The College of New Rochelle New Rochelle, NY, USA Save to list Majors and Degrees Majors InformationMajors45 Degrees and Majors Offered A B M D A B M DAREA, ETHNIC, CULTURAL, GENDER, AND GROUP STUDIESWomen's Studies ✓BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCESBiology/Biological Sciences, General ✓BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, AND RELATED SUPPORT SERVICESBusiness/Commerce, General ✓Human Resources Development ✓COMMUNICATION, JOURNALISM, AND RELATED PROGRAMSCommunication, General ✓ ✓Mass Communication/Media Studies ✓ ✓EDUCATIONArt Teacher Education ✓ ✓Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services ✓Early Childhood Education and Teaching ✓Education/Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs ✓Education/Teaching of Individuals in Elementary Special Education Programs ✓Education/Teaching of the Gifted and Talented ✓Educational Leadership and Administration, General ✓Elementary Education and Teaching ✓Reading Teacher Education ✓Superintendency and Educational System Administration ✓Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor ✓ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE/LETTERSCreative Writing ✓English Language and Literature, General ✓FOREIGN LANGUAGES, LITERATURES, AND LINGUISTICSFrench Language and Literature ✓Spanish Language and Literature ✓HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMSArt Therapy/Therapist ✓ ✓Family Practice Nurse/Nursing ✓Marriage and Family Therapy/Counseling ✓Mental Health Counseling/Counselor ✓Nursing Education ✓Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse ✓ ✓HISTORYHistory, General ✓HOMELAND SECURITY, LAW ENFORCEMENT, FIREFIGHTING AND RELATED PROTECTIVE SERVICESCriminal Justice/Safety Studies ✓LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES, GENERAL STUDIES AND HUMANITIESLiberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies ✓MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICSMathematics, General ✓MULTI/INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIESInternational/Globalization Studies ✓Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, General ✓NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATIONEnvironmental Studies ✓PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIESPhilosophy ✓Religion/Religious Studies ✓PHYSICAL SCIENCESChemistry, General ✓PSYCHOLOGYPsychology, General ✓School Psychology ✓PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND SOCIAL SERVICE PROFESSIONSPublic Administration ✓Social Work ✓SOCIAL SCIENCESEconomics, General ✓Political Science and Government, General ✓Sociology, General ✓VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTSFine/Studio Arts, General ✓ Similar Colleges Adelphi UniversityGarden City, NY CUNY City CollegeNew York, NY CUNY Hunter CollegeNew York, NY CUNY Lehman CollegeBronx, NY Fordham UniversityBronx, NY Hofstra UniversityHempstead, NY Iona UniversityNew Rochelle, NY University of Mount Saint VincentBronx, NY New York UniversityNew York, NY Pace UniversityNew York, NY Binghamton UniversityVestal, NY Stony Brook UniversityStony Brook, NYPreviousNextSee AllColleges in New York 18 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept an 18 ACT Score 19 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 19 ACT Score 20 ACT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 20 ACT Score 950 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 950 SAT Score 1000 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1000 SAT Score 1050 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1050 SAT Score 1100 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept an 1100 SAT Score 1150 SAT Colleges: Best Schools That Accept a 1150 SAT Score