Piedmont Technical College
Greenwood, SC, USA


Piedmont Technical College

Kaylynn from Ninety Six, SC

a current student here
Am learning a lot
Piedmont Technical College not only offers a wide variety of two year degree programs but also may continuing education courses. Many classes are not only offered in a traditional classroom setting but also online as well as in televised versions. The majority of teachers that I have experienced at Tech are very dedicated and will go out of their way to assist students in being successful. If you have trouble in a course Piedmont has a wonderful tutoring center that offers help in any course free for an hour a week to all students. Additional hours are just $5 each too! I am not only learning a lot in regards to academics but also in the areas of life and interpersonal skills. Tech has many extra workshops, and programs to help students learn study skills, resume editing, how to interview, the process of transferring to a four year institution, etiquette training, and so much more.
Am enjoying being here
I love being at Piedmont Technical College and know that I made the best decision for me in coming here for two years before transferring to a four year institution. Even though Tech does not offer on campus housing there are still many opportunities for students to get involved and form relationships. There are many clubs such as Phi Theta Kappa, Psi Beta, Tau Alpha Pi, International Club, Christian Student Union, as well as many other clubs devoted to students from specific majors. There are many annual events such as a field day at the end of the spring semester. One of my favorite things that Piedmont Tech offers is the opportunity for students to participate in the work study program. This programs allows students to work at jobs on campus while gaining skills and earning a paycheck. Staff from various departments are all very helpful and friendly as well. The atmosphere at Tech is great and with renovations almost continually underway it is improving fast.
Bang for the buck
Piedmont Technical College is very affordable and offers many options in the way of financial assistance for students. I personally have saved close to $50,000 dollars by completing my first two years here and have earned a pay check as a tutor and work-study student. The college offers its own private scholarships that can apply for at different times during the year. The school also offers free counseling services and a program called Student Support Services. Students who join the program can rent out books, laptops, and calculators if they do not have them and have need. Tech has showed me time and time again the dedication it puts forth to students how committed it is to having them succeed.
Tips for prospective students
Get involved and make the best of you time here since it goes by quickly. Get to know your teachers and don’t be afraid to stop by their offices because they are very friendly and can be great recommendations. Asking for help is okay and the people at Tech are kind of like a family so they will do what they can to help you. What you put in is what you typically get back.
Great for these types of students
Nontraditional, those wishing to save money, returning students, adult students, transfer students

Stanislav from Due West, SC

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I am in the Engineering Graphics program at Piedmont Tech. You will learn a lot. The engineering programs has great relationships with local businesses that are looking to hire engineers, so Piedmont Tech makes sure you will leave with the skills you need to get a job.
Am enjoying being here
The teachers and students are great, especially in the Engineering programs. They want you to succeed.
Bang for the buck
It is a very inexpensive college. There are a lot of financial aid programs and pell grants also.
Tips for prospective students
If you don't think that you will get a quality education at a 2-year school, think again. Piedmont Tech is a good launching point to continue into an undergraduate program.
Great for these types of students
Students that are ready to jump into the work force. Students that are already working, but want to continue their education. There are many night classes.