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CouponBirds "Help to Save" Scholarship


CouponBirds has implemented a "Help to Save" scholarship for high school and college students who need help with their tuition fees. This program requires the participants to upload a 2-3 minute video (no longer than 5 minutes) about how to save money with CouponBirds. Individuals with the best ideas and responses will be chosen to give a presentation at our site, and the person with the most intriguing ideas will receive a grand prize.

High School students must be 15 years old at least and provide an Enrollment Certificate. College students interested in participating in the scholarship program must be enrolled at an accredited university or college and 18 years or older. Open to high school and college students of the United States or Canada for the current school year.

Sign Up to Start Applying
$500 - $1,200
Deadline October 10, 2024
Number of Awards Granted6

Create a free account and automatically be entered to win our monthly $1,000 Easy Money Scholarship

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Eligibility Requirements

Minimum Age15
Enrollment Levels
Non-U.S. Citizens Eligible
Accredited University Required