The University of New South Wales is an Australian public university in the Sydney metro area. UNSW is home to nine academic faculties conferring undergraduate degrees and is a member of the Australian coalition of research universities known as...

A program that prepares individuals, under the supervision of ophthalmologists, to analyze, evaluate, and treat specific disorders of vision, eye movement, and eye alignment in children and adults. Includes instruction in eye anatomy, neuroanatomy, physiology, pharmacology, ophthalmic optics, diagnostic testing and measurement, orthoptic treatment therapy, systemic ocular diseases and disorders, principles of surgery, examination techniques, patient education, child psychology and development, learning disabilities, medical writing, and record-keeping.
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The University of Liverpool is an institution located in the city of the same name. Founded in 1881, the redbrick university is proud of their founding mission, ‘for the advancement of learning and enoblement of life,’ which they still maintain today...