Jackson State University
Jackson, MS, USA


Jackson State University

Maia from MI

a current student here
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Am learning a lot
great teachers, available tutors for every subject
Am enjoying being here
daily activities for everyone to enjoy both during the day and night, and friend environment
Tips for prospective students
Apply for as many scholorships possible
Great for these types of students
Jackson State is great for any student who wants to further their education and believes that education is the key to success.

Jasmine from Jackson, MS

a current student here
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Am learning a lot
This school is excellent, not only am i learning alot but i am also having fun learning. The instructors offer tutorial sessions that is available upon your schedule not thiers, they are kind, and caring. The campus is full of family felt love people. Yes i am learning alot.
Am enjoying being here
If you are not a party person, the campus is full of activities, and free. We have a movie theater, a bowling alley, a rec room with pool tables, swimming pools, student lounge, plenty TV rooms, and especially around the holidays if you are not able to go home for the holidays JSU hello is A Home Far Away From Home
Bang for the buck
It is definitely a bang for the buck, Not everything is free if it is your dream you do not mind, only remember in the end it pays off,you know where the money is going too and you see it. They provide you the materials to let you know where the monies are going.
Tips for prospective students
Go to Class
Get to Know your instructors
Use all the campus resources there are many available
There is help out there just waiting for YOU
Great for these types of students
Every type of student...Feel free...We are here for you...

Terica from Decatur, GA

a current student here
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Am learning a lot
The professors at Jackson State University are enthusiastic about teaching. They encourage the students to have a college-level attitude and come in ready to work.
Am enjoying being here
For the most part, I enjoy being here, but being six hours from home can be complicated. Yet the education is worth it.
Bang for the buck
Jackson State University has many scholarships to apply for.
Great for these types of students
This institution is great for those who would like to be from home and want to experience being at an Historical Black College or University.

Joiya from Chicago, IL

a current student here
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In three sentences
Jackson State is GREAT place to jump-start your life, socially, mentally and emotionally. Jackson is one big family, and that couples with the professionalism that the student body embodies and you will surely feel right at home. Like our motto states We are in the business of Changing Minds and Changing Lives.
Tips for prospective students
Before you enroll:
- Go on tours
- Go to events they hold for Prospective Students (usually called High School Day)
- Go to the homecoming game/parade (this helped me choose this school from other schools. School spirit is BIG, and if a school is lacking in spirit...might not be a great school)

When you get there:
- Make friends with people in your hall and other halls. Some great places to do that are the cafeteria, the Plaza and the freshman events on campus
- Go to class. High GPA is EVERYTHING here, it pretty much determines your life for the next 4 years. So, go to class and do great.
- If you live in a dorm, bring flip-flops/pool shoes to shower in, and keep your room clean.
- Join an activity!
Academic Rigor
ACADEMICS ARE LIFE! Professors are here for you if you need them, and they want you to do a good job in their classes. GPA is everything, so make it count.
Dorm Life
Living in a dorm here is a great experience - you meet alot of great people from all different backgrounds and you learn more about yourself. That being said there are a few downsides. The washing machines and the dryers sometimes do not work, however they get fixed very quickly, and there are multiple laundromats in each hall. Also, visitation (opposite sex coming into your dorm room) is only open during certain times, and only goes into play if you are a second-semester freshman and/or upperclassmen, but its really not that bad.
Food and Dining
O...M...G... The Cafe is SOOOOOO GOOD!! We also have a Burger King, Subway, WOW Cafe, Pizza Hut, Chick-Fil-A, Bistro 1877 (Just for JSU, great sandwiches) and plenty more. Also you have SuperCard, so you can use that to eat off campus at any restaurant/gas station/store that takes it.
What to do for fun
There is ALWAYS a party going on somewhere; however, if you are not a party person we have a game room, a movie theater, pool tables, a swimming pool, TV rooms, the Rec center, the plaza (there are always people on the plaza playing music and hanging out). If you are bored on campus, its your fault. Just saying.
Bang for the buck
Jackson State gives out scholarships to those who need it. they are not stingy in giving away money so just be on the lookout for it.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Hotspots (mini parties on the plaza)
Great for these types of students
EVERYTYPE! We have something for you here... trust me!
Greek Life
All of the Divine 9 are on campus, so if you want to pledge into a Black Sorority/fraternity, this is one of the best places to do it.

Durand from Detroit, MI

researching this school
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Will learn a lot
Going off past speakings of my friends...JSU is where its at. Teachers are great...big campus to meet multiple friends...its just great
Will enjoy being here
There's just so much to do and to get into...being bored here is not an option
Bang for the buck
Abosoutly...everything that the current students has said...100% true....everything past students has said...100% true...you just gotta go for it.


a current student here
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In three sentences
Jackson State University is a wonderful place to get your foot in the door and a jumpstart on your career. Combine the family environment with the professional of the student body and youll see why we are one of the best HBCU'S. At JSU we are in the business of challenging minds and changing lives.
Tips for prospective students
If staying on campus and in the dorms please bring shower shoes and house shoes. Noone wants to walk around barefoot. Do not pick the easy teachers when it comes to your major classes. You need the classes to help carry you throughout life. Do participate on campus its fun to get involved and meet new people.
Academic Rigor
Academics at JSU are top priority . Education is very important and the professors take it very seriously.A high GPA is everything and it matters everywhere.
Dorm Life
Dorm life is fun to a certain extent. Its very open so you get to mingle with different people in the dorm. The suite style is amazing to live in and its very important you get a clean roommate causes you do have to clean your own bathrooms. Only bad thing is visitation is not open and its only during certain times but its not that horrible as it sounds.
Food and Dining
The food on campus is improving. They are constantly changing and rebuild to make it better so thats a plus. The cafe is forever the same though which gets boring but there is a burger king, pizza hut, subway and many other food places located on campus to eat at.
What to do for fun
Honestly if you dont have a car or know someone with a car theres not much to do. They have certain things on campus like movie nights and there is a game room but you pretty much have to make your own fun.
Bang for the buck
Choose Jackson State I Did!
Greek Life
Greek life is amazing. We have all of the divine nine on campus and they are truly special. Greek life is becoming more prevalent on campus and trying to have more for students to do.

Christiana from Milwaukee, WI

a current student here
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Am learning a lot
Not only academically have I learned a lot, but about myself and life in general. Being thirteen years younger than my sister, I had to figure out college in its entirety on my own. I thought it would be extremely challenging. The instructor's and professors are really willing to work with you and help you understand the overall concept so that you don't get left behind. You'll learn that here, there are people that honestly want to see you succeed!
Am enjoying being here
Never having been on my own, away from family, or visiting JSU before arriving for my first semester, I had no idea what to expect. I was in love by the spring! There are a lot of campus involvement opportunities.
Bang for the buck
As an out-of-state student, tuition overall is quite reasonable. Not to mention the amount of institutional grants and scholarships that are available. All one has to do is apply from the convenient quick link on the home page. A few minutes to peruse the grants applicable to you and literally two minutes to fill the application out and done!!
Tips for prospective students
Simply be open to the possibilities of your future!
Great for these types of students
There is something for everyone. With so much to offer, there is an informational on what and how to become apart of the different clubs and organizations .

Jasmyne from Saint Louis, MO

a current student here
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In three sentences
Jackson State University is a medium sized campus and very diverse. The campus is beautiful, the professors care and the campus is full of history. I made a great decision of picking my HBCU, I hope others do the same! :)
Tips for prospective students
Do not travel far away from home if you are scared of being home sick. Distance can only grow you. DO NOT get caught up into the parties and hype, parties and kickbacks will occur all through the school year.
Academic Rigor
All of Jackson State University's professors have long history and are very diverse! I doubt if you will ever meet a teacher that won't have any knowledge to share with you. But most importantly, they care about teaching just like you should care about learning.
Dorm Life
Your dorm life is what you and your residence members make of it. Sometimes things and spills happen but you have to be an adult and take charge! The custodians can't be around 24/7.
Food and Dining
Jackson State University has an on campus Burger King, Chick Fil-A, and Subway. There are also other food places that vary in food. The cafe's food is good too, there's nothing wrong with free food.
What to do for fun
Meeting new people from various places is fun. The chill spot on Jackson State's campus is the plaza (also called the walkway), the student center, library (yes I said library lol some students do prefer to chill there as well) and etc.
Campus Safety
Campus safety is THE MOST IMPORTANT! Campus police try to be everywhere but just in case they are not please be careful. You can never be too careful, your future is the most important to you!

Chris Coleman from Chicago, IL

a current student here
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In three sentences
Jackson State is a great school and simply the best HBCU experience there is. If you want a nurturing, challenging, spirited, engaging, and exciting college experience that will help you grow and mature as well as set you up for success, this is definitely the school for you. J-S-U rocks the house!!!!!
Tips for prospective students
Observe and do a lot of research not only about what you plan to study, but how the department you'll be majoring in functions. Jackson state offers many great degree programs to choose from, but if you are unsure of exactly what you want to do, it can take you a while to decide on a major and do what you need to do to earn your degree. Also learn to manage your time and your social life. Your social life is a really important part of your overall college experience, especially at Jackson State. Make sure you balance your social life in a way that you can enjoy your time at JSU, BE INVOLVED, and do well academically.
Academic Rigor
JSU offers a wide variety of degree programs, many of which are nationally recognized and celebrated. The general core courses have a variety of teachers and scheduling times so there is plenty of opportunity to find a teacher and class time that can help you learn best and is best suited to your learning style. All across the campus, you will hear the phrase, students who go to class tend to pass, and this is very true on JSU's campus. Do not take any class too lightly. Lastly, JSU offers a nurturing yet challenging environment, the teachers will not baby you but they try to help you, especially if they see you making an effort and showing an interest in what is going on in the class. Communicating with your department and teachers is just as important as any other thing when it comes to being successful academically at Jackson State.
Dorm Life
When I first enrolled at Jackson State the oldest and worst kept dorms were for freshmen, while the upperclassmen enjoyed the more spacious and nicer dorms. Now as the university's student population has grown the dorms are first come first serve and about who can afford what room. Make sure you sign up for your room as early as possible to get first pick at where you would like to stay and to even choose who your roommates are. Always try and set up a room arrangement with someone you are compatible sharing a space with, cause they can make or break your dorm experience. Visitation for freshmen is limited to just the weekends, one incident in your building can get visitation for the whole building shut down for any given amount of time if you are not careful. But if you are fairly social, staying in the dorms will be a very fun experience between hanging out with friends in their rooms or yours, or going to the events that are sometimes held in the lobby of the residence hall, which can sometimes be a lot of fun. Dorm life is what you make it
Food and Dining
The food is steadily improving at Jackson State. Dinner is normally the best meal of the day in the dinning hall (referred to as the caf by most students) and also when the caf is the most crowded. Make sure you take advantage of the caf around certain times since they close early and prepare the best items around certain times of day. If you have a meal plan you will aslo be awarded tiger bucks to spend at some of the restaurants in the students center and around the campus, just make sure you don't spend them too quickly like many students do.
What to do for fun
Jackson is a decent sized city, but the problem is you need a car to get everywhere because things are far apart and public transportation is very slow. Several parties a year take place at the Regency or the Mansion, venues not too far from the school. But if you're not into partying there is almost always an event of some type to get into on campus. There are also PLENTY of organizations to get involved in on campus. The student center has a game room and lounge area and every other Friday around 12 the plaza host a hot spot which is just a small celebration with music and dancing, JSU's way of bringing in the weekend.
Bang for the buck
Jackson State is truly great experience. The school has a very family like nurturing feel to it and you are sure to meet some lifelong friends here, no matter what walk of life you're from. Homecoming at Jackson State is the best time you can have on a college campus, the alumni flock form all over the country to turn up with students and celebrate being apart of the best HBCU there is! Jackson State is also a place of great and many opportunities, both while you are in and out of school. If you're looking for a college home away from home, look no further!
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
The plaza, a courtyard which runs through the center of campus and which many students walk up and down to get to and from class, is always lively at any given time of day. Along either side of the plaza the divine 9 have Greek plots which they enjoy the privilege of sitting at, but there are benches and spots for non-Greek students to sit at and enjoy too
Great for these types of students
. Music Majors
.Education Majors
.Criminal Justice Majors
.Engineering Majors
.Biology Majors
.Business Majors
.Student Athletes
.International Students
.Students interested in studying abroad
.Students interested in leadership
.Students interested in pledging
Clubs and Activities
One of the greatest thing about JSU is all of the different clubs and organizations there are to choose from and get involved in. Many of the activities on campus are nationally recognized and frequently award winning such as the university marching band The Sonic Boom of the South and the basketball, football, soccer, baseball and volleyball teams, all of which hold several SWAC championship titles. There are many organizations for specific majors and academic departments, and also clubs that showcase different talents and interest of the students such as MADDRAMA performance troupe, clubs representing various home states and cities of the student population, and Insatiable Modeling Squad, just to name a few. There is literally something for everybody and most of the organizations on campus are extremely inclusive and may only require that you show an interest!
Greek Life
The full Divine 9 NPHC (National Pan-Hellenic Council) is represented on JSU's campus. Tau Beta Sigma national band sorority, as well as Phi Mu Alpha and Sigma Alpha Iota music fraternities and sororities are also present on campus. Unfortunately by way of tradition none of the Greek letter orgs on campus offer Fall lines so much more of the fun activities surrounding the Greeks only take place in the Spring. Socially the Greeks often host parties at venues very close to the school, and can be seen strolling on the plaza often. They also host forums and community service projects as well. All of the Greeks are active on campus and you will find many of their members involved in other organizations on campus as well. Be sure to observe and research about the organizations and the chapters to find out what may be a good fit for you
Campus Safety
Jackson is a relatively safe campus but it can still use some improvement. Walking around campus late at night by yourself is not advisable, especially around the time of year where it gets dark pretty early. Campus is patrolled by both campus security, and Jackson police officers who may not always be visible but they both tend to respond pretty quickly. Most recently the university had two traffic checkpoints built at either end of the campus, JSU is working on becoming a safe and more closed campus

Keleigh from Hereford, AZ

a current student here
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In three sentences
Jackson State has a supportive network of professors and alumni. There is a warm, welcoming, helpful atmosphere whether you are experiencing your first tour, going to class, or handling business in any of the offices. There are multiple opportunities to get involved with clubs and organizations, which are great opportunities to acquire community service hours.
Tips for prospective students
Be sure to study for the ACT/SAT tests. Academic scholarships make a big difference if you do not qualify for federal aid. Do not be afraid to show up to meetings or events, they are put in place so new people can get to know the organization. Clubs and extracurricular activities will help you to network with other students while also having a great time on campus. Jackson State has a very active Greek life, if you are interested in joining any organizations that are members of the Panhellenic council (Historically African-American sororities and fraternities).
Academic Rigor
There is a saying at Jackson State: Students who come to class tend to pass. More often than not, the key to getting a good grade in a course is simply showing up. Some teachers do not care about attendance, but others will hold students accountable and attendance will be reflected tin their grades. Learn how to study in a way that works for you, but do not stress if you do not grasp a concept because many professors here drop the lowest quiz/test grade or grade on a curve. There is tutoring available though the library and through the honors college.
Dorm Life
The freshman dorms do have community bathrooms, however they are visited by janitorial and maintenance staff daily. The dorms for upperclassmen have suites, where two rooms (with two roommates) share one bathroom. There is one dorm for sophomores, juniors, and seniors where each person gets their own room, and there are two bathrooms per suite. The community Assistants (CA's) are very helpful and serve as middlemen between students and the housing department. The dorms often have programs, little get-togethers, and guest speakers.
Food and Dining
The Heritage dining hall has some of the best cafeteria food I have ever tasted. The food tastes home cooked, and there is a selection of desserts. There are a variety of choices every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There is a Starbucks in the library, a Burger King attached to the cafeteria, and in the student center there is Chik-fil-a, Pizza Hut, and a soul food kitchen.
What to do for fun
Jackson State has a very active intramural sports program for those athletes who do not play for the school. You do not have to be a music major to be in choir or band. The Marching Band, called the Sonic Boom of the South, is a pleasure to watch, and all athletic games, even football games, are free for students! Free movies are periodically shown in the student theater, and the drama department puts on affordable and sometimes free shows. Throughout the year, there are free concerts, step shows, picnics, and dance performances. In the student center, there is a game room with Xboxes, Playstations, card tables, and pool tables. The gym and basketball courts are open until 9 at night.
Bang for the buck
Jackson State is located in the capital of Mississippi. It has a unique, vibrant culture and students just feel taken care of.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Every year, the freshman have to attend a convocation where they walk across a stage that mimics the graduation stage they will hopefully cross in four years.
Great for these types of students
Jackson state is great for students who want to go to a four-year university that isn't too big (about 9,000 students). For those interested in attending an HBCU, JSU is an excellent choice. It's very close to Downtown for those who want to be in an urban area. For those who want to give back, 120 hours are required to graduate, so Jackson State will help you reach your volunteer goals
Clubs and Activities
There is always something to do here at Jackson State. There are intramural sports, choirs, multiple dance ensembles, a book club, and many volunteer organizations. Joining a club here is important because 120 community service hours are required for graduation.
Greek Life
Greek Life is booming at Jackson State. Once you have completed 30 credit hours, you have the opportunity to apply for one of the nine sororities and fraternities of the Pan-Hellenic council. There are always step shows, community service projects, and fun programs and parties hosted by the greeks.
Campus Safety
Jackson State has a police station right on campus, but it is not in the best neighborhood. Police patrol the campus at night, but students who choose to wander alone should be vigilant and protect themselves with pepper spray or a taser. The best choice is to call for a police escort if you are leaving the library or a function at night when you are alone.