Palm Beach State College
Lake Worth, FL, USA


Palm Beach State College

Stephanie from Loxahatchee, FL

a current student here
Am learning a lot
Obviously the type of learning environment created varies from professor to professor, but one can always expect small class sizes.

Many of the courses considered to be high risk (those that have a greater percent of students withdrawing or failing due to rigorous coursework) have supplemental instructors (SI's) who hold study sessions outside of class and are more than willing to help.

Though the courses at this college are not considered to be difficult, I have still found myself learning a great deal more than most would have expected. The upper-level math and science professors (specifically those at the Eissey campus) are brilliant. As long as you are willing to learn and put forth the required effort, you will excel.
Am enjoying being here
While this school is a sort of stepping stone on my way to a university, and I do look forward to transferring to a post-secondary institution with a bit more prestige, I cannot help but enjoy my time here.

Palm Beach Community College offers a fairly comfortable environment for everyone from recent high school graduates to non-traditional students. I have always found the faculty and staff to be friendly and helpful and the students are generally respectful of others.

The campuses aren't overly crowded and if you're willing to walk a little you can usually find somewhere to park which is more than can be said for many universities.
Bang for the buck
Even though the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship has recently reduced its tuition coverage, the majority of community college tuition and fees are still paid.

For those who do not have this scholarship, community college tuition is still far less than tuition at a public university and after earning your associate's degree, the credits should transfer to other post secondary institutions, which saves you money in the long run.
Tips for prospective students
While some may consider community college to be an easy alternative to a university, the expectations at this level are still higher than some students may be used to. The environment is a bit less structured in the sense that there is less busy work and more independent studying. In order to do well at this school you must be willing to put put forth the effort necessary to learn the material and you have to know when to ask for help. There are plenty of resources available to help you learn if you are only willing to look for them.

Also, get involved with some of the extracurricular activities available. There are plenty of organizations, both academic and social, to help make your time there more enjoyable. It's a great way to meet people who share your interests and the academic organizations may even help to reinforce what you are learning in your courses.
Great for these types of students
This college is great for part-time students who are working as it offers a classes at night and on weekends. It is a great fit for non-traditional students who have not been in school some time because it offers them a way to start over without breaking the bank or forcing them to completely alter their lifestyle to fit their class schedule. Last but not least, it is a great option for recent high school graduates who aren't sure what they want to major in, want to stay close to home, want to join one of the limited access programs (nursing, firefighting, etc.), or simply want to save up some of their money before transferring to another institution.

Venissa from West Palm Beach, FL

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I have learned so much from this institute. The school has numerous options that helped. The first option is having the professor meets with the student to go over notes. Second is to create a study group. Third is the best option of all. The school has a Student Learning Center for each subject that is offered. There is a tutor who will meet who with the students by appointment or walk in.
Am enjoying being here
It is a lot of being at the institute.It offers so many activities. The campus is quiet and peaceful as well. The school brings a secure feeling for first time students or any student for that matter.
Bang for the buck
The cost for each class is very manageable. It is a major difference from a university. Apply for financial aid on a website called,by doing so you may not have to pay for anything.
Tips for prospective students
This institute is a great opportunity You will learn so much.It is very easy but will take all of your dedication as well.
Great for these types of students
This institute is good for any student who wants to further their education education.


a past student here
Did learn a lot
The professors are extremely educated about their particular subjects. Every day I am learning more and more. They provide an encouraging learning system which motivates us as students. They're also always available if a student needs extra help enhancing our knowledge. Each professor I have has taught me so much and on top of that they have taught me how I can use their subject in the real world making it applicable to us.
Did enjoy being here
The staff and student body are so friendly. People are always willing to offer their help. During the first two weeks of every year there are former students and staff located all around the campus to help freshman and other new students with directions. Some people are even willing to walk you to your class. This attitude is found throughout the whole campus from the library to the bookstore, to the cafeteria etc. I also love the fact that the college is very diverse in its student body. There are all kinds of students here; students fresh from high school, adults finishing their education and students from a variety of ethnic backgrounds including international students. The college strongly focuses on academics but also on extracurricular life. There are a wide variety of clubs and organizations ranging from the jumpstart jump rope club to Phi Theta Kappa.
Bang for the buck
Community College is a great choice for students who don't have too much money to spend for college! For a full time student tuition is only $1000 per semester. On top of that if you have Bright Futures or other scholarship money you pay even less. I only paid around $600 for tuition this semester! You also save money on room and board which costs around $8000. There are no additional daily expenses for students living at home. You or your parents do not have to pay for an extra toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, groceries etc.
Tips for prospective students
Remember to always ask questions. This might seem obvious but many people actually don't follow through here. Students are on their own and they don't feel comfortable in that environment, many are too shy to ask questions. Find out whatever it is you need to know whether it is directions to a class or what clubs are on campus. The more you ask, the more you know, making the transition to college a smoother process. Also, join clubs or other extracurricular activities. With exams, papers, due dates and grades college can get pretty stressful. Joining a club will give you an outlet by relieving stress; academics are important but so is having fun. Being part of some organization also enriches the college experience because it gives you a chance to be part of your college. One of the most important tips I could give you is to be organized. Keep a planner and write down every single thing you need to do in it; assignments, major due dates, group meetings, interviews, internship opportunities etc. Have a different folder or binder for each class and keep your papers in a neat order. When things aren't organized there's a lot more room for confusion and stress.
Great for these types of students
This college is a great option for students who haven't done great in high school. Many students struggle in high school and going to a 4 year college straight after high school can be a challenge. Palm Beach Community College prepares students for the transition to a 4 year college. Step by step the professors help students to understand college material and tackle difficult subjects. There is no competition between students and students are encouraged to proceed at their own pace. Palm Beach Community College isn't only a great option for the traditional student coming from high school but also for adults who have never finished their education. The college offers many night classes so adults can attend college after work. Also, the college's low fees make it affordable for people with families.

Steven from Loxahatchee, FL

a current student here
Am learning a lot
The professors are like no other ive ever had. They break down everything into a form that everyone can understand.
Am enjoying being here
Its a fun school with a lot of different things to do. Whether you want to grab a bite to eat or study in the newly rebuilt library there is always something to keep you busy.
Bang for the buck
Absolutely worth it. You take classes at a good price and even free depending on what kind of financial aid you have.
Tips for prospective students
Make sure you always go to class on time and never miss a class because it sets you way behind. As long as you do all of the work and study for the exams you will do great.
Great for these types of students
Great for students that aren't very financially stable or are unsure about what they want to major in. Also for those who want to go right into a certain profession.

Kayla from West Palm Beach, FL

a current student here
Am learning a lot
My teachers were funny the best lol.
Am enjoying being here
I never missed a day..
Bang for the buck
I loved the prices for the books everything was great
Tips for prospective students
Go to lake worth for all the major programs but the gardens campus has all the science and biology classes and good labs
Great for these types of students

Jouliana from Greenacres, FL

accepted here and planning to attend soon
Will learn a lot
I know for fact that this school is a great environment to learn. Even though i haven't started yet the attention they give to everyone is great. They learning method is easy and very understandable one of my friends said. And i can't wait to start
Will enjoy being here
There a lot of activities from basketball, to baseball and even football. There a game room where you can play video game. There's also club and organization activity. For those who like to keep themselves in shape there a free gymnasium where you can work out. all you need with you panthercard.

Bang for the buck
My tips is to know exactly what you want to learn so you don't let behind. If you undecided you can always start with the basics first., then visit the career center they will help you figure out what to do.
Tips for prospective students
My tips is to know exactly what you want to learn so you don't let behind. If you undecided you can always start with the basics first., then visit the career center they will help you figure out what to do.
Great for these types of students
Everyone who wants to farther their education can go there. Even if you don't have a great scores in other test like ACT and SAT. you get many chance to take the CPT which would determine what kind of classes you should take.

Alexandria from West Palm Beach, FL

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I am learning exactly what I need to learn from the classes I am taking. In all my classes the material is explained before the work is assigned so I am not just teaching myself but working while the professors are assisting me. I do have to say though that some classes/professors are more independent learning than others. The amount of work required from each class is dependent on the professor, I have found that I work better with different professors than other students so while many people say that ratemyprofessor tells you everything you need to know about a professor you do have to really consider how you will work with the professor based on the post from other students.
Am enjoying being here
I feel that as a sophmore in college this was really the best place for me to be for the first two years it allowed me to get used to the work required for college and how independent you have to be for sucess in college. I do think that this is the best place for people who are not 100% sure of what the want to major in because they can get some of the required AA degree credits completed.
Bang for the buck
This was one of the biggest decision making factors for me because I got to find out exactly the major I wanted to pursue and it did not cost my a lot to complete my AA degree.
Tips for prospective students
Definitely check with people you know who have taken classes that you are getting ready to take to see how they felt about the professor they took the class with.
Great for these types of students
This school is great for all students who are ready to continue their education.

Christina from West Palm Beach, FL

a past student here
Did learn a lot
Community college is a great time to learn about yourself and what you like to do. I did that here at PBCC, if you like a professor or certain course work, take another class in that field and see if you don't fall in love...I did!
Did enjoy being here
There are times you love it and times you don't, but if you join clubs and make friends you are going to have a great time and never want to leave!
Bang for the buck
Apply for the Foundation Scholarships they have and that should really help the cost.
Tips for prospective students
Even though it is community college, take it seriously. Join the Honors College or Phi Theta Kappa; do things that are going to set you apart and help you to learn and grow! Keep a high GPA and you will get into any 4 year university! Also, if you plan to transfer do not wait until your last semester to start doing research on where you want to that ASAP!
Great for these types of students

Stephanie from West Palm Beach, FL

a current student here
Am learning a lot
If you're looking for challenge, you need to make sure you choose the right teachers not everyone here can have the same look at academics as you. I've definitely found a couple of great teacher from which I've learned more than I thought I would have.
Am enjoying being here
As far as as the environment, the school is not stressful. I'd definitely look forward to have the actual college experience at a bigger university when I transfer.
Bang for the buck
The school is very affordable. There are tons of possibilities to get aid from scholarship and grants to loans, not only outside the institution but within.
Tips for prospective students
If you decide to come to the school, and are planning to transfer, make sure you use your time wisely. Time goes very fast and you can easily lose track of it, and not realize you need to get many things ready before your graduation, especially if you are undecided about your major.
Great for these types of students
Undecided students that have not yet decided which major to follow. It is also great for people that do not want to go to a bigger univeristy, either because of cost or distance.

Carmen from Lake Park, FL

a current student here
Am learning a lot
I love all the options afforded to me such as paralegal studies, crime scene, nursing etc.
Am enjoying being here
If you're the kind of person who wants alot of on campus activities & clubs this school isn't for you. The clubs are few & very disorganized,
Great for these types of students
This school is a perfect fit for those who need a flexible schedule.