Cerritos College
Norwalk, CA, USA


Cerritos College

Gloria from Maywood, CA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
Cerritos is a great place to start off if you dont really know where you want to go or what you want to do for your future. The professors are nice and help you as much as they can, they want you to learn and will not make you feel dumb. They treat you as a University student which is a plus. Good Luck =] I've had a lot of fun here.
Am enjoying being here
Cerritos has a really nice campus. Most classrooms are up to date and the campus is not that big so the buildings are close to each other. Parking is sometimes a hassle but only for the first 2 weeks. There are many different activities the student government holds for us like they bring an in-n-out truck and every student gets a free meal and they have lots of job fairs. The sport teams are really good and competitive and going to the games are fun. They also have 2 computer labs that are open to all students that are perfect for between classes when you have nothing to do.
Bang for the buck
Compared to Universities Cerritos is the cheapest you can get. $26 a unit and the books are cheap too. Professors try to get the cheapest books for the students because they too know how the economy effects us. Cerritos also has programs like EOPS and Financial Aid which can help with books and tuition.
Tips for prospective students
I would come check out the campus to see if it is right for you. Its cheap, great for the LA area, and the professors are nice and are always there for you.
Great for these types of students
Cerritos is great for students who have full-time or part-time jobs, who are tight on money, and who just dont know what they want to do for their future, or where they want to go.

Chinyere from Bellflower, CA

accepted here and planning to attend soon
In three sentences
Cerritos college is a great way for student to get the fill of college and ready for universities. They have a varity of people willing to help and accomdated you with things that you may need and require. Campus is big easy to get lost but also to find your classes.
Tips for prospective students
Be ready for school because its not like high school where you think you can slack off andpass just like that. Take college seriously; it determines your future and use your financial aid wisely. make sure you apply to classes that you know that you need.
Academic Rigor
Academic rigor is great. The school gives you financial aid to go to school and pass your classes while enjoying being a college student at the same time. Classes are good; plenty of fun teachers and the environment is good as well.
Dorm Life
What dorm?? its a community college not a university. Wish they had dorm rooms though so it would bemuch easier for people to get to know one another and their personalities
Food and Dining
Food here is great. its not quite like a resturant but it is affordable for students going through hard times in this economy. It's not too expensive and its not too cheap that's why i like eating there most of the time
What to do for fun
You can always go and watch the games that they have. Either its a football game, track n field or something there is always things to watch and do at the school. Like take some dancing classes or boxing for a stress reliever.
Bang for the buck
All i can say is that it is easier than going to universities thats for sure.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Not to my knowledge that i can think of
Great for these types of students
It's great for student with different types of backgrounds doesn't matter where you are from. only thing that matters is that you are there to gain a degree and move on with your life.
Clubs and Activities
Too many clubs that you can join to keep you busy while you are bored with your life.
Greek Life
I don't have a greek life at cerritos which i highly need to look into myself
Campus Safety
They are everywhere you go even in the parking lots. They make sure the students are safe and reassures us that nothing is going to happen to us what so ever

Yessenia from Whittier, CA

a current student here
In three sentences
Most helpful and successful at helping you succeed in your studies! There are still a lot of programs and transfer courses to choose from with all these budget cuts! Classrooms are up to date with the latest technology.
Tips for prospective students
ASK ASK ASK questions to clear the air of all these rumors you hear from your peers! Staff at a cerritos college are friendly and nice, don't be shy to ask for help around the school as a freshmen. Make friends with older students to get most of the 411 on campus and to get the DO's and Don'ts! Regularly see a counselor to make sure you're on track with your educational plan!
Academic Rigor
Cerritos is still a community college, and doesn't have the big UCLA name attached to it but, all the transfer courses and undergraduate courses are excellent at giving you a challenge to get used to, before transferring to a four-year college.
Dorm Life
There isn't any dorms on campus, but there are apartments around the campus.
Food and Dining
On campus they have a variety of food to choose from and with reasonable prices!!
What to do for fun
Cerritos is close by freeway so its easy to jump on it and go to beach after class or anywhere you'd like.
Clubs and Activities
JOIN JOIN JOIN JOIN a club!!! There are so many different clubs there to choose from its unbelievable and also you will meet a lot people with the same interests as you!
Campus Safety
Campus police will escort you to you car if needed! PRETTY SWEET! :)

Jasmine from Paramount, CA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
Cerritos College offers a wide range of classes. I've been taking my General Education classes and I'm learning a lot of interesting things. The Professors here that I have encountered with are extremely helpful.
Am enjoying being here
I enjoy Cerritos College a lot. It's close by and it's not hard to get there at all. The only thing that is a hassle is the parking. I always arrive to school ahead of time just so I can get a good parking spot and arrive to my class on time. The only classes are amazing! I can stay in my pajamas all day and do Homework.
Bang for the buck
Unlike most Universities, Cerritos is a great start for first time college students. It's an affordable college that offers the same material and classes at most Universities. Why pay more for knowledge when you can get it cheaper? The only thing that is quite expensive would have to be the books. But of course you can find cheap books all over the place. There are great books across the street from Cerritos Campus who sell books at a reasonable price.
Tips for prospective students
For all the students who are planning to attend Cerritos I highly recommend that you register as soon as possible. When it comes to enrollment choose your classes wisely and pick the classes you want to take ahead of time so that when it comes time to enroll it can be done fast and easy.
Great for these types of students
Cerritos is great for all students who are interested in taking a few classes, getting their AA degree, or receiving a certification. If you're looking for a school to complete your general education requirements I highly recommend Cerritos. It has the highest number of transfer students which means more people can transfer out and pursue their education.

AhShunae from Los Angeles, CA

a current student here
In three sentences
I started going here Aug.20th, this school is one of the top highest schools. I rate this school top 10 on a scale 1-10 because the teachers are well rounded and help in anyway possible. I find it really fascinating, how the staff work together to help the student.
Tips for prospective students
when you come to Cerritos get connected. Find and surround yourself with students who want to learn. Utilize your teacher to your advantage. Make sure you take the techniques you're taught and reserve them. Here at Cerritos College, the professors and campus staff do what is needed to get you through each semester. So don't be afraid to ask for help. last but not least get tutoring if needed
Academic Rigor
The courses are what I would call hardcore. I call the course hardcore because each course is hard, but gives you exactly what you need. Under each course in the catalog, shows you if they are transferable or not. They have classes you can take to earn your way into a four year college. The teachers allow you to study, show you how to study, then quiz you to see what was learned.
Dorm Life
Cerritos College is a junior college so there is no dorms. You don't live on campus, so you will have to pace yourself on how to make it to classes in time.
Food and Dining
On campus there are food stations. We have Taco Bell, Pizza, Suzi and so forth. The students have a cafeteria where they can sit and eat. The tables are big, that way your able to do home work as well.
What to do for fun
Cerritos College have different programs you can inter that are fun. They have games you are allowed to attend. It is important to become involve so they also have different clubs you can join.
Bang for the buck
Cerritos College has many scholarships you can apply for if helpis needed. Our financial office staff do there best to make sure your semester runs smooth. We also have student loans, personal loans or you can also do a FaFsa on line. They also have BOG fee waivers. These waiver waive your tuition. This is so you won't have as much to pay. Now it depends on how many units you have. If you have 1-5 units you might only pay a little less but if you have 9 and up, you might not have to pay at all.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
I am a new student who has never been to this school other then this semester so, I have no ideas about the traditions just yet.
Great for these types of students
If you are serious about going to school and have many interest,then this school is for you. Now if you want a specific course only then you can look into different programs here and if you don't find what your looking for then this school isn't for you.
Clubs and Activities
Cerritos College have Drama club ,chest, swim, acting and so forth.
Greek Life
We have mythology classes here so if you wanted to know and learn about Greek life you can get involved.
Campus Safety
The campus have security and sheriffs located at the back of the college. They have their daily routine. They patrol and walk around the campus making sure each student is well protected.

Samuel from Norwalk, CA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
Cerritos College is actually a very good community college in terms of faculty and class quality. Every class I've taken so far, I have learned a lot in. Almost all of the professors act like they care, and if you ask for extra help most teachers will help you.
Am enjoying being here
I do enjoy my time at Cerritos College currently, however I really can't wait to transfer just because CC is such a big commuter school. What I'm excited about is dorming and meeting friends that will last a lifetime, and although that is possible at a commuter college, it's that much harder.
Bang for the buck
Cerritos is extremely affordable and the quality of classes and amount of credits you can obtain is SO worth it. You can get your entire general education out of the way for about ~4 grand (4 semesters, books included) roughly. That's a good deal right there.
Tips for prospective students
My tips for any students who are thinking about taking the CC route, is I would say go for it! You will save a ton of cash, plus if you apply yourselves you can easily have a great experience. Join clubs, take part in the ball and float design, etc. GET INVOLVED. I know everyone stresses that, but at a commuting college, if you want the college experience you really do have to try your best to get involved. Join the student government body, do something. If you do this, you will really enjoy your time at Cerritos College.
Great for these types of students
Cerritos College is great for students who are really trying to save some money, while getting all of your general education stuff out of the way. I would suggest that more extrovert people to go here, because having a social life at this college is going to require that extra effort. However, very worth it in the end.

Alec from Whittier, CA

a current student here
Am learning a lot
Every teacher has their specific style but yet they are similar in lots of ways. Here at Cerritos all the teachers want you to be involved in class and there a tremendous amounts of extra credit they make available to you.
Am enjoying being here
I am here four days out of the week and I wish I could be here more. Here at Cerritos everyone is very friendly and there a number of ways that you can stay on track and there are always activities happening on campus.
Bang for the buck
If you are trying to go the cheaper way for school then Cerritos should be your choice because it is only $26 dollars a unit. At the CSU and UC levels i don't know yet but they are a lot more expensive.
Tips for prospective students
Talk to your Professors and email them if you have questions. Even if yo think it is a dumb question email if you are to embarrassed to ask in class, the dumb question is the one not asked.
Great for these types of students
Who want to learn. and are and want a chance to be involved, here at Cerritos they find ways for you to stayed involved and give you a numerous ways to be involved

Genn from Paramount, CA

a current student here
In three sentences
This community college, is a school to begin your education and see yourself improve. You have a wide range of options in majors and programs to choose from. Counselors and Professors do their best for you to reach your academic goal.
Tips for prospective students
A student should have a plan of action in order to proceed further into their education.
Academic Rigor
The standards in Cerritos college are not that hard for new students, but challenge you as you reach the climax of your education.
Dorm Life
no dorms here.
Food and Dining
The school provides with on campus locations, as well as the culinary arts program that sells well made food.
What to do for fun
Joining clubs within your major is great! You can meet new people and also be involved in your community. There is a great amount of exploration and locations to socialize and hang out.
Bang for the buck
You pay for a good education and can also receive financial aid or other grants.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
The black room in the photography department is pretty unusual to see, but is a great place to develop photographs.
Great for these types of students
great for international, low income, and hard working students. Also well for students who want to work hard towards a successful career.
Clubs and Activities
Many clubs to choose from and can have a lot of fun with club activities. You can also find yourself to be in multiple clu
Campus Safety
Great campus safety. College police is always on standby in case anything happens. There are many police officers to help any student in need. If students lose items, they also help students with their items in the lost and found.

Edgar from Lynwood, CA

a current student here
In three sentences
Cerritos College a great community college for prospective students who's goal is to transfer. The professors are excellent and the environment at this school is rich. The campus is located in a great neighborhood, and it's located within miles of places were you can relax such as parks, malls, gyms, and restaurants.
Tips for prospective students
APPLY YOURSELF. Community College isn't the place to slack off, take the most units you can so you can be done quicker with the transfer process. This campus is a great place for this, and the professors I've had here are so helpful. Their is not a bad thing i have to say about this place, as you will love it yourself, just do not slack off.
What to do for fun
Their are restaurants, stores, shopping mall, and a gym located within a few miles here. The campus is so versatile in your free time. You can study in the library, do some research for the next class, as well as socialize with the other students here. Everyone is really friendly and everyone fits in.
Bang for the buck
Community College is the best option for people who's end goal here is to go to state university, i got covered by federal aid, compared to my friends who are going to university who already took out student loans, i'd say it is the best decision I've made.
Great for these types of students
Every students.
Clubs and Activities
The clubs here are great! They have a club for practically every major you can think of, the campus tries its best with holiday activities like Halloween maze or pumkin pie eating contest, brings the students closer.
Campus Safety
Excellent Campus Security who always make me feel safe when their patrolling around campus and in the parking lots. No break in cars, which make me have peace of mind during class, as my car was the biggest financial investment I've took, and it would be a tragedy to have it stolen.

Taloni from Los Angeles, CA

a current student here
In three sentences
Cerritos is a excellent driven college. It offers so many oppurtunities to those that really want to be successful . The staff is always fun to be around !
Tips for prospective students
Be willing to stay home on friday nights and saturday afternoons to get your work done . Be fully commited to what you want to do with your life .
Academic Rigor
The academics at this school are amazing and very well paced.
Food and Dining
The food and dining area is excellent a very social and accepting environment . The best hangout spots for those long breaks between classes.
What to do for fun
Theres a lot of fun things to do on campus , you can walk around and enjoy the scenery , you can go to the gym workout etc.