Midwestern University-Glendale
Glendale, AZ, USA
Midwestern University is a private medical education institution, established in 1900. The Glendale campus is located in the state of Arizona, approximately 15 minutes from downtown Phoenix. The Glendale campus is home to a wide variety of facilities for experiential learning, such as the Companion Animal Clinic, the Dental and Eye Institutes, and the Multispecialty Clinic. High school students looking to get a head start on their medical careers can partake in one of the university’s many volunteer opportunities throughout the region.
Key Admissions Stats
Institution Type
- Not for Profit
- Coed
Need Aware
This school may consider an applicant’s financial situation when deciding admission
Level of Institution
4 Year
Campus Setting
Suburb or town
Admissions Requirements
Admitted Student Stats
Key Academic Stats
Highest Degree Offered
Total Number of Students
Classroom Sizes
Tuition, Cost & Aid
Key Financial Stats
Aid & Grants
Student Loans
Campus Life
Key Campus Stats
Size of Town
Suburb or town
LGBTQIA Student Resource Groups
On Campus Women's Center
On-campus living required of freshman
Varsity Athletics Conference Primary
Not applicable
Campus Safety
24-HR security patrol
Campus emergency phones
After Graduation
Post Grad Stats
Average Salary
6 years after graduation
What Students Are Saying
It is a great private, graduate school. The people here are open and friendly to differing backgrounds. It has brand new buildings and facilities with up-to-date technology which keeps students in the loop.
Julie from South Dakota
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Midwestern University-Glendale