Students studying

Military and Strategic Leadership

A program that focuses on the analysis and systematic study of the intersection between leadership and operational art at the tactical and/or strategic levels. Includes instruction in leadership case studies, the dynamics of battle and associated responsibilities, the use of opportunities and resources, the human and physical dimensions of warfare, the effects of technology and logistics, doctrine, logistics, stress and the legal authority of command. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.

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Oral Roberts University

Oral Roberts University is a private Christian university located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is a globally recognized, Holy Spirit-empowered university that develops whole leaders for the whole world. ORU has six colleges with more than 150 majors...


Not only am I learning SO much in regards to my media major and other general courses, I feel that I am learning so much about life and how to be a prospect for change in my community.

” – Chris from Tulsa, OK