It is our mission to empower high school students to realize their potential by helping them make confident college choices. One way we work toward that goal is by creating a space for students and alumni to share their unique experiences at individual higher education institutions so that prospective students can learn about the qualities, culture, environment, and events that make each school great - straight from the students themselves.
Appily encourages users to express their opinions authentically and provide details to support their statements. Constructive criticism is valuable, but users should refrain from making exaggerated statements that could mislead or create an inaccurate representation of a school.
These guidelines aim to support a community where reviews are informative, trustworthy, and contribute to the overall quality of information available on Appily.
Reviews are moderated and approved by a thorough two-part system; reviews pass first through automated quality control measures that scan the content for inappropriate or unhelpful words and/or phrases, then are manually reviewed by a real, live person in case of inadvertent technical gaps or failings.
Reviews may be disapproved or removed if we feel they do not serve students in this mission, including, but not limited to the following content types:
- Inappropriate Content: Reviews containing offensive language, including curse words, racism, bigotry, sexually-charged content, hate speech, or derogatory terms.
- Personal Information: Reviews that include specific personal information, such as email addresses or birthdates, or references to individuals by identifiable information.
- Hyperbolic Statements: Reviews containing overly exaggerated or unrealistic praise or criticism without supporting details.
- Crimes: Reviews referencing crimes or campus safety violations, including, but not limited to, references to drug use, harassment, theft, and more.
- Threats of Harm: Reviews containing specific threats of harm to oneself or others.
- Gibberish: Reviews that are unintelligible, including major spelling or grammatical errors, or indecipherable, such as poems, lyrics, or random letters.
- Third-Party Links: Reviews, including links to external webpages, will not be approved.
- Clear Inaccuracy: Reviews that clearly and indisputably discuss the wrong school or location.
- Uninformed Reviewer: Reviews from individuals who indicate a lack of knowledge or affiliation with the school or topic being reviewed.
- Intellectual Property: Reviews including information subject to copyright or trademark protection.
- Advertising Content: Reviews with blatant advertising or promotional content.
- Incentivized/Coerced Users: Reviews that show clear evidence of being incentivized or coerced.
Please note that due to system limitations, reviews containing emojis unsupported by our operating system may not be published or may be removed. Users are advised to review our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy for a comprehensive understanding. These guidelines are subject to change at our discretion, and we reserve the right to modify them without prior notice.