Key Academic Stats
Highest Degree Offered
Total Number of Students
Total Number of Undergrads
Non Traditional Learning
- Online Classes
- Online Undergrad Degrees
- Summer Sessions
- Combined Institution Double Degree Programs
Learning Options
- Honors Program
Student:Faculty Ratio
US National: 21:1Classroom Sizes
Graduate in 4 Years US National: 28%
Faculty Overview
What Students Are Saying
AWC provides every student the chance to create an educational plan. It helps you achieve your educational goal for a successful future. AWC helps students achieve their educational plan.
Iliana from Yuma, AZ
A great place to start
Nubia from San Luis, AZ
So far I was told the basics of what I will learn in my classes. They cover a wide range of topics, and I find them interesting.
Margaret from Somerton, AZ
The academic program here are excellents. I enjoy the lectures that are giving to us as students.
Carmalita from Yuma, AZ
There doesn't appear to any middle ground when it comes to academic rigor, some classes are incredibly easy (to me), where as others are incredibly difficult. Some of the difficulty with classes has to do with the material, the rest is due to the teachers; not even the best teachers can make truly difficult material easy, but a brutal teacher can make an easy class difficult.
Ruby from Yuma, AZ
the academic rigor is what is expected of the student who commits to the college life and learning. Arizona Western College has the combination of open-door admissions and student
expectations, it is easy to appreciate the challenge of
establishing and maintaining academic rigor.
expectations, it is easy to appreciate the challenge of
establishing and maintaining academic rigor.
Veronica from Yuma, AZ
The classes are not really difficult but some of the teachers are not so great, have to take it upon yourself to learn.
David from Yuma, AZ
classes are difficult but not overwhelming.
Thomas from Somerton, AZ