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Cochran School of Nursing

Yonkers, NY, USA

The Cochran School of Nursing is a 2-year nursing school affiliated with St. Johns Riverside Hospital just outside of New York City. CSN confers Associate of Applied Science Degrees in Nursing with a curriculum including classes in Human Anatomy, Nutrition, and Advanced Medical/Surgical Nursing. In addition, CSN’s Human Patient Simulators give students the chance to use their classroom lessons in real life situations and practice the skills that they’ve learned. For students who wish to earn a 4-year degree in Nursing, CSN holds articulation agreements for transfer with five area colleges and universities.


Key Admissions Stats

Institution Type
  • Not for Profit
  • Coed

Need Aware

This school may consider an applicant’s financial situation when deciding admission

Level of Institution
2 Year
Campus Setting
Suburb or town

Admissions Requirements

Transcript is not checked

Important Deadlines

Application TypeApplication DeadlineReply Deadline
Fall Regular DecisionMay 15

Rolling Admissions

The college has rolling admissions, which means applications are accepted any time throughout the year.

Admitted Student Stats

Out-Of-State Students


Key Academic Stats

Highest Degree Offered
Total Number of Students
Total Number of Undergrads
Academic Calendar


See your fit
Classroom Sizes

Student:Faculty Ratio
US National: 21:1

Tuition, Cost & Aid

Key Financial Stats

In-State Tuition In-state tuition is the tuition charged by institutions to those students who meet the state's or institution's residency requirements. In-district tuition is the tuition charged by the institution to those students residing in the locality in which they attend school and may be a lower rate than in-state tuition if offered by the institution.
Out-of-State Tuition Out-of-state tuition is the tuition charged by institutions to those students who do not meet the state’s or institution’s residency requirements. Out-of-district tuition is the tuition charged by the institution to those students not residing in the locality in which they attend school.

Aid & Grants

Students Receiving Gift Aid Percent of undergraduate students awarded federal gift aid. Federal gift aid includes any grant or scholarship aid awarded, from the federal government, a state or local government, the institution, and other sources known by the institution.
Students Receiving Grants Percent of undergraduate students awarded grant aid. Grant aid includes any grant or scholarship aid awarded, from the federal government, a state or local government, the institution, and other sources known by the institution.

Student Loans

Average Debt at Graduation The median federal debt of undergraduate borrowers who graduated. This figure includes only federal loans; it excludes private student loans and Parent PLUS loans.
Median Monthly Loan Payment The median monthly loan payment for student borrowers who completed, if it were repaid over 10 years at a 5.05% interest rate.

Campus Life

Key Campus Stats

Student Gender
Size of Town
Suburb or town
LGBTQIA Student Resource Groups
LGBTQIA Student Resource Groups is not checked
On Campus Women's Center
On Campus Women's Center is not checked


On-campus living required of freshman


Varsity Athletics Conference Primary
Not applicable

Campus Safety

24-HR security patrol
24-HR security patrol is checked
Campus emergency phones
Campus emergency phones is checked

After Graduation

Post Grad Stats

Average Salary
6 years after graduation