The Most Transfer-Friendly Colleges


A College Transfer Article

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The Most Transfer-Friendly Colleges

Most colleges accept transfer students, but which ones have created pathways to make the transition as easy as possible? I set out to answer that question for you and created a list of colleges and universities with large transfer populations, special programs, or other advantages specifically for transfer students. 

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Saint Louis University

A campus photo of Saint Louis University


Special Transfer Program? Yes — TRANSFERmation.

Minimum Transfer GPA: 2.5

Credit Minimum: None

Application Deadline: Rolling

Saint Louis University has very few restrictions on their transfer students — they don’t have any minimum credit requirements to transfer, accept an unlimited number of credits from 4-year colleges and universities, and only require you to earn 30 credits at SLU to earn a degree. If you’ve earned more than 24 college credit hours at your previous institution, you don’t need to worry about sending your high school transcript or standardized test scores, either. 

To review credit transfer outcomes, students must first submit an application but will hear from SLU in about a month regarding what will transfer over. Students accepted as transfers have their own orientation process, a class to help them adjust to life at SLU, scholarships just for them, and dedicated transfer student mentors.

Clemson University

A photo of the campus at Clemson University.


Special Transfer Program? No. 

Minimum GPA: 2.75

Credit Minimum: 30 credits

Spring Application Deadline: December 1st

Fall Application Deadline: July 1st

Clemson University’s website is prepared to help transfer students as much as possible — they even offer a Transfer Course Equivalency List (TCEL) that includes 1200 accredited colleges and universities nationwide. 

On top of that, transfer students have a special council, a transfer-focused housing community, and a special web portal to keep transfer students on track to graduate.

University of Michigan

A photo of the campus at University of Michigan.


Special Transfer Program? Yes — Transfer Connections

Minimum GPA: 3.0

Credit Minimum: None (Recommended: 30 credits)

Winter Term Deadline: October 1st

Fall Term Deadline: February 1st

The University of Michigan hosts Transfer Tuesdays once every month to provide an opportunity to learn about financial Aid, credit transfers, and admission requirements. The U-M Undergraduate Admission Office handles transfers for the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, as well as the College of Engineering. Other colleges must be contacted directly about transferring. 

The transfer student office publishes a monthly newsletter and U-M also hosts Transfer Connections, which pairs new transfer students with established transfer students. Students are also required to attend a special transfer orientation.

American University

A photo of the campus at American University; students lounging on the green.


Special Transfer Program? Yes - Transfer Transitions

Minimum GPA: 2.0

Credit Minimum: 3 credits

Credit Maximum: 60 credits

Fall Semester Deadline: May 1st

Spring Semester Deadline: November 1st

Summer Semester Deadline: April 1st

American University has a special orientation program for its transfer students, as well as a transfer success series that offers workshops in careers and internships, utilizing campus resources, time management, and more. 

While transfer students aren’t guaranteed housing, they are provided on a space-available basis that gives preference to students transferring 36 credits or less.

University of Washington

A photo of the campus at the University of Washington with cherry blossoms in bloom.


Special Transfer Program? Yes

Minimum GPA: TBD

Credit Maximum: 135 (90 lower-division credits)

Autumn Semester Deadline: February 15th

Winter Semester Deadline:September 1st

Spring Semester Deadline: December 15th

Summer Semester Deadline: February 15th

The University of Washington offers a number of resources for transfer students, including a transfer student portal website. For students interested in the transfer program, UW hosts Transfer Thursday sessions. 

Students can participate in Transfer First-Year Interest Groups, known as T-FIGs, which are peer-guided seminar courses that small groups of transfer students take together. UW also maintains a Commuter and Transfer Commons and offers Transfer Students United to support a successful transition.

University at Buffalo

A photo of the campus at the University of Utah.


Special Transfer Program? Yes - Transfer Student Honors Society

Minimum GPA: 2.5

Credit Minimum: 12 credits

Fall Semester Deadline: May 1st

Spring Semester Deadline: December 1st

The University at Buffalo welcomes more than 2,000 transfer students each year and gives them the tools they need to succeed. TAURUS, the Transfer Articulation and University Requirements at UB System, allows students to plug in all of their previously earned credits to see what transfers. 

UB also has special programs just for transfer students, including the Transfer Student Honors Society and the Advanced Honors Program.

University at Utah

A photo of the campus at the University of Utah


Special Transfer Program? No.

Minimum GPA: 2.6 (2.35 with an AA)

Credit Minimum: 30 completed semester hours

Fall Semester Deadline: April 1st

Spring Semester Deadline: November 1st

The University of Utah has a number of resources for students right on their website. They lay out their 3-step process to make completion of applications easier, and students can track the progress of their application. 

With 25% of their entire student body made up of transfer students, the University of Utah is well-versed on handling transfer credits. They offer a comprehensive breakdown on understanding degree audits, which are used to determine when a student will graduate, as well as a “what-if” feature so you can fiddle around with different majors. 

University of North Texas

A photo of the campus at the University of North Texas


Special Transfer Program? Yes, the Transfer Assistant Program (TAP) & Eagle Bound

Minimum GPA: 2.0 - 2.25

Credit Minimum: 44 - 30 college credit hours

Fall Semester Deadline: August 1st, 2020

Spring Semester Deadline: TBD

The University of  North Texas has a very helpful transfer program — including for students who don’t quite qualify yet. For students who don’t have 30 credit hours, they can qualify for TAP, which offers personalized assistance from an assigned Transfer Counselor. They’ll help students choose classes at a community college that will qualify for transfer. 

Transfer counselors are, of course, also there to assist qualified transfer students. Students transferring from regional community colleges should look into the Eagle Bound program, which could make the transfer process seamless. 

UNT offers an online credit audit system, as well as scholarships specifically for transfer students.

University of South Florida

A photo of the campus at the University of South Florida


Special Transfer Program? No. 

Minimum GPA: 2.5 (3.2 for nursing majors)

Credit Minimum: 12 credits

Fall Semester Deadline: July 3rd, 2020

Spring Semester Deadline: October 1st

The University of South Florida has three campuses in the Sunshine State. More than 50% of their student body is composed of transfer students — so you’ll definitely be in good company! They accept more than 60% of their transfer applications, which does make this university a bit competitive, so read the requirements carefully. 

USF offers scholarships specifically for transfer students, holds a special orientation, and is home to an Office of Transfer Student Success, where advisors can answer pre-transfer questions and even do preliminary credit reviews.

Portland State University

An aerial view of the campus of Portland State University


Special Transfer Program? No.

Minimum GPA: 2.25, or 2.0 with an AA

Credit Minimum: 30 credits (Speak to a counselor if less)

Fall Quarter Deadline: September 1st, 2020

Winter Quarter Deadline: December 6th, 2020

Monthly, Portland State University hosts Transfer Open Houses. They have Transfer and Returning Student Advisors to connect to, who offer transfer planning and unofficial course reviews. 

Transfer applicants do not have to submit standardized test scores. PSU will also holistically review applicants who don’t meet the minimum GPA. More than 90% of transfer applicants are accepted, and the student body is made of 15% transfer students, so you’ll be in good company!