Grace College
Winona Lake, IN, USA


Grace College

Ty from Cedar Rapids, IA

a current student here
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In three sentences
grace college is a great place for a student to grow with god and in academic excellence. whatever your major is there are classes that you will take to strengthen and grow you relationship with god. the faculty are very diligent in helping students with their studies.
Tips for prospective students
if you can, fill out the early registration form. it will save you time and money.
Academic Rigor
the academic environment is quite good. the professors expect you to work hard and be responsible for you own work and assignments. they will, however, help you if you ask for their assistance.
Dorm Life
dorm life cool. all of us freshman on my hall are really close. i've made friends that will last a life time.
Food and Dining
alpha is the name of our dining and they do an excellent job of food variety. if you don't like what is on the line, then you can always get variety of salads, pizza, burger and fries, deli meats, subs, and more.
What to do for fun
the campus is right next to a lake. there is a movie theater and many restaurants and shopping outlets. for more excitement, the nearby city of fort wayne is much larger and has many more attractions.
Bang for the buck
with the new 3 year program, a student can get a 4 year degree in 3 years. this saves each student a whole years worth of college bills.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
one fun tradition is when a couple get engaged, the guy is swept away by his friends and tossed into the lake. then he must run back all the way to the girls dorm where a large iron bell is set and ring it to announce the engagement.
Great for these types of students
grace college is prime for students who are majoring in any ministry field, education field, psychology, and art.
Clubs and Activities
grace is bustling with clubs. to my knowledge, the types of clubs we have is service clubs, rugby club, men's volleyball club, a few ethnic clubs( like the korean club and african-american club). service is a large emphasis at grace so there are many different opportunities to service in many areas. we also have the student activity board(sab). they plan campus wide events and get-togethers.
Campus Safety
campus safety can be seen driving around campus all day, and all night.
so the campus is very safe.

Dustin from Fort Wayne, IN

a current student here
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Am learning a lot
The professors here make a point to teach each student specifically. They are willing to take time after class, before class or even on the phone after school hours to answer questions. Everything is taught from a real life perspective. I have never thought to myself When am I ever going to use this? when learning material. The Bible is also a textbook in every class. Professors integrate biblical values into all classes from business to science.
Am enjoying being here
The people here truly care about you. Taking the time to invest in friendships and relationships is something that everyone enjoys doing. It is easy to find a group of people that you enjoy spending time with. The Christ-centered atmosphere also makes for great accountability and theological conversations.
Bang for the buck
Grace is a little expensive according to the price tag. The fact that 95% of students receive either government or institutional aid help with the price. Even without the aid Grace is less expensive than most private schools our size. The atmosphere and friendships with peers and professors that you will develop makes the price tag well worth it.
Tips for prospective students
Be prepared to work hard at school but have a blast with friends. When you visit check out major classes not general education classes. Ask your admissions counselor questions and enjoy the company and friendly atmosphere while you are here.
Great for these types of students
Christ-followers or those interested in learning more about Christ who want to mature spirituality, mentally, and relationally and enjoy every day of college.

Chris from Marion, IN

accepted here and planning to attend soon
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Bang for the buck
Not overly expensive. Job or master's program acceptance guarantee when graduated. If not, they give you another year of schooling at no cost!
Tips for prospective students
Small school, great facilities, beautiful town and campus.
Great for these types of students
Anyone who wants a smaller campus atmosphere.


a current student here
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In three sentences
Grace College's professors care about you as a person, not just about their class. Dorm life is fun and encouraging. The accelerated academic program is fantastic as I can receive my undergrad degree in 3 years.
Tips for prospective students
Attendance to class is important. Turn in your roommate request and informational they do match you well. Try not to take early morning classes your first quarter.
Academic Rigor
You will be challenged in all areas, yet supported. You take 3 classes each quarter, so it's easier to stay focused. The accelerated 3 year program allows you to save money or gives you the option for your master's degree in four years, still being eligible for scholarship.
Dorm Life
Love it! We have some crazy fun together. Everyone gets to know each other in your hall.
Food and Dining
The food is good. You learn what you like. Plenty of choices.
What to do for fun
Campus activities are happening all the time. I have had to learn to prioritize my time as I could be engaging in some fun activity all the time. The area is great too. Lots of opportunity for varying activities.
Bang for the buck
Grace College is an excellent place to grow as a person and academically. You have several activities and sports to get involved in, job opportunities are available.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Several freshman activities are set up for you to get to know others. You stay with your learning group throughout the year.
Great for these types of students
Tutoring is available if you struggle in a class. Diversity acceptance is a focus. People get a along. It's a smaller college yet growing, which provides you support along your way.
Clubs and Activities
Greek Life
Campus Safety
You are safe. Safety assistance poles are around campus in case you need help with anything, Lighting is good all over. People look out for each other.


a current student here
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In three sentences
An incredible place of individual and communal growth. Students have countless opportunities for community service and networking. The spiritual atmosphere is one of unity and dedication.
Tips for prospective students
Come prepared to change spiritually, because Grace College is passionate about growth. Be prepared to work hard, because the 8 week sessions go by quickly and the workload is rigorous.
Academic Rigor
Since many of the students are planning to graduate in 3 years, through the ReImagine program, there are new classes every 8 weeks. This new system can be challenging for students who are taking 18 credits per semester. The workload is hard, but definitely doable.
Dorm Life
There are distinct personalities to each dorm on campus, but every one of them is characterized by a deep community atmosphere. The Resident Directors are extremely helpful and involved in residence life, and the Resident Assistants are intentional about building community. Dorm life is fun, crazy, and just what you need after a long day of classes.
Food and Dining
Alpha Dining is the main cafeteria, and their food varies from sublime to bland, at best. Sub Connection serves excellent sandwiches, though!
What to do for fun
Warsaw is minutes from Grace, and there are numerous places to go. Students at Grace frequent the movie theater and the many restaurants in Warsaw. There are multiple lakes in the surrounding area for swimming, boating, or wake-boarding. Winona Lake is a very unique, artisan community, with interesting shops and free concerts of great quality.
Bang for the buck
Although Grace is rather expensive, a student's is certainly worth all the money. There are student jobs on campus that can help with finances, as well.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
When couples get married on campus, there is a bell ringing ceremony that is fun to watch, but a little hard to explain.
Great for these types of students
Students who are passionate about community, service, and growing in Christ.
Clubs and Activities
The Serve teams on campus provide opportunities for serving in many different areas in the community, from Dance for Him, which is a free ballet class for elementary school students, to Destiny Rescue, which creates awareness of human trafficking issues. There are a variety of language clubs, including a Korean club led by Korean exchange students.
Campus Safety
Campus Safety patrols Grace and the surrounding area constantly, and students always have help when they need it.

Daniel from Wayland, MI

a current student here
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In three sentences
Grace College is a Christian College founded on the principles/essentials of Christianity. The professors and students who make up the body of the college are welcoming and inclusive. This college equips its students to be effective and competent for their future careers.
Tips for prospective students
Incoming students should prepare to study as much as necessary in order to learn in their fields of study. Before entering the college, the students should visit the campus to gain a better understanding of what goes on at Grace College. When they schedule a campus visit, they should spend time in a dorm to meet other college students.
Academic Rigor
The difficulty of the college depends of your major and the courses you take each semester. Last year, I took twelve courses. Most of those courses demanded a lot of studying and reading. After graduation, students will find out that they have only really gained from what they invested into their coursework. If they do not study, they will not profit much from their classes. After studying, there is plenty of time to do recreational activities and games.
Dorm Life
Dorm life is great. The community life is fantastic. Over the course of a year, students develop strong friendship bonds with the other students on their halls. If you want someone to talk to, you can feel free to open a hallmate's door and talk to him/her. Students stop by each other's rooms and ask how they are doing. Occasionally, entire halls get together and do activities together (i.e. watch a movie, go bowling). All dorms halls are paired into brother and sister halls. Open dorms are fun sto visit your girlfriend/boyfriend and play games and talk.
Food and Dining
The food at Grace College is plentiful, and there are many choices. Whenever I get tired of the food, I think of children around the world who are starving, and that makes me grateful for what I have. There is a restaurant of campus like Subway in which students can purchase subs, chips, fountain drinks, salads, and fruit with their meal plans. Next to this restaurant is a coffee shop which serves coffee, smoothies, and cookies. In the bookstore, there is another smoothie/coffee shop.
What to do for fun
Many students disperse into the surronding community to do activities for fun over the weekend. There are open dorms and students body activities to do on campus. Nearby, there is a bowling alley, restaurants, a parks, a lake, and Wal-Mart. One can see many students talking out on the college campus during the course of the week. Many students play games with their friends for fun.
Clubs and Activities
Next to campus, there is an elementary school in which students can participate in College Mentors for Kids. This programs pairs college students with elementary students to give the elementary students visions and aspirations for the future. The college students come alongside the elementary students for two hours every week and do fun games and learning experiences with them. There are also various ways to participate in the community.
Campus Safety
Campus Safety can be seen driving around campus every day and night.


a current student here
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In three sentences
An actual, wholesome Christian community. Almost everyone is kind and the love for the Lord on the campus is palpable.
Tips for prospective students
Freshmen have a required curfew (12 on weekdays, 1 on weekends). They are also required to attend Growth Groups on Wednesday nights. It's just a little bible study, they're pretty fun! I'm a Growth Group Leader, so I'm biased though. There are biweekly room checks where your RA makes sure you take out your trash and make your bed.
Academic Rigor
The 8 week class schedule is rough. Not because the professors are mean, they're all great! It's just that you really need to study to make sure you retain the same amount of information from the classes. I'm a Psychology major, and the best professors in the psych department are Edgington and Graham. If you're visiting try to sit in on one of their classes.
Dorm Life
I've lived in Alpha my entire time at Grace. This year I'm in leadership on the hall. The RAs and GGLs at Grace sincerely care. I recommend Alpha highly to all incoming female freshmen. It may not be the most beautiful dorm, but it's definitely the most connected. We also have a new dorm being built that's supposed to be awesome.
Food and Dining
This is where Grace is lacking. We have 3 dining options, Alpha Dining, Westy Grille, and Subco. Westy is like a knock off Chipotle, Subco is a knock off subway, and Alpha is buffet style. I have a lot of dietary problems, mainly lactose intolerance and a banana allergy. I've had to go to the hospital twice in Alpha because of their inability to label foods. It's getting better with time, and it's something that people can live with if they love Grace. But if you have a problem with Gluten, milk, or nuts it will be a challenge for you here.
What to do for fun
It's pretty important to make connections at Grace, simply because there isn't a ton to do. You can go read by the lake during the day for fun, or explore the Village of Winona. But besides that there really isn't much. The Student Activities Board is pretty good about planning events, but without a car and friends you might be a little bored. If you're naturally adventurous and easy to friends, you won't be bored. Otherwise, maybe get Netflix.
Bang for the buck
The scholarships offered at Grace are pretty good if you're academically successful. Grace accepts almost everyone, but it's extremely hard to come without help. The three year and four year blended programs help a lot though.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
Ring By Spring is a term I never heard until I came to Grace. Almost half the campus is engaged by the Spring of their senior year. Personally I don't like this. Please don't fall into the engagement trap if you come here.
Those many engaged couples have this tradition where the guy gets thrown in the lake and then rings the Alpha bell. It's cute, but a little annoying when you live in Alpha. Especially after 11.
The Hike is another one. The freshmen have this giant scavenger hunt, then build cardboard boats to go out in on the lake.
#PTL (Praise The Lord), #Blessed, #BeyondBlessed, and #HMFJ (Hot Mess For Jesus) will become your new favorite hashtags
Great for these types of students
People who love the Lord fit in well at Grace. I've had quite a few professors who pray every day before class, and I love it. Even if you don't have a strong knowledge of the Lord, come to Grace. I became a Christian when I was fifteen, so I was a little nervous about how much more everyone else would know about the Bible than me. It was pointless, I've learned so much and furthered myself so much in my walk with Christ. I'm even leading other girls to Him.
Clubs and Activities
MOSAIC is amazing. Please ask about it if you visit.
Greek Life
There is none. Which I think is better.
Campus Safety
I'm not afraid to go on a walk with someone at 2 in the morning. The campus is well lit, well policed, and there are security call boxes every twenty feet.

Mychala from Richmond, IN

accepted here and planning to attend soon
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In three sentences
I had never heard of Grace before, but kept getting things sent to me in the mail. While I was on campus during my visit I felt God calling me to come to Grace. The campus is very small and in town, which I enjoy.
Dorm Life
Dorm life seems to be pretty interesting. Grace reconstructs old buildings, and therefore all rooms are different.
Food and Dining
The food was really good when I visited. The nice thing about the campus being in town is that you could also go out to get something to eat and not have to travel very far.
Great for these types of students
Grace is great for the students who want to continue to better their relationship with Christ. The school seems to really share the gospel in all that they do.
Clubs and Activities
An activity Grace does is basically a big campus laser tag. The President is involved and you get a name of someone on campus and have to shoot them.
Campus Safety
Campus Safety is always reliable. They are willing to walk you to your dorm or car at night if you aren't comfortable to walk in the dark for example.

Corinthia from Bloomington, IL

accepted here and planning to attend soon
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In three sentences
Grace has an amazing and welcoming atmosphere! The staff works hard to make sure you are comfortable with the school , staff and education plan you choose! Grace does so many little things that start to add up over time to reduce your bill by the end of the semester!
Tips for prospective students
Always ask questions! The staff is always there and quick to respond when helping you out!
Academic Rigor
The classes are challenging and the teachers are here to help you!
Dorm Life
Each floor has small group time which creates great community fast! I loved living in the co-ed dorms! There is a brother - sister community that is established between floors to really make sure no one is alone!
Food and Dining
Great food, constantly changing, easy meal schedule to follow! There are always options that will leave you satisfied with every meal!
What to do for fun
There are TONS of clubs and extracurricular groups you can join as well as sports teams. The college is in a resort town so there are always festivals or restaurants you can walk to and check out. Campus is very spread out and is surrounded by forest so there is always the option to hike or hammock anywhere!
Bang for the buck
From free textbooks to tuition being cut off $1000 each year you attend Grace, you can tell that the school wants to reduce your bill as much as possible.
Share any unusual traditions or locations on campus
There are several freshman events that go on to establish community and help freshman get comfortable with the school!
Campus Safety
Campus is wide spread but there is security everywhere. The college is also located in a good town with good people so there is no reason to worry while on campus.

Kelsey from Zionsville, IN

researching this school
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Academic Rigor
Many students are completing four years worth of college in just three years making it very academically rigorous.
Dorm Life
There seems to be something for everyone.
Bang for the buck
Tuition goes down each year that you return, books are free and four years are condensed into three, all making it very affordable.