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Why You Should Get Involved on Campus

August 29, 2018
Why You Should Get Involved on Campus


Attending a college or university will lead to a career in which you can succeed and love what you do. But school is so much more than sitting in class and listening to lectures! Joining a social or academic organization on campus is a great way to get the most out of your experience. Here are a few reasons why you should get involved on campus.

Make Connections

A degree qualifies you for a job, but who you know is just as important! The president of your sorority, your coworker or your best friend may be the person to help you land your dream job. Creating connections through campus involvement doesn’t end when you graduate. Join your university’s alumni network after graduation, so you can keep in touch with the connections you made when you were a student.

Build a Sense of Community

Your college isn’t just where you will attend school for the next four years, it will also be your home. But making campus feel like home does not happen instantly, you must put some effort into it. Joining academic and social organizations will give you some friendly faces outside of your classes. This feeling of familiarity and comfort is a building block for creating a community for yourself!

Discover New Interests and Skills

Joining club tennis can lead to a hobby you enjoy for years to come. Writing for the school paper might uncover a hidden talent for writing. You never know until you try! The experience you gain may help you get a job after you graduate. If you are undecided in your major, discovering new interests and skills can also help you to find the right career path. The best job is one you are truly passionate about, it's also where you are amazed that you get paid to do what you do.

Alleviate Stress

From cramming for a big test to roommate challenges, college students have a lot of things to juggle in their lives. This could stress anyone out. Joining a campus organization is a great way to temporarily remove yourself from these situations and relieve a little tension. Having a clear head will help you to handle stressful situations better!

Have Fun! 

Your academics should be your top priority, but they should not be the only thing of importance to you. Make time in your schedule for a little fun, or things may become overwhelming. Getting involved in a campus organization is the best way to incorporate a little excitement into your week. You will make new friends and take a break from your studies for a while.

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