Rogue Community College
Grants Pass, OR, USA


Rogue Community College

Mary from Medford, OR

a current student here
Am learning a lot
great college, great instructor
Am enjoying being here
I love being in this college
Bang for the buck
costs are very reasonable
Tips for prospective students
you couldn't choose a better college
Great for these types of students
all areas of study can be found at Rogue Comm College.

Jonna from Eagle Point, OR

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I really feel that Rogue Community College has given me a good foundation for education. The classes they offer have been a tremendous help, not to mention it is amazing how some of the classes are aligned with requirements for Southern Oregon University. It is literally a two in one deal if you attend! Also, the classes are not too big, but not too small and the teachers are easy to get along with.
Am enjoying being here
I love the college because its a nice step before I attend a university. The structure of the campus is wonderful because it causes a lot of interaction amongst peers, and teachers alike. The only drawback about the college is in terms of atmosphere. Some of the buildings are older, and also in Medford there are parking problems which have caused conflict between students and the city council.

All in all though, its a wonderful college setting. Not to mention that there are many stores and other helpful places around the main area of the campus.
Bang for the buck
Trust me when I say this, Rogue Community College is affordable for anyone who takes the time to look into their financial aid programs. Sure, the tuition right now has gone up a bit but compared to the prices of many high universities, Rogue Community College is a safe haven for students who come from low income families, and who already struggle in the economy while trying to make ends meet.

The only drawback to me is Rogue Central, or the financial aid office. Some of the people in there don't seem to want to take the time to help out students, so I encourage prospective students to do their homework in regards to the services Rogue Central has to offer.

If I never got to go to this college, I wouldn't probably be able to attend for years due to my families financial problems.
Tips for prospective students
-Know the area well, it is easy to get lost.
-Take the time to get to know Rogue Central and the Counseling Department. Make sure they are giving you the correct information.
-Take the time to talk to teachers. A lot of them are helpful more so than the counselors at times!
-Go in with the mindset that even though it is a community college, it will push you mentally to do your best!
Great for these types of students
-Low income individuals
-People who have complex schedules i.e. Family matters, work, and the like.
-Students who love stable environments/small class groups.
-People who enjoy flexibility
-Students who still may not know what major they want. Rogue Community College is a great place to start before you decide what career you want for the rest of your life!

Bill from Medford, OR

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I feel Rogue community College is an excellent jump off point. The instructors as well as the students are very enjoyable. Instructors are well versed in the areas in which they teach, which is always a plus.
Am enjoying being here
I am half way done at R.C.C. and I'm ready for a bigger, more challenging school.
Bang for the buck
As far as bang for your buck goes, R.C.C. provides a great education with minimal expense.
Tips for prospective students
Be prepared to become serious in your educational endeavors. When applying yourself to your course work stay focused and learn to be a master of time.
Great for these types of students

Dawn from Medford, OR

a current student here
In three sentences
RCCC offers a quality education for lower tuition than the universities. It is a great school to launch your academic career and fulfill your prerequisites. The professors and teachers are great and teach to a higher level of excellence such as what you would expect from a University.
Tips for prospective students
Take a placement test, go to the orientation, meet with your academic advisor and be sure to take the scholarship writing class too.
Academic Rigor
We have had students join our classes from SOU thinking since they had to retake the course it would be easier. This was not the case, and in fact it was more challenging. Our professors do not slack and they make sure you know the materials.
Dorm Life
I live off campus, and RCC doesn't have dorms in Medford.
Food and Dining
The Medford campus is downtown and there are plenty of local establishments to grab a bite to eat or get a cup of coffee from. This campus has a lunch counter, but not a cafeteria.
What to do for fun
Hiking, biking, movies, the Britt Festival, Shakespeare festival, plus we have many parks, lakes and a water slide park down in Ashland. There's plenty to do around the area!
Bang for the buck
I would say you get more education that what you pay for. The classes at RCC prepare students to transfer to 4 year colleges.
Great for these types of students
All students
Clubs and Activities
I don't get involved with clubs and activities due to lack of childcare, but RCC offers several things for students to get involved in.
Campus Safety
Safe & secure