Rio Hondo College
Whittier, CA, USA


Rio Hondo College

Martin from El Monte, CA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The college is very student oriented and offers tons of classes not only on campus but online and at several other sites to expand to all students.
Am enjoying being here
The campus is under construction and should be done completely by Spring 2012. Several sections of constructions are visible and the school is going to look more modern and open areas for students to hag out.
Bang for the buck
At Rio Hondo the average cost of class in around $36 a unit and almost all classes here at Rio Hondo are transferable to all other schools in CA.
Tips for prospective students
There are great programs to assist students to enhance development and increase achievement rates among the students.
Great for these types of students
It is great for all students special for those who do not have the money or financial aid to attend four year school. Besides you can always transfer out.

Laura from El Monte, CA

accepted here and planning to attend soon
In three sentences
This college has many great opportunities for many low income families. It also helps by giving students a chance to attend a University. It has programs which help students who struggle in classes.
Tips for prospective students
Don't be shy many people here are very willing to help you in anything you may need. Also, join clubs to meet other people with same interest!
Academic Rigor
Many professors are very helpful and are willing to help you in anything you need. Some are strict but it gives you more discipline as a student
Dorm Life
There are no dorms
Food and Dining
The food is very delicious! Many varieties than you can choose from! They made a starbucks just recently!
What to do for fun
Join as many clubs as you can! It helps you meet many people and they can later end up helping you in your academics.
Great for these types of students
Any student would really enjoy this campus, as long as they are willing to meet others and have a positive attitude.
Clubs and Activities
They are all very fun and exciting! There's a club for everyone to join
Campus Safety
There are officers there all the time making sure everything is safe fgor everyone

Carolina from Montebello, CA

a current student here
Academic Rigor
Three skills came up to my mind after I walked out from each class: time management, perseverance and creativity.
Time management is essential in everything that you do in this life and you will practice this in full extent if you are a full-time student. You are expected to come up with innovative ideas to being able to balance all classes, work and extracurricular activities, not to mention family or social times. The key to time management though, is being able to prioritize what matters the most and what is going to give you the most benefits or if a task has a closer deadline. When this is mastered, then whatever is left will fall in its place.
The next skill is perseverance. There is a famous quote that says, �Perseverance is not a long run but instead many short runs.� This is exactly the way professors will test you stress threshold. You really just have to follow a routine that has worked for you to become successful. It could be studying right after class that makes a difference between an A from a B.
The third skill is creativity. While this skill is sometimes bypassed by many college students, this is one of the most important things to do when everything fails; this includes the first two skills. Being creative is really not hard. You just have to find ways to learn differently; being open- minded. This means, for example, that you can study with a group rather than studying alone. The trick here is to find at most five people including you and really help each other master the material.
If you really want to learn in college and stand out from the crowd then, you will have to practice your good skills or work to make them better. These three, always work for me but whatever works for you. Good luck!
Am enjoying being here
I love the fact that Rio Hondo is a small college to be around, great diversity in student’s ethnicity background and great support from outreach programs.
Having a small class gives you the opportunity to have a closer connection with your professors. Imagine taking a class in a large classroom where 130 students can fit at most. Well, this happens in almost every college, but not in Rio Hondo College! This will limit your distractions and the possibility of getting lost among all the students you have to compete with. Yes, you guessed right. You will have more time to worry about the tests and studying time than on how many are competing with you for a good grade. Having this said, the classes are more selective and smaller.
Rio Hondo College is also very diverse with ethnicity backgrounds, which makes it even a more interesting place to meet people and to bond with.
Rio Hondo also offers great support from staff to those who qualify. There are programs for the disabled, the low-income, nursing programs, and math and science majors. Pretty much help is in the college you would just have to look for it. There is even a program for free tutoring and free printing center.
Bang for the buck
The unit is $46 but it covers for the psychological services and nursing emergencies that you might need. You can also eat for free for four days as A.S.B sponsors their fellow students with pizza, chips and many times candy with a drink. The first time is when the semester is barely starting; the second time is when midterms are coming up and the last, is when finals are coming up. It�s a nice relaxing way of thinking that at least you don�t have to worry about buying food for three days on exam seasons and you mingle to relieve a little stress before going back to study. Also, you can take advantage of the Eureka, which fits your skills with careers and steps to get your dream job, free! All of these services are paid when you pay your tuition.
Tips for prospective students
Almost always you are going to find yourself with a lot of pressure from parents, professors and even society to be what they what you to be. One tip that I would give students is never to give upon their dream. There is no such thing as a bad dream; there are just people who do not think that you can handle that type of eternal imagination. Once a professor told me, �You can have a person steal your ideas, but no one can ever steal what is inside here, (pointing at my head).� So go ahead and get you boots dirty; get rough and march on, who cares what people say if they think you cannot become a doctor or a lawyer or whatever your dream is. Sing the melody line you hear in your head. But, remember that there are a lot of resources that are willing to help you in college; it is just the matter of looking for them.
Great for these types of students
Anyone can bond because Rio Hondo is so diverse. =]