Muskegon Community College
Muskegon, MI, USA


Muskegon Community College

Erika from Whitehall, MI

a current student here
Am learning a lot
Muskegon Community College’s professors sincerely want their students to learn as much as possible and they go out of their way to make this happen. One of my instructors was excellent and helped me at my own pace. Another was tougher and rather vague. He had high expectations but I know that his teaching style made his students better learners. There are many classes available for freshman and sophomore students at MCC. There are even programs for those pursuing a bachelor’s degree.
Am enjoying being here
MCC has a uniquely qualified and friendly staff. I cannot say enough about my flexible, attentive, enthusiastic professors. Along with academics, students can enjoy extracurricular activities including sports, theater, and a multitude of clubs. Although there is no campus housing, you can still get to know plenty of people and make good friends.
Bang for the buck
'Bang for the buck' is right! For a Muskegon County resident like myself, classes cost only $69 per credit hour. College is always a wise investment, but community college is an amazing value. You can save a substantial amount of money staying at home and living off campus. MCC also lessens the cost of college by providing free services such as tutoring and printing.
Tips for prospective students
It is advisable to visit to get a general idea of the way an instructor runs his or her class. Pay special attention to the syllabus as this is an invaluable tool most students ignore. It will tell you what to expect, especially when it comes to grading. Know where you stand in a class. Some professors neglect to post grades and some make mistakes. They're only human! So always ask questions and take full advantage of office hours.
Great for these types of students
Students wishing to stay out of debt before their junior year or just ease into the college experience exercise good judgment in choosing MCC. The college is a good option for the young and old alike and offers the general education courses that all students need. If you are comfortable with a small school or can wait to transfer to a bigger one, MCC is a good fit for you. Approximately 5,000 students are enrolled this coming semester.

Logan from Whitehall, MI

a current student here
In three sentences
MCC has treated me well so far. It is not very demanding as far as school work and pressure for homework. I enjoy the small classes and how personal the feeling of the classrooms is.
Tips for prospective students
You don't always use the super expensive books that you buy so don't unwrap it until you know you're going to use it. Apply yourself. The easy homework that you don't do may come back to bite you.
Academic Rigor
It wasn't very stressful for me. The professors are very commonly laid back and easy going.
Dorm Life
There is none.....
Food and Dining
The Bistro is the bomb. I eat there all the time! Plus they have Little Caesar's and really good salads at the grab and go.
What to do for fun
Just sit in the student union and feast your eyes upon the nerdiness in the back corner.
Bang for the buck
Cheap as heck but you still get the same credits you'd be earning at a university for a fifth of the price.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Just beware of the student union.
Great for these types of students
Lazy, broke ones.
Clubs and Activities
A few clubs, but I don't have time for them because I work...
Greek Life
Campus Safety
CHARLIE. The most odd security guard you'll ever meet but a fun guy. Plus, we have a mini van. How hardcore.

Bianca from Fremont, MI

a current student here
In three sentences
The Administration office is a bit of a mess. However, the classes are wonderful. I cannot express enough how engaging and thorough my teachers have been.
Tips for prospective students
Get your financial aide rolling ASAP. Talk to your counselor.
Food and Dining
I haven't ate there.
Great for these types of students