields they teach. At University of Maryland - University College a semester is broken up into three sections to make taking many classes in one semester less burdening.
Tips for prospective students
Most students with University of Maryland - Univeristy College take advantage of its online degree programs. Pursuing a degree online, like myself, a student must be willing to chase after what they want. Work is much harder and getting errands done is more on the responsibility of the student. Also make sure different contact information for advising, financial aid and administration is all correct and be prepared to have regular contact with university staff.
Academic Rigor
Professors are very helpful and the cooperative attitude of WebTycho, the online server the school uses for online degrees, gives students perspectives from both professors and classmates. So when the student enters the work force they have scenarios from all over the board.
Dorm Life
I take part of the online degree and do not know about the dorms. But from my classmates, I have not heard anything awful.
Food and Dining
I take part of the online degree and do not know about the dorms. But from my classmates, I have not heard anything awful.
What to do for fun
Near Adelphi there a lot of nice towns to go shopping and beautiful historical parts. There are also plenty of beautiful parks and trails to go walking, jogging or bike riding. Also close to the east coast, students can enjoy the sea side.
Bang for the buck
Definitely bang for the buck. I currently pay out of state tuition, but do not mind because the programs that University of Maryland - Univeristy College offers are hardly found with the same quality anywhere else.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
I take part of the online degree and do not know about the dorms. But from my classmates, I have not heard anything awful.
Great for these types of students
Great for students who want to pursue degrees in any field. Military to Teaching, Businees to Politics, Cyber Security to Electrical Engineering, Science to Art. You name it, they have it.
Clubs and Activities
I take part of the online degree and do not know about the dorms. But from my classmates, I have not heard anything awful.
Greek Life
I take part of the online degree and do not know about the dorms. But from my classmates, I have not heard anything awful.
Campus Safety
I take part of the online degree and do not know about the dorms. But from my classmates, I have not heard anything awful.

Michelle from laurel, MD

a current student here
In three sentences
It is a good school for adult learners. It offers flexibility for your schedule, especially if you have a family. It is not always financially feasible -- it does not help adult learners without a stringent GPA requirement.
Tips for prospective students
Look into all aspects of the college to ensure it offers what you will need and if it fits into your schedule. It offers a nice selection of majors and minors for most of your college needs and tuition includes books (if you attend on-line classes). It has been a very good school and fit for me.
Academic Rigor
Very challenging dependent on your course of study.
Dorm Life
I am not part of the dorm life. So I cannot offer a review regarding this aspect of campus life.
Food and Dining
If you attend on campus, because UMUC is a consortium, you may find yourself anywhere within the state and there are a bevy of food selections no matter where you attend.
What to do for fun
I bowl, play tennis, explore. I'm a tourist of my hometown, DC, something I've never done before. I walk and swim, doing a lot of exercise.
Bang for the buck
It is very cost efficient because tuition includes books and lab fees.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
It has many campus locations, so you meet or can meet a diversity of individuals. It is also connected with campuses overseas (Europe, Asia, etc.)
Great for these types of students
Adult learners
On line learners
Clubs and Activities
There are a variety of clubs and activities. However, I am not part of any clubs or activities at this time. So I cannot offer an opinion regarding this topic.
Greek Life
I am unfamiliar with what Greek life is or what it offers. So I cannot offer you an opinion regarding this topic.
Campus Safety
The campuses whenever I've attended face-to-face classes are exceptionally safe. Campus security is a constant on the campuses, always in constant surveillance. Inside the campus, they have video surveillances, concierge, and on duty campus police. It has made me feel very safe in all my classes.

Jonathan from Fargo, ND

a current student here
In three sentences
It is a decent college. It is nice to be able to do school while working a full time job. Website is messy and little hard to understand.
Tips for prospective students
Think before applying to online classes. It is a lot tougher then it looks. You need learn on your own and it can be difficult to find time to do homework and studying.
Academic Rigor
It is decent. Professor are professional and do a good job grading and teaching. Classes are challenging and require a lot of free time to complete.
Dorm Life
No comment. Out of state.
Food and Dining
No comment. Out of state.
What to do for fun
No comment. Out of state.

Shawna from APO, AE

a current student here
In three sentences
Very helpful staff that seems to be always available. Amazing online library with extensive databases for all research projects. Great online learning experience with WebTycho.
Tips for prospective students
Writing perfection can be easily learned at this college. There are so many resources to help every writer from the extreme beginner to the advanced expert.
Dorm Life
I cannot rate the dorm life because I currently taking online classes due to being stationed overseas with the military.
Food and Dining
I cannot rate the food and dining because I am currently taking online classes because I am stationed overseas with the military.
Bang for the buck
Tuition is not expensive in comparison to most other colleges. UMUC is also very involved with the US military and aids in the financial areas accordingly.
Great for these types of students
Military (active duty, retired, dependents, spouses, etc)

Kiara from Bolingbrook, IL

a current student here
In three sentences
Upon walking into the UMUC office I was muddled and confused about college opportunities for me altogether. As I sat listening and learning to a gentleman, who came in before me, I was reassured by the ease of the counselor how easy attending and excelling in college truly can be. Just by being attentive and following what the counselor was saying I am on my way to finishing my associates degree in under two years!
Tips for prospective students
I wish someone would've told me how easy it was just to sit down and start. I had so many excuses in my mind as to why things wouldn't work for me and horrible obstacles that lay before me. There is an open door at the end of every road. I spoke with students who had gone through similar feelings before they applied for college also. Low GPA's and SAT/ACT scores riddle a lot of prospective students with enough anxiety that walking away from the mere headache of it all seems like the grander idea. Let me tell you it is not. Every road has a door at the end and every road has twist and turns and surprises galore. Stop and think about long term and short term goals before turning away from something as helpful as a college education. I am a proud student of UMUC and ever grateful that I had helpful, patient, and informative counselors to guide me into the right direction.
Academic Rigor
My advice for academic choosing is to start with a class that you like. Choosing something that you like and/or are interested in will cause you to actually want to participate in discussions and open your books. I also suggest taking two classes at a time if you can and are a newcomer to college online or not. Taking just one class I feel doesn't give you the real intensity of college life. Taking one easy class and passing with flying colors might set one up for failure when they try to take an actual required class that requires a lot more rigorous work and hands on studying. I have always tried my best at school. I have always taken two classes and being in my field of work in the military they discourage taking two classes because of an already full work load. After realizing I work better under a certain amount of pressure and excelling in my classes I moved on to take three classes at a time on top of my workload. After finishing those classes I have never felt prouder of myself because I did very well and it was an amazing personal accomplishment under my belt.
Dorm Life
I am currently in the military and do not reside in any of the schools dormitories. I do however live in the barracks, which is quite like a college dorm and I stuck to my studies really well.
Food and Dining
Again, I am in the military and cannot say anything about the food and dining pertaining to UMUC. Most of my friends/colleagues in college who live(d) on campus say that ramen noodles were their best friend. At times the school cafeteria can get expensive and McDonalds dollar menu was a sure thing also. It is maybe not the healthiest of choices but an option nonetheless for those campus students.
What to do for fun
Even though I am not on campus or anywhere near for that matter; I can say that college is what you make it as is life. If you chose to do something and want to make it fun then thats exactly what it will be! Goes back to the old Is the glass half empty or is it half full? saying. I chose to have my glass half full at all times!
Great for these types of students
These college is great for students on the go. Students who are in the military or who may have multiple jobs.